DEATH, TRANSITION AND LIFE - by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

  • 2011

(Conference held at the II International Holistic Congress, held in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil.)

(Dr. Kübler-Ross is a Medical Psychiatrist. Teacher. Researcher. Pioneer of tanatology worldwide. Doctor Honoris Causa of 28 Universities. Author of several works of her specialty.) Translation by Nydia Élida Lorenzo.

My work began when I was nineteen, in a concentration camp, where I had the opportunity to see the gas chambers in which the children had died. When a young Swiss woman, who was raised in a society that had no wars for seven hundred years, never faced terrible situations in life, who does not know about unemployment, poverty, or emergency villages, or anything that is difficult, is placed in a place in Germany, Poland or war-torn Europe, suffers a terrible cultural shock. Seeing those concentration camps was the most important moment of my life.

One day, finding myself there, a young Jew who was watching me, asked me: - What are you doing here? I told him, very impulsively, without thinking, because when we speak viscerally we tell the truth, but when we do it with our head, we say anything: -I need to understand how men and women like you and I can kill ninety sixty thousand innocent creatures. " He looked at me very seriously, and said: -You would also be able to do the same. I wanted to say: - Hey! No, I could never do that! I am more pestalozziana than anything else! Pestalozzi was a Swiss hero who worked hard for the children. And she told me very seriously: -We have a Hitler hidden in each of us. If you have the courage to look at your own Hitler, then you will become a Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I thought she would have spent a lot of time in a concentration camp and was mentally a little sick. A few weeks after leaving Poland, to take some transport that will take me free to Germany, and return to my house, after not having eaten for three days and three nights; I suddenly thought, that if a child passed before me with a piece of bread in my hand, I would steal that bread. Then, I understood that she was right. The American Indians said: "Do not speak of a human being if you have not walked within his shoes kilometers and kilometers." This was the beginning of my work on life and death.

I always say, a bit of a joke, but also, quite seriously, that the only honest people left in the world are psychotic patients, children and people on the verge of death. Always they say the truth. Everyone else is inauthentic, and really, we need to learn to be honest again. And when I say honesty, I talk about honesty with himself. You can't give others what you don't have.

When I went to the United States, I saw how the dying patients were neglected, how they were the subject of lies and how, with all possible apologies, they are not told the truth because they are not going to endure it or because it can make them mad. It was there, then, where I found my true work: to ask the dying? That at the end of their lives they are very honest again-, to teach us how to work with them, be you a doctor, chaplain, priest, rabbi, social worker, Nurse, neighbor or family member. Next, I will briefly summarize what we learned with them.

We think that the human being is constituted by four quadrants: the physical, the emotional, the intellectual and the spiritual.

The Physical Quadrant.

If we want to create a generation that does not need conferences about death and death, that respects mother nature and that is not destructive, a whole generation that does not have fears or negativisms, we would create a generation in which, during the first year of life and preferably, during the last year also, they would pamper the babies and take care exclusively of the physical quadrant. They would deal with touching, kissing and hugging children. Ancient and primitive societies knew that. All of them carried their hanging children; and they had total physical contact with them. Nowadays, when mothers give their children a bottle, they don't want to touch them, put them in the crib or put a pillow under the bottle to hold it and thus have more time to watch television. But after fifteen years, their own lives will be a television novel, when those teenagers become suicidal, alcoholic or have some other negative form of behavior. And they will be responsible for that.

I don't know if you saw a video about caring for children with AIDS in Romania. No one wants to touch them. They die like flies. I take care of three thousand AIDS babies in the United States, while others die of fear of having to touch them. These children will also die, because if you are not touched, kissed or hugged, it is like a house without foundations. What I am saying about the physical quadrant in the first year is also very important for all people at the end of life.

Older people also need to be touched, kissed and hugged, and my big dream is to transform all homes and nursing homes in the United States and turn them into ET centers. Do you know the movie ET) Is there anyone who has not seen that film? Who did not see it? It is mandatory. They should rent the video and watch it. It is a film about unconditional love. The asylums that I envision in the United States will be called ET Centers. We have to transform our asylums into centers of love and affection, where the only remuneration received is to pamper a child until he dies. Not buying toys, but putting it in the lap, telling fairy tales, or those you have known when you were children; stroking them, touching them, singing with them, telling them stories of the past, which some call "of the good times." And those children will start their lives learning an unconditional love from the elderly. What they do for the elderly to prevent old age, bitterness and premature senility, is to touch the wrinkles. They love wrinkles, and if the elderly have a beard that I pricked their hands, they like it even more. This is a mutual benefit. You have to jump a generation: parents no longer know what love is. The elders know and remember.

