The angels attend and accompany all our life processes

  • 2016

Each and every one of you has your guardian angel, they guide you and take care of you at all times and follow your evolution in order for you to rise and return to the Father. Since you were my beloved, I took care of you from there, I played with you, I sang with you, I continue and I will continue with you my beloved.

We keep growing, we continue to strengthen our ties. You are on the right track, the prayers keep coming as blessings, you continue to see the manifestation of your requests. Open your heart, keep pedaling with the beloved Father in command, breathe his perfume, close your eyes and see his light, the work of light, the angelic work is everywhere It has and must continue to come out and express itself, everyone must strengthen their ties with their beings of light.

You are going through a time of change, transformation, elevation, learning and support for others. Open your white and luminous wings and distribute your beautiful frost, I am with you I am your angel and I do not forsake you.

The dense, low energy will try to prevent the light from spreading puts obstacles so that the mission of light does not take place, God always and eternally triumphs, nothing and nobody can compare to him, so my girl you must always entrust yourself to him and protect you in it.

God the Father is your protector and your strength of salvation, we angels support his work, we do it with so much love, very happy and happy to serve the Father, everything is going well the way is set and we go together in the walk under the loving gaze of the father. Every life lesson, everything you are going through is necessary for your evolution and growth, even the most bitter suffering has its purpose, its cause and its effect.

Many lessons come dragging you from time ago, trust us that we are here to help you. There is time for everything, time to learn, to put into practice what has been learned, to overcome what you learn and follow to the next level, remember that your life lessons were chosen by you and have an end and objective that is your elevation, learn from everything That this world and life is a constant learn. God the Father is awaiting his development and we, his angels, are here to help, guide, protect ... do not let your hearts and minds be blocked by the low vibration of events.

We are always, we never leave them, we move forward together to build and carry out the divine plan of the Lord, of him is eternal glory, to him we owe the Father of love.

In your day to day, step after step of your life I am always with you, I walk with you, my wings cover you with what it intends to affect you, I always take care of you and save with more reason, you have asked for it, you have allowed God the Father and the beings of light enter your life and act for your may well.

Despite the tribulations and challenges ... you know that God does not abandon you that you do not fight alone your battles your angels are taking care of you. You have opened your conscience and you must continue to cultivate, learn, rise in the security that God the Father provides, your steps are taken care of and guided.

The protection of God is integral, all the aspects that you believe are cared for, the protection reaches everything, even in the moments and situations that you see and create catastrophic, even there the protection of God is present.

At another time on another plane you will see what the lesson and wisdom behind each sad, painful, difficult situation in your life was. All are lessons in everything there is learning, do not neglect these aspects and do not give greater importance to what does not merit it, use time in prayer, talk to God, talk to him, go to Jesus Christ our Lord is glad to listen to you and hug you in moments of need and joy too.

All heavenly beings created by God are happy and attentive to your development, your heart remains open and we keep it carefully.


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