The changing realities of a different energy by Ana María Frallicciardi

  • 2014

Crystal Link- July 2014

The vibrational frequency that we are receiving from the 7.7.7 Portal is different from all the previously known energies. We can't even say new anymore, because what was new a few months ago today is old for this frequency that we now experience.

In these first days we feel out of place and weird. There is a feeling of unknown states of consciousness, we cannot compare it with anything usual.

Until writing this report it was an arduous task, to gather pieces of a multidimensional puzzle, with other rules of the game, without written papers, only the inner perception to discover within us the new reality.

This frequency is perceived as an iridescent white energy, it gives a feeling of completeness if we receive it in a state of energy alignment. We can also feel it as an intensity that overwhelms us or exhausts us physically and emotionally.

This iridescent crystalline energy does not fit into any of the known molds, it cannot rely on old third-dimensional structures, nor on existing human belief schemes.

The frequency of 7.7.7 is very high vibration, it comes with new software, the human behavior system still does not recognize it, does not know how to use it. Old ways of thinking, old institutions and their representatives are baffled because they don't get results and the rules of the game change without them being able to avoid it. Perhaps it is for this reason that we attend so many world situations that erupt in violence and destruction.

The new explodes the old, this time there are no possible points of contact. Like new children and young people who accept nothing from the established society, they carry different information codes.

I appeal to the readers of this report to reflect together. We can no longer speak only of war and peace, of love and hate in the face of so much violence unleashed in the world.

These concepts belong to our third dimension egos. We are experiencing parallel universes. In an instant we can see different realities and they all exist. Each one will have to experience for himself how to get out of the duality of the ego to enter the consciousness of unity and integration. If you want to work for the reconciliation of humanity, the gateway is in your own heart.

We know that we cross an area of ​​very marked contrasts. The change in frequency experienced in recent months leaves us in a state of bewilderment, feelings of dizziness, temporary dislocation due to the change in dimensions. Anguish for losing the sense of things. Life projects change rapidly. What we programmed yesterday, today can no longer be done. Long-awaited desire finds no anchoring or fulfillment. The person we went to look for is gone. Things happen beyond our desires, they are instantaneous and irreversible. The fourth dimension of the present time is imposed on the linear time. We are living interdimensional consciousness.

Now this energy is different, it takes us to other spaces of realities where we are going to experience new ways of expressing ourselves and relating. We are transmuting patterns of unconscious behaviors and this can uncover hidden fears because we feel unable to face so much uncertainty and change. We have been transmuting, cleansed and liberated to the bottom of our emotions, descaling very old memories, anguishes and sorrows that we didn't even know were there.

This energy comes to press on our emotional bodies squeezing every last drop of darkness and attachments, to be transmuted into a faceted glass that reflects the iridescent light of the New Sun.

When will this be? In the new reality there is no linear time, only cosmic moments where you receive understanding.

Souls are opening to different information without realizing it. Something is changing in the way we think, if we try to find an answer from the mind, it becomes more difficult and incomprehensible. The new methodology is to stop using our human brain, linear, logical and rational, accustomed to third-dimensional reasoning, to bring attention to the brain of the heart and start activating information from there. This process involves thinking with the brain of the heart.

Thinking with the brain of the heart means leaving logical reasoning and having an intuitive and wise certainty of how to act and solve in quantum coherence. It totally changes the foothold of our rational brain in third dimension to our heart brain in fourth dimension. The new software is activated between the Timo and the Pineal gland.

In the brain we have two hemispheres, two brain lobes, one is intuitive and the other is logical, we will always be in the duality of thought. However, if we bring attention to the heart center, we will see that we have a single heart, an organ of integration of our intuitive intelligence, of our wisdom, of our feelings and of all life experience. The heart thinks from unity.

At the height of the thymus gland, the heart's energy vortex, is the seat of our Soul. It is there where our Infinite Being deposits all the experiences of its cosmic journey, called other lives. It is there that all experiences of wisdom are unified in a vibrational frequency that we could call fourth and fifth dimensions. We begin to have other experiences, other perceptions and other types of different responses to the external world. When the heart opens to this dimension, impersonal love is experienced.

The 7.7.7 portal opened a vibrational frequency that is more easily anchored in our heart center to be able to express with greater freedom the wisdom of the heart and begin to have new answers to the same everyday problems, this will change the way of life.

Galactic information codes stored in our spiritual DNA are being enabled. They are flashes of light loaded with information. How to understand it? ... Little by little we will decode this field of experiences in which we have entered as a planet in evolution and as Humanity in transformation.

A part of our being Re-knows this energy. Those more open souls in their path of reconnection with the Source perceive flashes of links with our Akashic records, where we recover the memory of our evolution.

Every project that you want to carry out must have a basis in the energy of love. This means a level of inner integration between our mind and our heart. That is, I do what my heart feels. My thoughts and feelings are in harmony.

I can no longer be holding that which does not resonate in my deep being, in my heart. I cannot be doing things by obligation, by commitment to the other, for love to those who are not recognizing each other's personal efforts.

The mind reasons in the linear time of the past, present and future, this scheme no longer fits.

The voice of the heart is in the Present Tense. In this way it will be easier to find synchronization between Thought-Feeling Action. Here and now.

Recalibrations are so powerful that the mind does not understand what the body is experiencing. The body asks for stillness and rest

to assimilate its resonance with the energetic charges of the planetary grid.

The new energy projects us towards something more open, freer, more integrated

It is the desire of the Heavens that you travel the Way back to Home

Planetary Change is already among us,

Ana Maria Frallicciardi

The changing realities of a different energy by Ana Maria Frallicciardi

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