The Inner Voice: July by Eileen Caddy

  • 2013

The Inner Voice Eileen Caddy


I was shown a puzzle

with the pieces extended on a huge table.

I watched how the puzzle was assembled

and I saw that each piece fit perfectly in its right place.

I heard these words:

When you are in your right place, fulfilling your specific part,

there can be no conflict and

My plan can be developed with authentic perfection.

July, 1

Rejoice and give eternal thanks, because you know you live forever. You do it from day to day, living every moment fully and gloriously, forgetting the past, without worrying about the future, simply accepting that life is eternal and that it has neither beginning nor end. Whenever you grow and expand in consciousness, you begin to understand the mystery and wonder of eternal life and the realization of your Unity with me, the Creator of life. Step by step you move forward and upwards full of peace, tranquility and serenity, realizing that everything is in My hands, that there is nothing to worry about. Life becomes a real burden only if you try to anticipate too much, which is something that gives many souls fear, uncertainty and even lack of faith and belief. Become a little girl, free and happy, and life will be a continuous source of delight for you. Believe in life and live it fully.

July, 2

You can't prove anything unless you examine it. You have to enter the faith and do what seems impossible. You have to learn to live beyond yourself, beyond your own limits, you have to prove that with me all things are possible. Limiting yourself to living within your small and confined self, fearful of putting your life to the test, will not lead you anywhere, and you will not be able to see My hand in all things. Do not fear anything; you just have to know that I AM always with you and I will guide you and direct you step by step. Show the world that all things are for the good of souls who truly love Me and put Me first in all things. Wait miracle after miracle and see how they occur. Behold the manifestation of the new heaven and the new earth as you learn to lead this life and make it work. Look how one wonder happens after another, because you are living all this and you are putting it into practice.

July, 3

Fine tune, find your own note, and make it sound loud and clear as you are part of the vast orchestra of life. You have your specific part to play, so don't try to play the role of anyone else. Search and find your own and stay true to it. When you learn to do it, everything will be very, very good. It is those souls that pretend to interpret someone else's note that are in discord with the rest. Never try to be like someone else or do what someone else is doing. I don't want everyone to be identical, like the peas in the pod. I need you all different with your own qualities and individual gifts. An orchestra composed of the same instruments would be very monotonous. The more instruments are mixed with perfect harmony in the orchestra, the richer and more beautiful the sound will be.

July 4

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied . When your longing is strong enough, it will be satiated, because you will increasingly seek the answer and you will not be satisfied until you have found it. You will have the determination, the patience, the perseverance and the persistence that will allow you to scrutinize until the last corner to find what you are looking for in this spiritual path, the realization of your unity with me. Never feel discouraged or that you are making castles in the air; you just have to know that you will find what you are looking for in the end if you do not faint on the road or give up in despair. Since it is worth overcoming each obstacle to reach the goal, be determined to overcome them, and do not give in to the temptation to believe that you have found something insurmountable or impossible. Be strong and courageous, and keep going, always forward, and you will surely arrive.

July, 5

Your thoughts of abundance determine whether your needs will be satisfied or not. When you think of poverty terms, and when you allow fear, fear, worry, inferiority, greed, selfishness and anxiety to nest in your conscience, as well as when you cling to those negative states, you attract the worst towards you. When you think like poor, you are poor, because you deprive yourself of all the good things in life that are yours if you readjust your thinking and attitude towards them. Start now to think in terms of prosperity. Consider that all your needs are being met in a wonderful way. Refuse to consider yourself lacking something, because if you lack something, the lack is in your own consciousness. Why stop the flow of My abundant, limited supply, through your limited, constricted conscience? When you begin to understand and accept where everything comes from, and when you can thank me for everything in a free and joyful way, you will absolutely not lack anything.

July, 6

Put all your faith and trust in Me, for you must know that I will never let you down or forsake you. Nothing you undertake is impossible, because you can do all things with me. Live according to faith. I want you to see the good of each situation arise, no matter how strange that situation may seem to you. Show yourself willing to have your faith and trust tested again and again, because what's the point of talking about faith and trust if you don't put them to the test and see what results they give you? Are you willing to take a leap with complete faith and do the seemingly impossible, not as a bravado, but because you know without a doubt where it comes from? Do not talk about faith until you have put it to the test and prove that it is unwavering. Get your strength and your ability from Me, because when I AM with you, who could be against you?

