Divine Mother - Learn to heal yourself. This is a very valuable skill. via Connie Hueber

  • 2016

Deep healing meditation with the Divine Mother on March 30 - 7p.m. Iowa Time

Divine healing means raising the vibration of your chakras, your cells and atoms, with light and energy from the Source. First it takes place in your etheric body and then it must take place in your physical body. I want you to heal your physical body, from the heart chakra. You and I are opening and healing your heart so that I reside there. We are dissolving the energy knots in your chakras or energy centers, with our meditations every month. The blocks in the chakras diminish your ability to be everything you are capable of being.

Divine healing differs from all other healing energies, since very specifically, an unlimited, infinite call to energy is made of the highest level of Creation. This energy is without judgment or limitation, and always comes from a place of Divine Love. When healing energy is used, it always works with the highest, infinite and divine Source. Next, they will experience the power of what healing is. To initiate divine healing, you must connect with infinite divine energy.

The great beings of the universe who know that they are infinite, as a whole, are the only ones capable of providing true divine healing. This type of healing not only cures the disease, but also brings the entire system in alignment with the life force of the Creator. All aspects of your lower bodies are integrated, and you get rich. Even the areas of their systems in which they did not know that healing was necessary, are repaired.

What I want them to understand is that the various modes of healing work; they act on the various layers of their multidimensional fields. You are in a physical form, attend to this layer, but you know that the subtle layers support the surface layers. Just the operation on the surface will not change the situation significantly. Maybe something, but if you want the significant change that I am talking about, you have to do it from the recognition and the integrity check. You need to work with all levels. And when they work in the subtle; They work with all levels, because it is the basis of the other level.

Physical material levels are not met very often wisely. In fact, they are often totally neglected. I am emphasizing the word affectionately, because while you care for the surface, with massages, exercises, adequate food and vitamin supplements; It is love that activates healing. Do you understand this? That is what is necessary on the surface : The affectionate care of the physical body, and will change everything. Affectionately assist the body with oils, herbs and food. There are healing activations of love, which are in oils, herbs or food. Even allopathic medication must be taken lovingly.

In general, a vibrational healing is a way to eliminate the energy blocks in your subtle energy field because they are causing disruption in the natural flow of the force of the life through their physical and subtle bodies . When the life force is flowing into the Divine Source system that animates all life in the universe, it is sometimes obstructed by stress, toxic substances, poor nutrition, lack of water or traumas that can be caused by bad experiences, negative thoughts or emotions such as fear, guilt, shame and indignity. All this causes blocks of energy and imbalances in the flow of one's own life force. Because energy is the basis of all material manifestation, when the life force itself is interrupted several times, it causes a dissonant pattern that creates openings in the energy body, mental imbalances, emotional disorders and physical illnesses.

Everyone experiences that when life force flows smoothly from the Source in their lives, things are going well, success is available, the activity is compatible. When the life force is not flowing smoothly from the Source, problems arise in relationships, health, finances, self-worth or all of these. When the blocks dissolve in the energy level, life is balanced again and you focus on everything again.

I am the Divine Mother . We are moving together. I want to help you in whatever way you are moving through this experience on the Earth plane. You are moving through a dynamic transformation, which is truly an Ascension. We are moving together, with joy along the path of love. I am teaching you all about Love. The path of love is the most powerful in Ascension, it is more powerful than any other path in the Universe.

Question : How is spiritual healing practiced?

The way they should practice vibrational healing is by using consciousness, to locate the blocks or the series of blocks in their own or another person's system. Then connect with the Source of every manifestation of the Unified Field and you will be receiving the softening. Then, put your attention on the block and the Unified Field Fountain at the same time.

Mother Amma says: “What is hidden inside must manifest itself sooner or later. No matter how much one can try to do the opposite, it is only a matter of time. The contents of the shadow can become dangerous due to negligence. The shadow hides our divine essence. You must go through three shadows: the religious shadow, the shadow of the family, and the personal shadow. Mother will not abandon you while you are in the process of cleaning your shadows. After all; the surgeon does not stop until the operation is finished ”.

The Liberation by the breath; It is a conscious and deep breathing process that increases your ability to feel and resolve the effects of your past. Add the healing energy of the Divine Mother which is the life force or vital energy, to help you in the liberation of your past. The result is an increase in physical and spiritual energy in our body, thus cleaning up the many tensions maintained there. Often entrenched subconscious memories that are trauma that must rise to the surface of the mind to be observed and forgiven. Meditate on a movie where they appear quickly; all the parts of your life that hurt you and transmute them with the violet Fire.

Using a deep breath for an hour helps release stress and tension from the body. It helps you see the thoughts responsible for your problems and provides you with a means to let them go. Throughout the process, you can release negative emotions, and embrace the awareness of universal love, and the Inner Christ. You open the body's energy channels, creativity and intuition. Infinite breathing is circular and they invoke me, to help them in this mental, physical and spiritual transmutation. 70% of the body's toxins and waste are eliminated through breathing, the alkaline level of the blood rises, the cells and the skin are rejuvenated. Another health benefit; is that breathing brings more oxygen to the brain because it increases blood oxygen levels, so your mental body is clearer to remember the important things. Oxygen is a natural analgesic - the increase in oxygenation contributes to the release of tension, and negative thoughts.

By neutralizing these thoughts with breathing, your ability to experience greater tranquility and happiness greatly increases. You can reach subconscious memories through infinite breathing. The Divine Breath is the breath of God dissolves the blocks in your hearts caused by fear, pain, guilt and shame. Cleanse yourself of limiting beliefs and destructive habits that are making you sick. The pain can be washed. In consciousness there is only the here and now. Their perception and language places them in one dimension or another.

