Luz Rosa to Gaia

Emissions of pink light.

We are introducing new light emissions, which affect the electromagnetic grid. This will help offset points that are not yet active, 100%.

Which will allow, to deactivate the old beliefs, gradually, with sweetness, without anguish, or precipitation.

Everything you know is destructure, it is necessary but without any type of agony. No one, absolutely no one is left homeless. It is about people acting as such. And some still choose to do them from pain.

But it is no longer necessary. Think that only for 2 souls that rub against each other, in the quantum field of them, called aura, their electromagnetic field, between them all the information is transferred to the other person.

You have always taken that as something negative. And it is not. When the whole world is on its axis, in its inner peace, the transfers are by attraction and normal. What happens, which usually, in the 3 dimension: pain, resentment and fear, occupies between 30 and 90% of your heart or aura. That is why some were lightened and others were loaded or depleted. Mother Nature always makes her transfers, in equilibrium, from 1 to 1. until she reaches equality; Misinterpretation has been cataloging fears, judging them, sentencing them and protecting you from them. Instead of filling these beings with light, to remember.

That is the misunderstood free will. When they clean or work someone, only with blue, golden or pink light their quantum field; They have to think that they don't interfere. Because only that being chooses to shine, not you. And that can be instant or in the next incarnations. The important thing is that you have made good use of the divine law, or law of the One. It usually happens, that those who had to help in the previous times. Why if you see it, it is because your emotional body is already asking for help in other dimensions, to which you are already sensitive, but you will not perceive it.

They have moved away or built empires of defense against it, instead of transmuting it.

Now it's time to transmute, cancel or create. That's why we ask you to continue sending pink light to Gaia. That surrounds it, enters through the opening of the poles, descends into its interior, feeding its unbroken sun, and radiates towards the crust, nourishing the elemental of Gaia.

Thank you brothers, for your effort. Remember, trusting is being aware of the steps we take, to receive its consequences. Not to have blind faith in life, but in our and your actions, before it. Your brother says goodbye, from the Sun of Halcyone.

elsa farrus rusiñol

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