July, 7

You cannot say that you love me and hate your fellow men, because love and hate are like oil and water; they don `t mix. When you truly love Me, you will love your fellowmen. You will love each other. You will show mutual compassion and understanding. When you love each other, you will love Me. They are so entangled that they cannot be separated. How is the love you profess? Are you willing to give up on yourself for another soul? Love does not need to be expressed in words; It looks and feels in action. Radiate from within. Love is the language of silence. It can be understood and accepted without uttering a single word. It is an international language that is understood through the heart, not through the mind. No matter your nationality, there are always ways to express love and communicate it with absolute silence. Your eyes, your heart, your attitude, your entire being can imply what you are feeling towards another soul.

July 8

Start the day with Unity with me. Then, nothing that happens to you during the day can alter you. When you start this spiritual life for the first time, you have to make a conscious effort to harmonize yourself, but as it becomes more and more part of your own being, it is no longer an effort and you live in such a way that that is you. You find enormous joy and freedom. You should not spend half of your time in prayer seeking forgiveness, afraid of being wrong or worried if you get out of the channel and go against the tide. When you commit a foul, accept forgiveness right away and be determined not to commit the same fault again. Keep going, until living in this way ceases to be an effort and is a real joy, until you know what it is to be one with me and be in perfect peace.

July, 9

To go to the beat of life, you have to learn the art of staying still, because the more you stay, the more clearly you can reflect the qualities of your soul. How easy it is to blame the environment, your situation or your conditions for the state you are in! It is time to stop doing it and to realize that the cause is in you. When you search and find peace and inner stillness, nothing and no one will be able to bother you or get you mad. Look around; Look at the beauty and perfection of nature. Everything is rhythm in nature. There is a law and a perfect order in My universe. Nothing is discordant; There is a time and a reason for everything. It is there for all souls to see and participate in it, so, get along with it. It flows with him; and be part of the law and order of My universe.

July, 10

How important is your straight and positive attitude towards today and everything that he brings you! Depending on the approach you have, you can water it or make it perfect. The difference lies in your reactions to things as they happen. When your reactions are negative and aggressive, you immediately raise barriers and create opposition, finding faults with which to accuse others. You are so blind that you cannot see that it is you who has committed the fault and you go around with resentment. If your reactions are positive and constructive, all barriers will fall and you will see how help and cooperation comes from everywhere. If you made a mistake, admit it, say sorry and continue. Then precious time is not wasted trying to justify and prove that you are right. You have to learn many lessons. Learn them quickly and try not to commit the same foul twice.

July 11

What does life mean to you? Do you enjoy it to the fullest? Do you accept that it is infinite, that it has neither beginning nor end? Does knowing that encourages and inspires you or horrifies and depresses you? Your attitude towards life at this moment is extremely important, because many wonderful things are developing, and it is necessary that you go to the rhythm of everything that is happening and that you do not fight against it. It is a moment of opening, not of struggle or battle; therefore, it remains, contemplates wonder after wonder unfold in authentic perfection, and gives eternal thanks. Give thanks for being alive and for being part of what is happening. Give thanks for the quick changes, and change with the changes. Everything is for the best; So don't be afraid and go ahead with joy. Feel part of the whole process of change, of totality and novelty.

July 12

You are surrounded by beauty everywhere. Open your eyes and look at it, and give thanks continually for it. May beautiful things transform you and inspire you the best and the highest. Beauty makes the best of you come out and join you to the highest. The beauty that lies within you cannot be contained; So let it shine. Fill your heart and mind with thoughts of beauty, and reflect me, because I AM beauty. Look for beauty in all things, and when you look deep enough for the necessary time, you will see it. Rise above the sordid and ugly things of life, because by rising above them, you can help transform them as they are transmuted. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; Therefore, it is deep within you. Start this day with the determination to see beauty in all people and in all things, and you will do so. Love and beauty go hand in hand, so allow My universal love to flow freely in you and through you, bringing unity.

July, 13

Too many souls waste their time and energy blaming the evils of this world on everyone else instead of recognizing that they can do something about it when they start on their own. Start by putting your own house in order first. When a stone is thrown in the center of a pond, the waves expand more and more, but they start at that stone, they start from that center. Start by yourself; then you can radiate love, harmony and understanding to all the souls that surround you. Take action now. You want to see a better world; Then, do something about it, not pointing your finger at everyone but looking inside, exploring your heart, correcting your mistakes and finding the answer inside. Then you can move forward with authority and be an authentic help to the closest beings and all the souls you come into contact with. The change begins with the individual, then expands to the community, the city, the nation and the world.

