The Evolutionary Crises - 3rd. Part by Willy Chaparro

  • 2014

Individualization ... cont.

As the revelations from the Empyrean had been narrated:

“After being genetically man-animal converted to hominidae, a racial group called“ Ramapithecus ”was generated. "They were named that way, because they were arboreal beings, they lived in trees." It was a male and female racial species, derived from the "ancestral species" and the animal-man. But the racial groups "Ramapithecus" did not become human. " They lived a few thousand years, but they became extinct due to the depletion of their DNA, but a large percentage lived until the Individualization stage. ”

"In the First Crisis the animal-man was the protagonist until the rise of the racial groups" Ramapithecus ", which can be defined as the creation and life of the First Adam, but it was an Adam who" only had the breath of life, I didn't have the living soul. ” But through a process of transmutation by the Solar Angels, the group became "Hominidae" with a tendency to generate proto-human groups. "

The limits that indicate the end of the animal-man and the emergence of the “Hominidae Ramapithecus” groups are not exact, but it can be deduced that they appeared on the Lem Continent, before individualization when the Sun was in the Age of Sagittarius, about 21 thousand seven hundred million years ago.

Perhaps the figures referred to millions of years ago have no value for the "enlightened Egos" of science, because it cannot be proven correct or incorrect.

Origin of the “Ramapithecus”

The story about the three evolutionary crises, perhaps for the "enlightened Egos" of science is boring, but who depends on it depends:

The stories follow :

“The revelations from the Empyrean may not be timely in this New Age, but they are relevant and knowledge is relevant to human evolution. The revelations were "decrypted and disclosed" from the Empyrean, so that the humanity of the New Age can draw its conclusions about the origin of the human race. "

Remote Events:

According to the revelations, the most remote events known about human evolution, was in the stage of conversion of the velociraptor species to animal-man.

“In the Middle Pleistocene, the third kingdom of nature, the animal kingdom had evolved. At that stage the human form began to be experienced with a man-animal prototype which had evolved from a primitive species, and had reached a certain degree of development.

The conversion of man-animal to “The Hominidae Ramapithecus” was an entirely astral-physical metamorphosis, which was performed as the Solar Angels had planned. It was a mysterious process of transformation that occurred in the Middle Pleistocene, when the Sun was transiting the Era of Sagittarius about 21.5 billion years ago. ”

The Eras passed, and the conversion stage was completed at the end of the Sagittarian Era.

After passing some Eras, the “Armapithecus” tree group of the previous Eras had mutated and had become a racial group, which could have been called: “The Ramapithecus Hominidae”. "It may have been called that, by the symmetric tree group of earlier times." But there is no scientific evidence to determine exactly the geological period in which said tree group appeared, but it is believed that it happened in the Pleistocene when the Sun was passing through the Era of Sagittarius and its development was in the Region of Lemuria.

The Eras continued and the "Hominidae Ramapithecus" were abandoned by Nature on their own. During those stages, its development was "Itwasnot so fast", without understanding. He lived in aggressive environments with other animal species . They were afraid of heights, insects, water, fear of this, that and other unknown things. For a long time, the racial groups "Ramapithecus " lived, only endowed with the germ of reactive mind, for a better protection of the aggression of other species and the climate. The insane reactive germ was its survival mechanism.

The life cycle stage of the racial groups Hom nidae Ramapithecus took place about 21.668.345 million years ago when the Sun was in the Sagittarius Constellation . It was a cyclic pilgrimage that began through life cycles, in a semi-unconscious state during the demarcation line, among the animal-man already converted to Hom nidae Ramapithecus .

The Channelizer Pack of trans-dimensional geneticists intervened in the conversion, identified the DNA of the Hom nidae and fused the chromosomes in such a way that they were given Ramapithecus progenies a totally different set of chromosomes, to which they were common to the velociraptor. It was an improvement in the physical structure, of which the animal-man had. During the Middle Pleistocene stage, the map Ramapithecus groups had undergone biological changes, their physical structure grew, they also developed a rudimentary mentality mechanism, but He barely distinguished himself. Perhaps some could constitute a core of the mental body.

The surviving progeny Ramapithecus were diversified by other regions of Lemuria, where new groups emerged with DNA and the improved chromosomes, thus, new tribal groups were formed, generating new hom racial groups Avenues, but the evolution of those infantiles racial groups, is still see and slow, without understanding.After the Eras and the oldest racial groups, progressively, they were extinguished by depletion of their DNA, but there were some groups in the same circumstances that survived longer.

