Cosmic laws, universal principles, by Ricardo Gonzalez

  • 2011

Today, when we see the world mobilize around us, I have felt to publish a brief summary of the ancestral cosmic principles that would regulate human life on this planet. Those principles, or leyes, affirm that we are able to create our own future, seeing ourselves reflected in the Universe as a drop of water in the ocean would. Year. Is that possible? I must say that these types of subjects produce a mocking smile in orthodox scientific minds. However, even the most skeptical of the men of science intuit, or know, that there are `` higher laws '' that cannot be explained with the mechanistic theory that has prevailed in the world. Supposedly, the Egyptians and other great cultures inherited this knowledge from their founding fathers, legendary beings who are torn between a cosmic or antediluvian origin. Anyway, here, then, is the mystery and the deep teaching that the so-called Seven Universal Principles contain. For many, their wealth and results when they are

understood and put into practice, they are your best guarantee of authenticity.

An intelligent universe

The Universe is built in perfect harmony and conscious projection. An intelligent Universe that has multiple dimensions and realities, not only the one we perceive with our five senses. In fact, modern quantum physics explores this wide range of possibilities that forces us to review our ancient scientific knowledge and, if that were not enough, our conception of the whole environment: from the Cosmos to ourselves. According to the ancient teachings, both the Cosmos and the human being have three important aspects. A physical plane, a mental plane, and a spiritual plane. All are integrated by what we usually call "energy."

Synthesizing this knowledge a bit, the human being is currently developing on a material plane, which according to these revelations contains seven dimensions. To flow correctly in it, man has seven vehicles; that is to say, it not only has a material and dense body, but other subtle bodies or vehicles of light to interact - although many are not aware of it - with the different levels or membranes of the material plane where it unfolds.

Many wisdom schools in ancient times knew it, and they taught it that way. That is why they also educated in the understanding of seven energy centers in the human body and that allowed to "regulate" those seven bodies and their relationship with the seven fundamental dimensions. Those energy centers are called chakras — or “wheels, ” in Sanskrit — that are located from the base of the spine to the crown. There is much information available that the reader can investigate. The idea is to give a global vision to understand that everything obeys a pre-established order. That everything has a perfect purpose and harmony. When this knowledge is discovered — and your understanding is reached — the truth seeker will have found a door that will lead you to a world of unsuspected possibilities. And how could it be otherwise, there are seven universal laws to flow into this physical existence. Although today they are not a secret - since they have been published in a host of publishers, broadcast in hundreds of conferences and TV documentaries - the truth is that many still ignore them and those who think they know them really do not They understand, much less apply them in their lives. To integrate into them is to flow into that intelligent Universe from which we would not be separated. This was felt by American astronaut Edgar Mitchell when he was in space at the Apollo XIV Mission. And, of course, he was not the only man of science to understand that this Universe was governed by higher “different” laws than we do in physics.

For all these reasons, I think it is imperative to make a brief explanation of these seven mystical principles, essential to understand our passage through this plane.

The Seven Universal Principles

“The lips of wisdom remain closed, except for the ear capable of understanding. When the ear is able to hear, then come the lips that have to fill them with wisdom. ”

With these intriguing phrases the Kybalion begins, the seven universal principles that, since ancient times - dating back to unknown episodes of Egyptian culture - have traveled from school to school, from initiated to initiated, to reach our time and be of public knowledge. His wisdom is attributed to Hermes Trismegisto, the "Big Three Times." It is well known that his books, like the Poymandrés, enjoyed great authority during the first centuries of the Church, and that the Christian Doctors often invoked their testimony together with that of the Sibyls, who had announced the coming of Christ to the heathen. . The prestige of Hermes as a being of great wisdom endured throughout the ages. Not surprisingly, Lactantius said: "Hermes has discovered, I don't know how, almost the whole truth."

Although it is associated with ancient Egypt, the name of Hermes Trismegisto is of Greek origin. Of course "Hermes" is a Greek god, also known by his Roman name "Mercury." However, the identity of that mysterious character is lost in history, going back to pre-dynastic Egypt. Consequently, nobody agrees to clarify its origin. For example, not few Hebrew traditions consider him contemporary of Abraham. Others identify him with the Egyptian god Thot, an intermediary between God and men. And certain sources indicate him, even, as a surviving teacher of the mythical Atlantis.

