Maestro Hilarion Weekly Message from August 18 to 25, 2013, by Marlene Swetlishoff

  • 2013

Maestro Hilarion channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

Weekly Message from August 18 to 25, 2013


As the energies that are poured on Earth increase, people around the world begin to wake up and begin to realize their potential for the creation of good on their Planet. Many are participating in global approaches to healing and the empowerment of Earth's inhabitants. These approaches have more power for the good of what is currently noticed by those who participate; and is cumulatively energized by the Higher Realms. We truly tell you that where two others are gathered, we are also attending and magnifying your efforts. Your loving intentions as forces for good in this World, never lose their way. Everything that each of you does is noticed and supported from above; and put the unemployed angels around you to work, for the highest good of all; which they do with the greatest joy.

It is important that you notice that the inspirations you received and according to which you act are direct messages from above; and they come through the atmosphere as seeds of thought that are received by the receptive Humanity; and as you know, the seeds must be planted and nurtured so that they grow as beautiful manifestations of the Creator's Light. Each semilla that is planted with Love, becomes a living legacy, an energetic force, which reaches beyond your planetary limits and leaves towards the entire Creation n to heal and bless and do fully that which seeks integrity. The force of Love is the most powerful force of the entire Creation; and one never errs in responding equally to her. Love begets Love as an answer; and sets the tone of joy, peace and harmony throughout the Cosmos.

When Humans continue to express and manifest the Creator's Love in them and through them, many wonderful miracles take place. Usually these are not reported in your news media; however, that does not take anything away from miracles; and contribute to the mpetu of positive change on your Planet. Look around you and be more observant of the metamorphosis that is taking place in Human society. You only have to explore the possibilities; and you will find many event situations that are surprising in their implications and importance. The word "miracle" means an extraordinary effect or event in the physical world, which surpasses all known powers, human or natural; and is attributed to a supernatural cause. As you explore, you will find them; and that will inspire you to find even more of such events.

These events are intended to show you that when Humanity is willing to go beyond the limitations of the current perception, a whole New World opens itself to its consciousness. Then this becomes the catalyst for major changes within the Collective Consciousness on your Planet; and it shows you that what affects one person certainly affects everyone; and this is what Unity of Consciousness means. That is why so many of you have not renounced your efforts to raise the consciousness of Humanity to a higher level, because you know that at some point, within each one the Light will come on. Quickly this is becoming the reality here on Earth.

In the coming months you will see many miracles in the events of your World. Realize, Dear Ones, that you are the creators and the driving force that has made it possible for these events to materialize. It is the dawn of the era of miracles, wonders and magic, which you approach while firmly holding your vision of the enormous improvement in the inner and outer functioning of your World, which is introducing the reality of the New Earth of Uniqueness, equality and freedom for all. Be happy and grateful, for all this unfolds and sustains that frequency.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


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