If you take care of people who are dying, if you see AIDS or cancer patients, or if you are a doctor and work in a hospital, you need to consider the first, the needs of the quadrant f Physical. Do not worry about the spiritual or the emotional. If a patient has a lot of pain, he cannot hear a prayer. I wish you understand what I am saying. It is very important that they keep cancer patients painless. In the United States we give them non-injectable MST. You can keep a cancer patient without pain. The reason we do not give medication for injection is because if they are given by that means, they do not feel pain, but they are completely unconscious, and they are so sedated that they cannot finish their unfinished business. And none of us would like to live being unconscious. Death is an experience in which one has to participate. If you don't have pain, you can do that. This is the only thing I will say about the physical quadrant.

The Emotional Quadrant

Another problem is that of emotion. We are all born perfect. We are all born completely perfect and, through our upbringing, we become denatured.

Natural emotions:

~ Fear: to fall from high places, to intense and unexpected noises.

~ Weigh: How do we face the losses expressed by tears and participation.

~ Anger (takes 15 seconds): cause change, assertiveness, self defense.

~ Jealousy: Stimulus and motivator of development.

~ Love (unconditional): Care, interest, ability to say no, set limits to educate others to be independent; self-esteem, self-confidence.

Distorted and unnatural emotions

~ Fears of failure, rejection, not being loved, success, suffering, violence, the boss, the opinions of neighbors, etc.

~ Self-pity, bad mood, depression, guilt, shame, self-reproach, censorship.

~ Prolonged anger, anger, hatred, revenge, bitterness, resentment.

~ Envy, competition, dominant character, self-condemnation.

~ I love you if it leads to please others to buy their love or their approval (we call this prostitution).

To summarize: the problem is what do we do with each of the five natural emotions so that they become unnatural? This is the problem, and that is what needs to be changed. If you have nothing on this side (pointing out the distorted emotions zone) then, you are fine. How many fears do they have? I think here, there must be about two hundred people who can answer this. What are they afraid of? ... Nobody says a word ... One of them is to speak in public (laughs), and another is what your neighbor would think if he finds out. Afraid to travel, to death, to pain ... Who? ... If I had enough time, I would stop to wait for everyone to talk. It is unnatural to get home with those fears without speaking. We only have two natural fears: one is to fall from high places, and that is a gift from God to survive, even to be adults; The other is to unexpected noises. It is a natural reaction to help us survive. The other fears are completely unnatural, and you need to free yourself from them. All phobias and fears only serve to feed your psychiatrist, and that should not be the goal of their lives.

The emotional quadrant develops during the first six years: it is here that we acquire the attitudes that will paralyze our progress in life. How did your parents treat you when you manifested fear or sadness between the age of one to six years? What did they say? Do not Cry. If you cry you are a ladybug. Big children do not cry. If you don't stop crying, I'm going to do something to you so you have to cry.

And that makes one stop crying immediately. Thus, he will become an adult full of self-pity. If you do that for fifty or sixty years, you will surely have lung problems. All the problems that one maintains within oneself have physical consequences. Sadness is a gift from God. We should be taught from an early age that when we lose something or are sick with tears and time we will heal. If you learn that with one or two years, you won't have as many problems later as adults. When your house catches fire, or you divorce or have any kind of significant loss, if you have learned since childhood to deal with sadness, you will not need to go to the psychiatrist. All remedies are within us if we know how to use them.

How did your parents behave when you were angry? Were they punished? Did they beat them? Did they lock them in a room? If every time a child manifests anger, he is punished, that will teach him, at a very young age, that anger is a negative thing, and we forget that anger is a gift from God. Natural rage takes only fifteen seconds. In fifteen seconds we can free ourselves from all the rages if we were not punished as children. If you had the courage to say no to your mother and she did not punish you, your anger will teach you self-worth, affirmation and self-esteem.