However, some scholars believe that Hermes was deified, and others think that it is but the human aspect of that same god. Perhaps, the name of Hermes Trismegisto does not designate an individual personality, but constitutes a set of teachings elaborated in Egypt and enriched over time. And among them would be the Kybalion, although nothing concrete can help us prove that Thot - or Hermes - has been its real author. Personally, I would not be surprised, since Hermes is considered the father of Alchemy, of Kabbalah - because Moses would have taught it in Egypt himself - the numerical and physical investigations of the Pythagoreans, among other knowledge. Whether or not Thot was the author of the Kybalion, the truth is that the seven principles are here, and they contain a deep revelation. A knowledge that once was only the privilege of secret esoteric schools.

"The principles of truth are seven: he who understands this perfectly possesses the magic key before which all the doors of the Temple will open wide" The Kybalion.

Here is a synthesis of the Seven Universal Principles of Kybalion:

1. The Principle of Mentalism.

His motto is “The ALL is Mind; The universe is mental. ” It determines that the mind has an amazing ability to transform our material environment at will. The human being can create what he believes, and like the Universe he can be co-creator of new realities and circumstances through an adequate concentration, will and wisdom.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

He maintains that “As it is above, it is below; as it is below, it is above ”. The laws of nature affect without distinction: from a molecule to an individual, from a star to a galaxy. This principle teaches that the greatest secrets of the Universe are encoded in ourselves and even in the smallest particle. Everything is a reflection of everything.

3. The Principle of Vibration.

This principle holds the truth that “Nothing is motionless; everything moves; everything vibrates. " The vibration indicates the state of things. She is never detained, and can be affected by our mental influence. Therefore the importance of controlling our thoughts and the creative power of the word, which is vibration in itself and consequently transformative.

4. The Principle of Polarity.

It indicates that “Everything is double, everything has two poles; everything, its pair of opposites: the similar and the antagonistic are the same; the opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; the ends touch; all truths are half truths, all paradoxes can be reconciled. ” This principle contains the teaching that everything in the Universe is dual, and is part of a balance.

5. The Principle of Rhythm.

He affirms that “Everything flows and refluxes; everything has its periods of advance and retreat, everything ascends and descends; everything moves like a pendulum; the measure of its movement to the right is the same as that of its movement to the left; the rhythm is the compensation ”. This principle explains that in our growth process we will go through different stages, some hard and some bright, and that they can be overcome with balance as we acquire greater awareness, faith and calm. This affects people and planets, it is a natural law.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect.

Known to many as the Law of Karma action n, in written form argues that Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to the law; luck is no more than the name given to the unrecognized law; There are many planes of chance, but nothing escapes the Law. Our thoughts and actions are directly responsible for the things we live. If we sow new causes light thoughts and positive action we can modify the future.

7. The Principle of Generation.

Like the other principles, it contains a natural logic: Generation exists everywhere; everything has its masculine and feminine principle; the generation is manifested in all planes . This law teaches us that everything in the Universe seeks its complement. And in fact, each being possesses in itself the two elements of this creative principle.

According to these teachings, the combinaci of principles can generate new laws . For example, today when there is much talk about the Law of Attraction, popularized in the documentary new age The Secret, it will not be treated of something else that the association of the Principle of Mentalism (believe what you believe), the Principle of Vibration (similar attracts the similar) and the Principle of Cause and Effect (you will reap what you sow) . In other words, the understanding and joint application of the principles triggers yet more powerful spiritual mechanisms. That would be the real secret.

The basic rule for living and applying these principles is based on three premises:

1. A spiritual discipline of life.

If the practitioner is trapped in his material life, finding himself oblivious to any possibility of being constant and responsible with his path as a spiritual being, it will be difficult for him to fully exercise his will to develop the Universal Principles. . Spiritual discipline strengthens our willpower, and therefore we are less sensitive to manipulation.

2. Exercise of the mind.

It is a logical and natural step when one lives in that spiritual reality. The mind is like a m sculo that needs to be trained. In the Universal Principles the foundation stone is visualization. A weak, distracted mind could not fully apply the benefits of this knowledge. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools to enhance our ability to see beyond.

3. Understanding the laws.

It's not just about faith and then see what happens. The difference between an apprentice and a creative teacher is that the second knows why and how these laws operate. Far from what is usually supposed, true faith is based on knowledge. The milagros, therefore, are not irrational and hallucinating facts, but events perfectly explained in the spiritual world, although ignored in our physical means of unfolding. Knowing the interlinings of how they occur is part of the path to personal mastery.

I hope that this brief summary of the Seven Universal Principles motivates us to be more aware of everything.

Ricardo Gonzalez

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