The value of the Precepts: nuisance or tranquility

  • 2016

What is a precept? is actually a concept that many of us want to run away from, in fact, some claim that vows or precepts exist to be broken.

A precept is an action guide, a value, a commandment, a promise in some areas, however, here we will talk about a guide to act, for protection of our spiritual practice, of our emotional state and our daily life.

There are many precepts according to the current spiritual religion, for example that of No Lies, it is the most common and they affirm that it is the most difficult If it continues, it is not really so much if we understand the consequences of this action. One of them is, for example, the mental agitation that it provokes, suppose that someone said something false about another person, there is a certain fear of being discovered by the person himself or those around him, and yes, it is a fact, late or soon lies are discovered cause and effect without more.

cause and effect without more

From an emotional point of view, lying about someone can carry a load of anger, anxiety, revenge or some other feeling that the person who experiences it inside and in the spiritual aspect harms For example, in meditation it does not allow us to enter a state of tranquility or serenity necessary for good practice. Deep down we become unreliable, nothing congruent and if the lies are repeated they become habit and compulsion.

It is not a pleasant panorama if we take into account its cyclical and expansion tendency, that is to say that there is a high probability that it will grow and become complicated, that it includes more and more people. Something like the effect of the broken phone.

I remember that some teacher said that trust is difficult to achieve (especially in these times) and easy to lose, something like if you build it with one hundred actions and break it with two or three.

The lie is only a non-constructive action, but the analysis can be extended to many other non-edifying ones such as: damaging other beings, greed, pride, malice, dividing or separating people to name a few.

The recommendation here is not to believe that following precepts or guidelines of action isolate or limit us, on the contrary, they protect us from experiencing a life full of uncertainty and complexity.

For example, consider greed, if someone you know is unemployed and asks you for financial help that you are in a total position to provide, even if it is not returned to you; you say no and suddenly in an instant appears the awkward thought of knowing that you could do it, that perhaps the person does not get help and is in greater trouble, comes the common remorse, of course the mind is agitated, in the bottom line we always know that something was not right without someone else saying it ... because we know what we should do and compassion is part of our nature ... when we go against what we feel, because not to say it, we suffer in all areas, no matter the exterior to which we are surely damaging, internally it is not pleasant what happens to us.

Why not reflect and understand the benefits of good acting, of ethical behavior? ... from the enormous peace it contains, over time as a result of being attentive to your behavior you can observe the considerable positive impact on others, you become congruent, reliable, simply a person who lives in peace. It is an ideal state that only requires turning its back on all the actions that harm us and opening the mind to all those that provide us with inner well-being.

Think of the enormous benefits of acting well

It is not easy, but just as we learned to deploy non-edifying actions, we can re-learn to live in the environment of the edifying, destroy the habit we have strengthened with repetition, and use it to build the counterpart that generates satisfaction. .

Our outer world will be grateful and benefited ... and our inner world will be in the best condition of peace and confidence necessary to progress . Remember that we have everything to do it and never, it really is never too late to start.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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