Mediumship Phenomenon or Healing? by Misael Godoy

  • 2014

Mediumship, being one of the most controversial and fascinating activities of the human genre, has been applied since ancient times. There is news that before Master Jesus, there were already mediums who contacted the dead, with divinities, even of the prophetic type that transmitted knowledge to humanity.

Over time this practice became popular and with the arrival of Allan Kardec, it began to take more seriousness and consideration until today, breaking certain taboos based on the occult And ignorance.

Mediumship as a phenomenon is fascinating and even important to be investigated in scientific fields, leaving aside all mysticism and fascination.

Many of the people who attend these activities need proof, a specific type of information to know that the phenomenon is true and this concerns the skeptic par excellence.

We are not against the fact that mediumship or the channels executed by a person are studied with total rigor, seriousness and scientific form. These studies open the field to new possibilities and place people aware, sweeping away the ignorance and prejudices that this discipline has. In turn we stop, when suspicious questions or questions are involved.

We are not interested in people approaching the phenomenon itself, to know if it is true or not when a channel starts its work. What interests us is the healing it produces when it is executed.

The relief, well-being, positive changes and development, both personal and internal, that people can achieve over time through a channeler, is unpayable.

This activity has rarely been seen as a means of healing. Those who ignore the true process of it need proof, the most naive try to get carried away by a kind of stalkers. However, there are people in good faith who, being educated and intelligent, give themselves to the cause in an open and detached way and achieve a good healing on the part of the channel or what is being executed as a service at that time.

It is clear that there are mediums of all types, with various types of mediumship application. Not all channelers are perfect and if the person in question seeks specific data, they can obtain them, either with good results or with certain details, since as we have transmitted to this channel, mediumship is not perfect and requires a good brain to that the information be translated properly.

People or consultants who believe that this activity is divination are extremely wrong and it is better that they go elsewhere. To test a medium in a state of trance without his consent, is a tremendous lack of respect whose impulse can only come from the darkest and most malicious ego.

It is important to clarify, my brothers, that if a person is going to see a medium whose publicity declares that through his gift he can give concrete details and he does not do so, we are facing a clear indication of deception towards the public or self-deception. But the story is different when the activity of the channel is a noble task dedicated to internal development and healing.

Mediumship is a healing activity and through this medium it is running with the various applications that take place from week to week.

Remember, my brothers, to come into full contact as a channel and get in touch with a Higher Self, a deceased relative or be available to a spiritual doctor to intervene a patient with spiritual surgery, it is necessary to be open, dedicated to the cause and trust, mainly trust.

We have trained this channel Misael Godoy for many years of this life and much of his recent life as Bruce Lee, so that he could give a multi-level service, led by various enlightened and spiritual doctors, to help as many people as possible who come to us through this medium.

The path by which we have led it is healing. Do not confuse, my brothers, with healing of the medicinal type, if not in its broadest and holistic sense, treating the spiritual, energetic and physical ailments.

Even in the various public sessions where specific and general data are provided, we are currently providing holistic healing to those present.

That is why, if you need our help, we are aware and through this medium we will provide the best of our services for others . But do not ask us for evidence because, strictly speaking, we will not give them and yet we will show you small concrete facts that are otherwise very difficult to be able to be verified.
Brothers, look no further at this activity as a phenomenon in itself. It is time to part with certain harmful elements and get carried away by the fluidity of the energy we provide so that you can receive the best of us and develop fully, thank you.

Tobias through the psychographic mediumship of Misael Godoy.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013.

Mediumship Phenomenon or Healing? by Misael Godoy

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