Question: How to heal yourself and others?

Divine Mother: Your energy field is very sensitive to your thoughts and every movement. You are a configuration of high sensitivity of light that responds to all your impulses, to the heartbeat, to the breath, and to your way of thinking. That is why I am often warning; Don't emphasize negative thoughts. We spend a lot of time releasing negative thinking patterns and belief systems of the past, since they affect your vibratory field and your physical body. You are a divine being. I'm telling you this again and again, because it's the truth. You have the skills of a divine being . Believe in yourself. I am teaching you how to use those skills with love.

I am teaching you the ability to use your attention. For example, when I instruct you to soften in the throat chakra, your attention is directed to the medulla oblongata. Softening in this chakra, means expanding or relaxing it, to be less focused. So, you are using your attention as a direct approach and then soften your attention - it becomes more expanded or diffuse. This ability to keep the focus, and soften the focus, expand the focus, is important so you can learn to move the energy of the chakras. They are learning how to find a point, in this case the throat, and then soften, and leave that more diffuse chakra more unlimited. So you have to go to a very "tied up" place; the navel in the solar plexus. There are certain parameters that define the navel and then expand, and it is possible for the navel to be more narrow, and then we continue to do that over and over again. To heal the navel chakra; It is necessary to bring it to the infinite field without limits, which is full of intelligence and knows exactly how to heal and align that navel chakra with the force of divine life. Heal the chakras by focusing on each of them and then expanding them to infinity.

Be confident, you will heal the world in this way. I am teaching you how to heal by joining two opposite poles - a finite point, and not limiting the Infinite. You are doing that in your conscience. Some call this "quantum healing." It is a term, but only a term. Do not get carried away by the term; It is more important to just do it. I am healing each of your chakras centers through this process of teaching how to keep your focus on the point and then go to the unlimited aspect.

It's about your consciousness - focusing and then expanding it, holding the point and leaving the point back at the same time. The thinking mind does not know how to do this, because it is at the same time two apparently opposite polarities. But your conscience does. So, I am working with you to exercise your consciousness, because as a divine being in a physical way, you are learning how to use your infinite consciousness to manifest whatever you want.

When I say trust, I am talking about trusting your Infinite Being. But when you trust your Infinite Being you must trust all the way, you must trust your expansion to the Infinite until the end. If you leave any part of the path without your divine being, you are not trusting; you are pulling your divine being back. So, what you have to do is trust the infinite in the process of healing or creation. Do not let anything or anyone from the outside disturb you that does not resonate with you anymore fill yourself with the energy of your Higher Self live with the energy of 5D.

When everything goes well in your life, your vital energy flows smoothly from your Source or Divine Being, without obstructions. When problems arise on the surface of life, whether in finances, health, relationships, love, security or in the spiritual connection; Your energy is blocked and you feel trapped, overwhelmed, frustrated, or devoid of anything. The vibrating tools of the Divine Mother can erase the stuck energy, repair the broken bonds and blockages in the subtle level of your system, to allow your vital energy to flow with the maximum power for the m Maximum success in the field of action. Your energy field is more subtle than your physical body, however, maintains its activity. You can directly affect the energy with your attention and concentration, and you will change and improve your conditions in the physical, mental and emotional fields. They connect with the center of power. When deleting the blocked energy ; You change your level of effectiveness, you receive happiness and creative momentum.

Healing with consciousness or self-healing, is its healing power from its Source- Divine Mother Susannah

Have the intention to heal yourself, and pay attention to it for as long as it takes. No matter how much else, is there anything more important to you than your health? That is an important aspect. This is where trust and faith come from. Intend to heal and then rely on the divine to heal. The intention is to heal and be attentive in what your bodies need to be healthy and in what you have to let go and then leave the Divine Mother, let the infinite create healing for you. It will be a much more careful cure. Propose to heal and then trust me. Healing is something very subtle. All healing requires will and perseverance. Where they put their attention and intention change everything. You are trusting in the infinite to solve the entire situation. You are working on a multidimensional vibratory system. Keep the disease in your whole being, to cure energy at subtle levels. While the energy heals in the subtle, it changes the way the thicker layers work. Be simple and innocent. Believe that healing is happening and be at peace with yourself because you are doing your best. Do not doubt that they will heal . Doubt dismantles work. If you are being totally innocent and let go of the disease, with all the abandonment in the divine, you are keeping your focus or attention on what needs healing and on God at the same time - you are trusting that it is happening.

Attention is like a focus of light that guides you to where you will transmit the intention of consciousness. Consciousness is huge and unlimited. Its intention is to focus on a specific need so that infinite Totality can flow and to heal, to change appearance situations. Soften in the heart. I keep asking you to let your attention be in the heart. This is because the use of its infinite power for all good must be used from the heart.

The spark of the divine essence is expanding strongly through your physical form. Trust your divine nature. The only permanent is the Divine Being. Trust the truth of who you are.

Everything that improves your life is real and authentic. What should have begun and did not begin; it's going to start now - if your heart improves; Everything else improves - you just have to be a sponge that is absorbing more and more light . The mind is the filter that makes consciousness create reality, so it must work together with the heart where you receive the wisdom of the higher mind, the illumination of the Inner Christ and expanded receptivity because you are using your whole being. Consciousness can create whatever it wants if the mind is clean and you use your attention which is your focus to create and your intention without expectations. It is your Higher Self that changes your reality and makes you evolve. By continually connecting with the Source you not only heal but you are creating and creating more and more.

Break the symptoms of the disease that occur so you can take a big leap; A leap of faith. Honor the power within you and use it for your greatest good.

I love them very much

AUTHOR: Connie Hueber

SEEN AT: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/

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