July 14

Everything has to grow and expand. You would not want to remain a child all your life, having to be fed and dressed and that they did everything to you. If you observe a child, you will see how he wants to change and how he wants to try new things. At all times he is experimenting and learning, growing and expanding. That is the natural process of growth, of change. A child does not have to fight to do so; It comes in a very natural way. So also with the development of the New Age, which is right here with you now. It is not necessary for you to fight to enter it; you don't need to fear the unknown; You don't need to worry about the rapidity of the changes and the expansion around you. He yearns with true bliss and expectation what he wants to manifest. Nothing is too big, nothing is too wonderful, nothing is impossible. See how My wonders unfold in real perfection, and give eternal thanks.

July 15

You can help bring My heaven to earth when you realize that I AM leading you and showing you the way. You will find all the indications deep within your being, so you cannot deviate or take the wrong route. Search inside and follow these directions, and see how wonder happens wonder after wonder. There can never be a dull moment when I AM guiding and directing you. Search me and find me at all times. You don't have to look far; I AM in your midst, but you have to be fully aware of Me. When you live and move and have your being in Me, you are creating the new heaven and the new earth. There is no tension in creation. I said: "Let there be Light" and there was Light. I say: "Contemplate My new heaven and my new earth." Therefore, contemplate them, give eternal thanks for them, and dwell there in perfect love, peace and harmony now.

July 16

Many souls are looking for an answer to all the chaos and confusion of the world at this time. Day by day it gets worse, but don't fear, because things will have to get worse before they get better. A boil reaches its peak before bursting, and when that happens all the infection comes out and cleanses. Things must reach a critical point in the world before the poisons of hatred, greed, envy and selfishness come out and healing can take place. I need you with perfect inner peace. You will find it as you have your mind established in Me, and you can raise your consciousness, seeing only the best. You cannot help the world situation if you let yourself be involved in it. You have to be immune to the disease or else you will also get it, and then you could not help in any way. I need your help. I need you free. I need you perfectly in peace. Then I can use you.

July, 17

Make sure that everything you do is dedicated to Me and is for the benefit of all. When you live for everyone, the self is forgotten in the service of your fellow men, and when you serve them, you are serving Me. Everything is so closely entangled that you cannot separate one from the other, I in you and you in Me. I AM in all things and in all people, therefore, I AM in your neighbor, your friend and your enemy alike. Where I AM, there is love, for I AM love. Fill your heart and mind with love, because all things and people respond to love, because love makes the best of all come out. Where there is love, there is My Spirit, and where is My Spirit, there is the source of your spiritual life. Always look for that which is deep within you, and don't waste your time looking for an answer to life from the outside.

July 18

You must learn to stay on your own feet and find your own individual path to function in the global plan. Drink only from Me, the source of all life and all creation; That way you can't go wrong. Never hesitate if the road becomes difficult; Just move forward firmly, knowing that it is only a pothole you are going through. The faster you go through it, the better; do it with the least resistance and resentment possible, learning important and necessary lessons at every step. You must learn to stand firm, to be very patient and persistent, not to give up easily. Keep the vision in front of you. You must know where you are going and what should be achieved, and do not abandon that certainty until you have seen it come true. You cannot be weak in this life. It requires that internal strength and knowledge that nothing can break or disturb. Make your strength and security reside in Me.

July, 19

Don't just talk about the new heaven and the new earth; it is up to you to incorporate them into your life so that they come true. Do not speak love; live it, so that everyone can see what it means. Words without acts are empty and useless. They are like hot air that evaporates and stays in nothing. You have to bring My kingdom to earth through your way of living and behaving, so that your life is an example, a joyful example that everyone wants to follow. Nobody wants to go through life overloaded, without joy or spontaneity. Blessed is the person who brings joy to the souls that are charged and who lack the spark of life. Put all your worries before Me, and bring joy and freedom to the souls with whom you contact. Be joy and inspiration, and reflect on everything you do, say and think. Have perfect peace in doing My will and walking in My paths, glorifying me.

July, 20

Expect only the best, and hope that all needs are satisfied, even those that seem impossible. Never limit yourself or think you shouldn't wait too long. Be very clear about your needs, formulate what they are, and then have the absolute faith and confidence that they will be satisfied. How it happens you will have to leave it in My hands. I have to work through channels for that to happen, but all things are possible with me. Therefore, do not worry and see how My wonders and My glories are presented, give eternal thanks and use it for the good of all at all times. You are not living according to human laws but divine; Therefore, anything can happen at any time. Expect miracles and see how they take place. Always keep before you the thought of prosperity and abundance, for you have to know that doing so sets in motion forces that will make it so. The more positive you are, the faster it will occur.

July, 21

Why seek guidance through someone else? Why not go to Me directly? Don't you know that I AM inside you? Don't you know that I AM here to answer all the questions, to help solve all the problems, and to guide you and direct each of your steps if you allow me? I never impose on anyone. You have to choose to look for me and find me, and when you do, I AM here waiting to take the reins, waiting to pour love on you and through you, waiting to show you the way. Once you have chosen and allow me to take command, you can abandon yourself and simply follow My instructions step by step. You will see My glories and wonders take place, and you will see miracle after miracle happen in your life. You will know that nothing and no one will stand before something that is right and has all My blessings, because that will happen at the right time with authentic perfection.

July, 22

Everything I have is yours. Think about the wonderfulness of those words, and then let your consciousness expand so you can accept them and know their true meaning. See how they become reality in your life, and do not accept any limitation again, because all My promises will happen; They are not empty promises. Simply assert yourself in faith, and may it not hesitate for a moment. Everything comes to the souls who wait for Me, and place their entire faith and trust in Me. Look how one wonder after another unfolds before you. Recognize the marvelous in the small things of life as well as in the great. Open your eyes to not miss anything; Open your heart and may your love continue to flow. Love attracts love. All souls yearn to be loved. Why not give love, then? and to the extent that you give, you will receive. But learn to give freely without any trace of attachment, and enjoy life to the fullest.

July, 23

Wake up and live! Live the full and glorious life that is your true heritage. Do not fear anything. Within you are all the wisdom, all the power, all the strength and all the understanding. Tear out weeds of doubt, fear and uncertainty so that they cannot spoil the beautiful garden inside you deeper, and so that you can grow the best with authentic freedom and perfection. Release everything inside you so that it can be reflected outside; You can't hide it no matter how much you try. If there is chaos and confusion inside you, it will be reflected in the external world through your appearance, through your behavior, through what you do and what surrounds you. You cannot hide what is inside of you no matter how much you try. When your thoughts are very high, beauty and perfection are reflected on the outside. You are like a mirror that has been very polished; Nothing can remain hidden.

July, 24

Go through life with a huge sense of peace, and you will be surprised how much you can do. You can do much more quietly and confidently than in a disturbed state of mind. When you are unable to concentrate on what you are doing, it indicates that you are doing it halfway, and therefore, not in the best possible way. Realize the importance of your straight attitude towards everything you do to enjoy life to the fullest. I want you to enjoy life and find the best in it. You will see that when you know where you are going and what you are doing, you do not waste any time being undecided but that you approach it right away and do it. Take time to find out directly through Me what is required of you. So you can only do it in peace and quiet; Therefore, look for time for that. It is a very important key.

July, 25

Now is the time to build, create, unite, time of harmony, peace and love, time of totality and unity. Host those positive, constructive and creative thoughts in your consciousness at all times and don't let them escape. Make them live, move and have their being in you, and see how the vision of the new heaven and the new earth takes form and substance. Let it unfold within you. As you harmonize with the idea of ​​the New Age and its true meaning, it will gradually begin to unfold within you, and you will realize that you are part of it, and it is part of you. It's a tremendous thing, like a sleeping giant waiting to wake up from his sleep, and once he starts moving, nothing can stop him from coming. There is nothing to fight against; It is no longer necessary to engage in battle. Just learn to wait on Me, and let My perfect plan be revealed.

July, 26

I AM inside you. I am not in one soul but in another; It's just a matter of realizing. Some people are more aware than others of the divinity within and are able to go to that source and live according to it. Therefore, it seems that they are living and demonstrating something supernatural. There is nothing supernatural in that; it is only about living according to My laws, using the energy that is within each person as it is to be done. The air is to breathe it, but it depends on each one to breathe it or not. Electricity is to be used, but it must be put into operation, it must be connected and used. If we do not do that, even if there is electricity, its energy cannot be demonstrated, which is waiting to be released. So also with the spiritual energy inside you. It is there for you to use, but if you do not connect it and press the switch, it will continue there.

July, 27

When you refuse to learn a lesson in one way, you will be presented in another. There is always an easy way, but if you refuse to accept it, you will be presented with the most difficult and complicated way. