Divine Mother - Together we can achieve things in this world, beautiful things, things that help them remember who they are.

  • 2016


The messenger is Connie Hueber

The transcript is from Susannah

I ask you to trust the Infinite. How does this work? You must live in the present where there is freedom. The present can also be called "the presence" - the presence of the present. In the present everything is at your disposal. You can live in harmony with the world. If they lose their relationship with the Infinite, there will be reasons for struggle. The pain, deeper in the heart, has been structured by many belief systems, activities, behaviors and addictions, it is the belief system that I am not loved, I am not good - I am not good enough or I am the last. I am not loved in the eyes of God. God does not love me. They have cast me out of Heaven. Look at that belief as a lie. You have not been expelled. Break that teaching. We started 2016, praying together, hoping for all the good and deserving the best. You have not been expelled from heaven. You are having an experience in a very material field where there are strong opposites and you have chosen this experience because you wanted to see what it feels like. And it is an intense experience, most will agree on that. There are a lot of ups and downs, a rise and fall. But it is not the truth of who you are.

You are a divine being who has an experience on this Earth from opposite extremes, and who are making decisions. You are still intimately connected with the force of life, with the energy that animates all creation. You are learning how to work on this plane of the Earth with the extremes and opposites, without affecting you. You are having an adventure. It is a quest. It is loved.

The connection with the Infinite Being is what has been lost and what has made life a struggle . When he is connected to his infinite being; Everything flows spontaneously, in harmony with everyone. This is where I want them to be, to live in harmony with the whole world. In this way we can create a new world because what is inharmonious must be changed, must be set aside, must be transformed. So we are empowering you in harmony, and as you move with your infinite strength and with my connection, the world follows you. You become an example of how to live happily, successfully and creatively.

I love him. This is the beginning of a powerful intimacy between us. This is the beginning of a powerful intimacy in which I will present my life. My attention is focused on you; To bring it back to my heart Trust yourself, trust your heart and deepen your heart. His heart pushes him deep. His heart pushes him towards me. Your heart is my domain. I live here and I invite you to live here with me. If you don't live here, life is very dry. Break the structures that separate us . I want it to bloom. This is our relationship. A relationship of Divine Love. It can only be deepened.

You are the creators. I am a creator. Together we are a great team, a powerful team, an invincible team. So be with me. Love me. That is the safest way to be with me. Love takes you to my door, love opens the door and when you open the door, your questions appear in your life. The intelligence of Love offers solutions and answers. I want them to be so connected to Love that solutions continue to appear again and again. Before having any chance to think that this is a problem, let the solution appear.

Love is not weak. This is a big lie about love. Love empowers him. I want him to understand about love. I want him to share the love I have with you. The love I have is invincible. It is the power that moves all life. This is the love that I want him to know and enter into it. This is the love that is changing the planet. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It is time to thank yourself. Yes Thanks to yourself. Keep yourself in high esteem and thank yourself for being the way you are. You are so magnificent. You are being healed and released from everything that has slowed you down. This is a time to celebrate. His is a life to celebrate. Divine love is the power of life itself. When you are in love with another person, you are experiencing the power of the life force, you are activating the power in you. The power of love is the power to create. The love for the loved one redeems them.

I am here, in your heart, completely happy to be here in your life. This is a blessed life, a life in which you have fulfilled the Divine Mother, a life where the Divine Mother embraces you every day. This is the blessed life.

I love them. I want them to love each other and to put aside all the old critics. Let them go, let's break them. They trust themselves. When they make judgments about themselves, they are not loving themselves, they are getting into the ego. Don't keep the demerit, by saying to yourself, I don't deserve this. I am not good at this. Nothing works for me. You are putting yourself out of divine love, when you think in this way and this is not the way for your transformation. We are here, vibrantly alive. Talk to us from your heart. Say: Well, the laws of nature, I'm ready for them. I want to work with you . All these laws of nature love to teach you. The whole point of life on this planet is to work in harmony with the intelligent laws of nature that are functioning everywhere, at sea, on land, in the air, in the subtle intelligence of The infinite life

Seen at: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/

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