After the Age of Sagittarius was transited, 32 more years passed after the conversion of the animal-man to Hom nidae Ramapithecus, but a Even the homosexual groups had not evolved. Again, about 18.5 billion years ago, the Sun was transiting through the Age of Leo, when the Second Crisis event occurs, called: The Crisis of individualization. In this crisis, the groups hom nidae Ramapithecus were the protagonists, and from these leading roles, new homén nida groups emerged with proto-human tendencies, but also n were infantiles .

The origin of Individualization

The complete transit of the Solar System through the Greater Ecliptic lasts 25, 920 years. That is, an evolution around the center of the spiral galaxy. Transit is the time it takes for our solar system to take a revolution or revolution around the center of the Milky Way. The spiral galaxy lasts about two hundred and thirty million years to go around the outer space. Considering the transit of the Solar System in astronomical terms, the Greater Ecliptic is known as the "Cycle of Astronomical Eras" and is divided into twelve sectors, each sector covers 30 °, - called Eras or Constellations - Each Astrological Era or Constellation. It passes through its sector in the Ecliptic in a period of 2, 160 Earth years.

The process of individualization took place in the Lemuria region - about 18.5 billion years ago - when the Sun was transiting through the Leo Age sector.

The figures may not be correct according to the postulates of science, but they come from the Empyrean, by which they can be taken as true. They are figures that are related to the development of the human race, from the primitive man-animal, to pass to tribal groups "hominidae Ramapithecus" and then to proto-human groups.

"Before the individualization, the primitive men-animals had been developing from the ancestral atavistic species, and later by means of a transmutation method, they were converted to arboreal" Hominidae Ramapithecus ". The groups had no electronic body, they only had a group soul, but after individualization, the door was opened for those egos or spirits that were prepared to incarnate individually. - That is, each ego could incarnate in a hominidae being and act with free will and have its role-personality.

“18 million years ago the Sun was in the Age of Leo, and Hominidae racial groups with Proto-Human tendencies already existed on the Lem Continent, and from there the process of individualization began. But the process resulted in the Second Crisis ”The cause, a strain of egos or“ sparks ”evolved from another system wanted to embody in the hominidae of the Planet, so that their evolution was“ very fast ”. But the visiting egos could not incarnate, the bodies were "empty shells."

"... He still lacked discernment and Mind ... !!!" ... The hominidae species was still "childish."

The Second Crisis

Returning to the topic on the revelations so that they are not encrypted : " The Second Crisis" was presented before the individualization, and that stage coincided with the arrival to the Planet of the Solar Angels and an egos lineage from another system, in order to make certain efforts, so that the evolution of the human race continued according to the plan. You were later, it was the foundation of Shamballa and the advent of the Spiritual Hierarchy to Earth. Subsequently another line of egos, "exiled from another planet", was launched into the rally as "runaway foals", in order to embody Planet Earth and form the electronic bodies of the hominidae racial groups, and thus initiate evolution on the Ascending Scale. "

“The first line of egos that incarnate was not individualized on the planet, but instead appeared in the earth's evolutionary cycle. They were not gods, but "sparks" from another sector. It was a development prior to evolution on Earth, and nothing is known about it, but they were superior to the "exiled egos" that were individualized in the Lemuria Region

The human race has to thank the Solar Angels, the ECPs, and the "exiled egos" that have come to our Planet to help, so that the evolution of the "child race" of humans, would be "very fast." From the evolutionary point of view, the stage of the Second Crisis, was the evolution of the "child race" on Planet Earth "and the incipient proto-human evolution took place."

“After individualization, the hominid began the first coordination steps between the brain and the mind. He began to progress and with spiritual help, he became a complete and definitely self-conscious hominid and recorded his individuality, that is, from the hominidae species, the great event of individualization took place. After the crisis of individualization was overcome, the embodied egos were endowed with the "Channeling Package" of trans-dimensional geneticists, with three genetic gifts or evolutionary touches "in their DNA to accelerate their evolution."

... Welcome and Blessed egos that incarnated on our Planet ... !!! ... That made the choice to become hominid beings, not knowing what they would face, not knowing, that the possibilities of evolution in our Planet could be realized . They decided to fall into the whirlwind of evolution that led them to incarnate as "runaway foals, " without re-incarnate experience to accelerate human evolution. "

"An" exiled ego "is not a distinct entity, it is a" spark "without evolutionary experience, coming from another planet and forced to incarnate to evolve. It is simply 10% of the expression of a "Higher Being", which manifests for the first time on a planet with its full personality. In this way, the Solar Angels defined a new programming for the “sparks” or egos without experiences that they embodied in the hominids of Planet Earth, to help the human race in its evolution. ”

"From the point of view of evolution, the hominidae groups were the archetypes of the human race and the process of individualization, was a planetary experiment of transmutation that was made from the Empyrean, from the species" humanoid reptiloid ", then with The animal man. After individualization, the hominidae became a proto-hominid racial species. ”

The Solar Angels and the ECPs continue to "decrypt" episodes of the crises, so that the revelations that come from the Empyrean can be elucidated.

“Individualization replaced the primitive method used in other systems to drive human evolution. The experiment meant an evolutionary development of hominid groups that reached a high degree of sensitivity and perception, and a strong impulse, which managed to establish contact with the current of human and divine expression on Planet Earth. ” In this way, a "childish humanity" was brought into existence and transformed into a living soul. "

What did hominid groups have left after Individualized?

Following in the revelations from the Empyrean:

From the individualization the proto-human hominid groups were diversified by the Continent of Mu, Atlantis and other regions of the Planet. The ages and hominids passed, eventually progressing, until they became self-conscious and active entities. He was already in possession of land; they were beings with a powerful physical bodies and a coordinated body of sensation and feelings, and the progenies already incorporated a fused DNA, which activated the latent strands in their biology, in a special cavity of the Light to forge thus, a re - complete sequencing of your cellular RNA / DNA ”.

“They were also gifted with other skills, with which they continued to evolve and ceased to be the instinctive hominids, to become rational beings. It was a mysterious process of transmutation that occurs in the species "Ramapithecus", already converted to proto-human hominid, a continuous process, giving "sudden" jumps, which has slowly spread in human evolution through the ages ” .

Individualization can be symbolically defined as:

"A true scale of progressive steps or spiritual levels to ascend, for this reason, it can be deduced that the human race was projected from astral planes for the development of physical-material elements, that is, an astral-material product required to evolve, but human evolution has depended on how DNA and life have developed, in every age and place ”.

The evolution of the proto-human hominid groups passed “ peri passu” with the Second stage of Crisis, which has driven the evolution of the human race, which, through evolution, has forced the human being to have a greater growth towards The perfection. The Second Crisis also has an analogy with the evolution in the spiritual planes and a correspondence with the life cycles.

Results of Individualization

The encrypted narrative continues : “ It is evident that the effect of the interrelation between the man-animal genetically converted to hominidae, forced the transmuted hominidae to take the next step called individualization. This event was the culmination of a transfusion process, where the hominidae confronts the divine aspects and the spiritual reality, which culminates with the appearance of three attributes granted.

There were three divine aspects granted to the physical form. Thus was born a son of God, a Lord of Will directed and dedicated, and thus the third divine principle of intentional energy merges with the other two, giving rise to a total organization within a new Homénidae form. -proto-human .

As a result of individualization, the proto-human hominids were diversified by the Continent of Mu, Atlantis and other regions of the Planet, the first groups that began to be constituted emerged. Human race. The First and Second were mere racial rudiments.

The results of Individualization, was that the homologous proto-human groups received three divine touches or aspects. There were three touches of attributes that flowed from the Empyrean and with which, it was possible to complete the evolutionary development. In this way and through the use of the form, the homénida groups could express the divine attributes in the world of the form:

  1. The Touch of Appropriation in the physical plane,
  2. The Touch of Acceptance through the astral plane,
  3. The Touch of Illumination through the mental plane

The Touch of Appropriation: Resides racially in the past, in the Descent of the Solar Angels and the Constructors of the Form, who changed the attributes of the DNA in the hom nest and endow the egos that embody with new attributes. With the new attributes in their DNA, egos immediately brought the energies of Akasha, directly to their individuality.

The karma attribute would come later, as long as the chispa or incarnate egos, could not make omission errors. Karma is an energy that is brought from a previous life and is referred to the unfinished lessons . In the future, individualized egos could say:

I have an Akashic Record in my DNA. A record of everything that will ever be, and everything that I can access. The worst thing that can happen to an incarnate egos, is that it brings with it karmic waste, but that condition It was not applicable to egos without experience, nor to progenies born of the homeninid species, because they had not yet generated karma. The integrated Akasha is part of your DNA, so it belongs to you.

The purpose of the new attributes won with individualization, was for the egos without experience, it was so that their DNA was integrated into the Akashic Registry, where everything will be, in the future Incarnations where personal discovery, awareness, karma, and life lessons will be. With its modified DNA, all the things that an inexperienced ego can experience in future life cycles, will be new, and will remain in the Akashic Record. With the conversion, any trace that brought about the ancestral species was also removed from the reptiloide, which was modified so that the racial groups could, in the following cycles reflect more there, and have the capacity at the cellular level, to take fragments of their lives to the Ak shico Registry

The Touch of Acceptance: It takes place on the battlefield with the reactive and emotional nature of the proto-human hominids, where the chispas they embodied, were endowed with three other attributes b Physicians to make use of their Free Will. The Free Will is a concept and there will be those who travel the evolutionary path more quickly, but it was the mechanism given to the chispas incarnated to evolve.

The Touch of Illumination: It is the stage of having conscious Free Will and being conceptual. The stage takes place through the Life Cycles and the chispas which, due to karma effects, are chained to recurring stages of incarnations, have to fulfill the evolutionary purpose in each of them. But the current human being seems to look to the past - towards the glorious cave age - but where they should look is forward,

At the stage of individualization, the proto-human hominid "sparks" came into existence, that is, they began to exist and arrive ... ... ... "To the bright morning, ... where the path is made to walk" ... !!! ...

From the primitive stage of the caverns, to the stage of Homo Sapiens Sapiens ”.

The three touches or attributes are conceptually also defined as:

The "sparks" that have eyes to see, ... Let them see ... !!!

Those who have ears to hear, ... Let them hear ... !!!

Those who have how to do, ... What to do ... !!!

Hominids entrance to the path of evolution

The Solar Angels and the ECPs continue to narrate the Crises, so that the revelations given from the Empyrean are not encrypted:

“From the individualization, it was the entrance to the path of the evolution of the proto-human hominids, through three Divine Energies. —The union of three little-known divine energy that flowed from the Empyrean, the Sacred Center — and were the cause of the proto-human emergence into manifestation. Thus was born the son of God, - man -, the Lord of Will directed and dedicated to the third divine principle, an energy fused with two others, to achieve the process of "transfusion", - as it is called occultly ".

“The new hominid progenies were equipped with the necessary tools to evolve and become balanced proto-human beings, in rational individuals, and as their physical structure grew, they developed to become self-conscious and active, for which had to characterize different roles in their life cycles. ” The Solar Angels fertilized the brain, if it can be expressed, so that their souls could record fragments of their different roles. During the course of evolution, Cyclic Spiral Law dragged the progeny to a scale at a higher level, to the level of spiritual-material causation. Hominid progenies already individualized were diversified by other regions of the Planet. In their diversification they began to constitute what can be defined as: The First Racial Groups of the Third Race. - The first two were only racial rudiments. ”

“About 17, 334.4 billion years ago, the Sun was transiting the Gemini Constellation and at that stage, the Spiritual Hierarchy was founded on Earth. After the door of individualization was closed, the Solar Angels decided to also have on the planet a spiritual organization and headquarters of the mysteries to help evolution on the Planet. In astronomical terms, the Age of Gemini was the computation that served as the basis for quoting, when the "Approach", the foundation of Shamballa and the foundation of the Hierarchy was consummated. " Also at that same stage, a group of egos without re-incarnate experience from another planet, acted in the dense bodies of the hominid progenies, to satisfy the needs of the "childish Hominid racial group" that was quickly waking up. The process was useful for egos embodied in proto-human bodies, to record the fragments of their lives and to make known the characteristics of their roles at each stage of life. But there were also inexperienced egos that were chained to different roles in recurring stages of incarnations, because they had to fulfill the evolutionary purpose in each of their life cycles. ”

The Individualization Crisis has an analogy with the evolution in the spiritual planes and a correspondence with the cycles of lives and evolution. Symbolically it can be said that it is:

A true scale of progressive steps or spiritual levels to ascend, for this reason, it follows that the human race was projected from the Empyrean to develop physical-material elements, that is, an astral-material product required to evolve, but evolution has depended of how DNA and life have developed, in every age and place.

The Evolutionary Crises - 3rd. Part By Willy Chaparro

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