There are millions of people who have low self-esteem, because they were always punished. If he represses his anger, he will "swallow it", and ten, forty or fifty years later, he will become a Hitler. All our prisons, all our criminal institutions, are full of people who drowned their rage until one day they exploded. And they became bombs of hate and revenge. All the violence of our society, all wars, are nothing other than the result of not being able to enjoy natural rage.

When we are children, we are jealous that they are natural. She is envious of the older sister who can dance, who knows how to skate, who knows how to read, who wants to imitate her. This is a stimulus for growth, and should promote knowledge and learning. If you feel guilt out of respect, it becomes competition, and love is our main problem.

Raise your hand: How many of you were raised this way? I love you "if you are good", "if you bring a good newsletter", "if you accompany me", "yes", "yes", "yes" ... Count on how many types of "yes" were raised. That makes them prostitute. They will prostitute themselves, not in the common sense of the street, but they will spend the rest of their lives striving to work to please others, to love them. And they will have the illusion that that is love, but they will not know what that is not love, however, they will not know what love really is.

True love is totally unconditional. It has no conditions. He loves being a gift. If you give true love, which is unconditional love, you will receive a lot and never have to go shopping for love. We see people in their sixties, seventies and eighties who are buying love, because they are eager to feel it, even if only once in a lifetime. These people will die very sadly because they never lived.

The Intellectual Quadrant

A creature that was naturally raised, will develop her intellectual quadrant, will like to study, will like to go to school, for her, will it be a challenge and only then, will that quadrant develop.

The Spiritual Quadrant

The spiritual quadrant is the most important in the life of any human being. When I say: spiritual quadrant, it has nothing to do with religion. The spiritual quadrant is the source of God within us, and has all the knowledge. If you open your own spiritual quadrant, it will become completely intuitive. And while he will continue to use his head, he will fully trust his intuition. The head makes many mistakes, intuition is always right. If our own spiritual quadrant is open then it will understand the terminal patients, because, the language of people who are dying, of suicidal children, of AIDS patients, the language of millions of people who have been victims of sexual abuse; The language of any human being, in a great situation of need, will not be Portuguese, nor Spanish, nor English, will be the language of the spiritual quadrant. And it is mandatory that you understand that language.

When they work with dying children, who may have a brain tumor, they will not intellectually understand what tumor means, but by their intuitive knowledge, they will know exactly what they have. They know how long they will live, they know who has the most problems in the family, they know everything.

If you want to really understand the patient, simply ask him if he wants to draw a picture. Jung taught us how our quadrant reveals itself through spontaneous drawings. And if you ask a patient to draw a picture with colors and no other slogan is given, the child will do it, and you will know absolutely everything you need to know about that child's spiritual, emotional and physical quadrants. This is how you work with dying children and with terminal adults. If they trust their own spiritual quadrant, they will also trust the spiritual quadrant of their patients.

In front of a child who was diagnosed at three years with leukemia, and who dies at age nine: they will consider that he will not have a developed spiritual quadrant, because he only begins to appear when he is a teenager (which is a gift of God for teenagers who are dying).

But God created man in such a way that if his physical quadrant deteriorated very early and only had a few years of life, the real miracle will be produced by the fact that the spiritual quadrant will begin to open like a flower in the spring. Even having one or two years, and until the moment of death, that spiritual quadrant will be greater than that of all of us together. Do you understand what I mean? It is a compensatory mechanism. If a child is born intellectually affected, as in the case of a severe down, which only has a small intellectual quadrant, what happens is that, from the beginning of life, the spiritual quadrant will compensate for the lack of the intellectual quadrant. Do you understand what I say? It is very important that you know this. You cannot communicate intellectually with a child with such problems, but they will be the best teachers in the world if you learn the language of the spiritual quadrant. Those who use this language not only help terminal patients, but also help themselves.

When we have cancer patients, especially now, in which many people do not want to do chemotherapy, or do not take medication or other remedies, and all those issues related to the new era; How can a doctor react to that? How do you accept this kind of thing? When a patient says what he wants, and you feel frustrated as a doctor, because he thinks he is not using all the resources that Medicine offers him,

We can teach you how to combine the science of medicine with your art. And the art of medicine is to listen to the ideas that patient may have and that can help him heal.

Most of you, possibly, have felt talk about Bernie Siegel, a well-known oncologist. This is the case of one of his patients. He asked that patient to draw a picture of how he looked. And the patient drew a body full of concentric red circles representing cancer cells. I was fully aware of being totally taken for cancer. This oncologist suggested chemotherapy. He asked him to draw not only his concept on cancer, but also on chemotherapy. The result was, the same body and some arrows attacking and bouncing at the same time, in the red circles, which represented the action of chemotherapy.

Are you a good candidate for chemotherapy? Each cancer cell is reached by chemotherapy, but something happens later and leaves the cancer cell. Anyone who knows that man is not only a physical being but also has an intellectual component, should already know that he is not a good candidate for chemotherapy: I I saw this patient and asked him: -What did the doctor tell you about chemotherapy? And he responded that the doctor had told him that chemotherapy kills cancer cells. I said: - S ! And the way I said - S ! So emphatically, it implicitly conveyed the question: - Well, what are you waiting for then? The man looked at me unaware. I asked again. And he said: - Yes, but - where is your but? And he told me: -Don't kill. If I had continued to insist, I could have said: -You have cancer cells and you don't want to kill them? That would have been my reaction. He told me very seriously: -I grew up like a cuquero and I was raised to believe in total universal love. Especially in the commandment: -Do not kill.

I admired that man very much. I admired him very much for his response. Everyone, no doubt, respects universal love. But I had to be honest and I said: -I understand and admire your belief. But you should also understand that I am a doctor, and I want my patients to improve. Do me a favor. Go home, and try to perceive or conceive how you can get rid of cancer? I understood immediately. I used a totally symbolic language. A week later he came back and gave me his answer. I gave him a wax pencil and paper. The body that man drew was full of little gnomes, little dwarfs.

Wherever there was a cancerous cell there was a small gnome carrying it with enough love. I almost started crying. He called his oncologist and said, "Now you can start your treatment."

Conclusion of the Quadrants.

It is very important that we understand this. Holistic medicine consists in respecting the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual quadrants of the patient. If all quadrants of the human being are balanced and in harmony, it will be fine. This knowledge helps us now to cure AIDS patients. We have the first cases of AIDS patients that were completely cured. Not through the science of Medicine, but through Medicine.

I remember the name of a book called “How I cured my AIDS” and that helps to resolve the imbalance and find harmony again.

This is what we do in our workshops worldwide. We help people solve their unfinished questions. We put them in touch with their Hitleres, and when they leave there, speaking symbolically, the Teresa mothers also leave. Each of you can do the same. We have a large number of women and men who suffered sexual abuse when they were children and who totally repressed those feelings. They shared with us the memory of incest, with the shame, guilt, anger and feeling of injustice that this caused them. But the most important thing was the sadness in relation to the loss of what they never had. The sadness of not having had a childhood. There were fifty people who were encouraged to tell their problems, before many others, to discuss them and to overcome them.

I recently returned from Scotland, where I had to work in a prison. I stayed, literally inside the jail, for a week, working with people who had life imprisonment. When we heard their stories we could understand what was happening there. We can avoid having to get there. One of them who was very successful hoped to appear in British prisons to cure those people before they could kill or commit stupidity with someone.

Life after death.

I don't know if I'm going to have time to talk about life after death. If you were free of your unfinished things you would not need this. They would know that death is just a transition to another way of life.

How many of you are not satisfied with the way you are? If you had a lot of money, you would have plastic surgery to increase the bust, the hip, the nose ... How many of you would do this? You are not the way you look in the mirror. That is just a temporary room. When your physical life is over, the only thing that is going to happen is that you are going to leave that house. It's like going from a small apartment to a bigger one. Make a move. What's happening? That you leave the physical body and become a butterfly.

(Dr. Kübler-Ross shows the public a cloth caterpillar. Opens a zipper on the top, and takes out a butterfly there.) (Applause) …………

I learned this in a concentration camp in Germany. The children who died in the concentration camps, carved butterflies with their nails, in the wooden barracks in which they lived. And I wondered why butterflies? I was 19 ... They knew much more than me. All of them knew intuitively, because of the spiritual quadrant, that they would soon be free and become butterflies. In tribute to all those children in the concentration camps I will use this language.

Here you are in your physical body. (points to the graph) Can you see it better? Being in the physical body, I would need to have a brain, in order to be aware. It is literally in the cocoon. If you died in a car accident or a slow death, from cancer or AIDS, what will simply happen is that you will leave your physical body and become a butterfly.

Here he no longer has vital signs, (points to the graph) but is not yet dead. They are steps to become dead. He has no pain, no vital signs, but he will have all the consciousness. There is a big difference between consciousness and awareness. Awaresness is the awareness you have during clinical death (1) From the clinical point of view it is dead. Worse if a person enters, two hours after his death, in the hospital room, you will not only know who is entering your room, but also know all your thoughts.

If you were going through a terrible car disaster, you would know how many tools were used to get you out of the car, who would go through the disaster site, and what apologies you gave for not stopping. I would know everything, including people's prayers and thoughts. In that second stage, I would be integrated again. We had many people from Vietnam, with multiple sclerosis, who spent a lot of time in a wheelchair and can't walk or dance anymore. And the first thing they told me is: - I managed to dance and walk again! This is not the physical body, but the psychic body. It is psychic energy. This is psychic and this is spiritual. (Points to the graph) Men can only manipulate psychic energy: Thank God! And since we are human beings, we have the option, it can be both positive and negative. The spiritual can only be positive.

How do you verify if these death experiences are real? If you ask people who are completely blind, who have no way of perceiving the light, what could they see? They can tell you what your tie design is like, the jewelry you wear, etc. And they are completely blind people. If you bring them back to the human body, they will be blind again. So, you can verify this. How do you have the ability to know what other people think?

We had the case of a man in Switzerland, who had to cross a mountain to attend a football game. It was a very famous match, in which every Swiss tried to enter the Italian part of my country. When crossing the mountain he had a car accident. He was seriously blunt. Three doctors, of all the hundreds of cars that passed, declared him clinically dead. They covered it with a blanket. It took hours for the ambulance to reach that place. What this man later shared with us, was another check of this normal consciousness. I was aware that thousands of people really complained about not being able to go to the game, and they cursed a lot. Thousands of people were dead of rage. And after a long time. (Time only reaches this point (points to the graph) There is no more time or space here). He learned the voice of a woman who prayed fervently for him. She prayed from the bottom of her heart. And that beaten person, who had been declared dead, was moved to see that, among the thousands of people who complained about losing a football match, a completely strange woman, prayed for him. He made a promise to God. If I lived, somehow, I would tell that woman that her prayers were heard. He moved in the direction of that voice, reached the car and tried to memorize the patent, so he could identify it later. In short, after nine months of exams, surgery, rehabilitation, he was able to communicate verbally, and asked the doctor to look for the car with that plaque. And they had the meeting. You can understand what this meant for the faith of that woman.

We had an American Indian woman who died from a car accident, from a driver who fled. The driver left her on the side of the road. She didn't seem beaten, but internally she was completely confused. No one stopped. Several hours later, a stranger stopped and asked: - Can I do something for you? And she said: -No. But after fifteen or twenty minutes, he said: "Maybe there is one thing that you can do for me." If you went to the indigenous reserve, give my mother a message. Tell my mother, I was fine. I am very happy indeed, because I am already with my father. And he died in the arms of the stranger. This man felt so moved to be in the right place at the right time, that he made seven hundred kilometers out of his way. He found the indigenous woman, and she told him that she understood the message, because an hour before the death of her daughter, her husband, the victim's father, had died of a coronary problem seven hundred kilometers away. You can find several cases like that.

You will meet your loved ones who anticipated the path of death. Only those whom you loved, and not precisely because they bought you a fur coat. They will be waiting for you. Your guardian angel or guide, which we all have, will also be waiting for you, and you will recognize him immediately. Once you know that you are not alone and that death is only a transition to another way of life; This bond will end, and then it will be time for his death.

This is the moment when any technique is useless. Once we know that, we don't need to prolong life ad infinity. Once that was cut, you will create something, which will give you a sense of transition: a tunnel, a bridge ... (Point to the graph) And so you will ascend to a spiritual sphere. And you will see a very small, but very bright light (points to the graphic).

To people who are afraid of dying, I say: -Focus this light and you will not be distracted by other things. Cuanto más usted se aproxime a esa luz, más estará lleno de paz, amor y de un sentimiento maravilloso. Esto de aquí se cierra otra vez (señala el gráfico).

Cuando estemos en presencia de esa luz, de la cual todos provenimos, nos fundiremos con ella

y no tendremos más conocimiento sino conciencia.

Entenderemos que escogimos nuestro camino. Cada pensamiento, cada palabra, cada acto de nuestra vida entera, pasará revista ante nosotros. Usted sabrá la consecuencia individual de cada acto y de cada pensamiento. Esto es hablando simbólicamente, pasar por el infierno, para muchos de ustedes. Pero como no tendrá el cuadrante emotivo, entonces no tendrá sentimiento de culpa. También comprenderá que Dios es amor, comprensión y compasión. Y escogerá como podrá hacer para ayudar a otros, creciendo en compasión y en comprensión.

Mi paciente más pequeño, de veinte mil casos que atendí, era un niño de tres años que inesperadamente murió por una reacción anafiláctica y fue recibido por Jesús y María, quienes le dijeron: -Tienes que volver. No estás listo todavía. Él intentó ignorar lo que se le estaba diciendo, como una típica criatura de tres a os. Pero a la tercera vez, dice que Mar a lo tom suavemente de la mu eca y lo empuj, Pedro t tienes que volver. Tienes que salvar a tu madre de un incendio. Y Pedro dice, que en ese momento corri hasta llegar a su casa, y abri los ojos nuevamente. Hoy es un joven que trabaja en un asilo, sin ning n miedo a la muerte.

La tragedia es, no obstante, que muchas de nuestras religiones ense an el miedo y la culpa; en lugar del amor incondicional. Y esta madre estuvo durante trece a os en un estado de depresi n, a causa de este incidente. Yo le pregunt : -Tengo miles de padres que quisieran que su hijo volviese a la vida, que cantar an, bailar an, y usted entr en esta depresi n? How is it possible? Ella dijo: -Le dijeron a Pedro, tienes que salvar a tu madre del fuego. Y ella pens que era una mala mujer y que estaba destinada a irse al infierno. Este lenguaje simb lico aparece en las Escrituras, en la Biblia.

-D game un momento, qu hubiera sucedido hace trece a os, si Mar a no hubiese mandado a Pedro de vuelta? Y ella agarr su cuaderno y me dijo: Ah! Dios m o! Yo habr a pasado por el infierno! Ustedes entienden el lenguaje simb lico y verbal? Ustedes tienen que aprender este lenguaje. Si ustedes aprenden eso con pacientes terminales y ni os terminales respetar na la madre Tierra ya nuestro pr jimo.

Este es el dibujo que hizo un ni o (se ala el dibujo) de siete a os poco antes de morir:

l tuvo una experiencia cercana a la muerte y me llam por tel fono, puesto que le fue permitido visitar a Dios, all donde reside. Y me dijo: Mu strale esto a los adultos y diles que ste no es un arco iris com n, que es una vista lateral del puente que lleva a la vida eterna. Yo pens que este paciente no me necesitaba m sy que estaba muy bien.

Unas horas despu s, me llam por tel fono otra vez, y me dijo: -Elizabeth me olvid de hacerte la pregunta m s importante: qu sucedi con mi perro que muri hace dos semanas? Le dije: -Nunca aprend eso en la Facultad de Medicina. No s qu decirte. Tuve que pensar y dije: -No s si tu perro estar all . Me gustar a haberle dicho: -El estar all . Pero usted no le puede mentir a un ni o, porque ellos se dan cuenta inmediatamente. Usted solo puede decirle lo que sabe realmente. Entonces le dije: -De hecho hay algo que s . Si precisas alguna cosa, p dela. Si la precisas, la vas a tener. Pero si la pides con pocas ganas, puede ser que no la consigas. Y despu s de esperar un minuto, me respondi : Me parece bien, y cort .

Pocos minutos despu s, antes de morir, tuvo otra experiencia fuera del cuerpo y me grit por tel fono: - Elizabeth, mi perro no s lo estaba all sino que tambi n movi la cola al verme! Muchas gracias!. (Aplausos)

(1) Debemos diferenciar entre muerte cl nica y muerte biol gica. En la muerte cl nica que es el caso de las Near Death Experiences (NDE), o Experiencias Cercanas a la Muerte (ECM)- se detienen los sistemas y aparatos importantes: la respiraci n, el coraz ny el cerebro. Es una clara ruptura. En un momento funcionan y en otro dejan de funcionar. La muerte cl nica es reversible, es decir, que se puede salir de ella. La muerte biol gica, en cambio es irreversible ya diferencia de las anteriores consiste en la detenci n del metabolismo de todas las c lulas del organismo, especialmente, de las c lulas nerviosas. La muerte biol gica representar a el umbral definitivo entre la vida y la muerte. (Nota del Editor)


P: -Dra. Kübler-Ross, ¿qué nos podría decir sobre el karma de vidas pasadas?

E. Kübler-Ross: -No soy una especialista en el tema. Pero sé que aquello que usted siembra, usted cosecha. Esta es una ley absoluta. Usted obtiene aquello que merece. Existe una justicia inherente en esta contabilidad lineal

P: -Dra. Kübler-Ross, ¿cómo analiza el fenómeno de la reencarnación?

E. Kübler-Ross: -¿Qué cómo puedo analizar esto? ¿Cómo podríamos explicar de otra manera las cosas horribles que suceden? Es un premio tener una oportunidad y otra. Una esperanza que no vamos a negar nuevamente.

P: ¿Usted tuvo experiencias con personas de otros planos?

E. Kübler-Ross Sin duda muchas experiencias, pero no hay tiempo para hablar

de ellas. (2)

P: (Otra persona repite la pregunta anterior.).

E. Kübler-Ross: (Se sonríe) Sí. Fue realmente como si estuviese en el paraíso, en el cielo. Quiero decir algo brevemente sobre eso. OMG! Realmente estamos arruinando este planeta maravilloso que es la Tierra. En uno de mis últimos viajes fuera del cuerpo, me permitieron ver el planeta Tierra desde otra perspectiva y con colores diferentes. Todo estaba arruinado, la tierra, el agua… Y al final de mi experiencia, me mostraron también cómo será la Tierra en el futuro, con mucha ayuda de arriba. Y es fantástico, maravilloso. Todos nosotros debemos ayudar y contribuir. No podemos quedarnos sentados, simplemente, sin ayudar a las personas que están trabajando para solucionar los problemas que hemos provocado. Todo lo que puedo decir, es que envidio a los niños que nazcan a fines de este siglo. Ellos tendrán un lugar maravilloso para vivir.

P: ¿Qué piensa sobre la donación de órganos después de la muerte física? ¿Qué pasa a nivel energético?

E. Kübler-Ross: -Lo que le suceda a este capullo, es totalmente irrelevante, una vez que la persona ya pasó por la transición. Si él puede ayudar a salvar una vida, que la salve. Si se pueden usar mis ojos, mis riñones, mis córneas o cualquier otra parte, para salvar un paciente y devolverlo a su familia, saque cualquier parte de mí. Una vez que me haya ido, ya me fui.

P: -En su opinión, ¿Por qué razón, la espiritualidad es tan poco vivenciada, en el mundo?

E. Kübler-Ross: -Estamos volviendo de la era del materialismo hacia la era de la espiritualidad. Hay algunas experiencias místicas que nos ayudan a comprender que la muerte es sólo una transición, y también, a entender el verdadero propósito de la vida. La vida física es una escuela, donde venimos a aprender a dar ya recibir. Y cuando lo hemos hecho debemos prometer enseñar. Entonces no podemos recibir. La muerte es el examen final de nuestra graduación. Usted tiene que saber eso. Una vez que lo sepa tiene que creerlo. No basta con que lo sepan. Es ahí, cuando se da el salto cuántico hacia la espiritualidad. Esto es sólo el comienzo de todo lo que va a suceder. De aquí a cien años todo el mundo va a saberlo, entonces yo podré realmente descansar y no tendré que hablar más. Thank you. (Aplausos)

(2) Algunas de estas experiencias han sido relatadas por Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, en su obra “La Muerte: un Amanecer” 1ª, ed. Barcelona. Ed.

Luciérnaga. 1991. (Nota del editor)

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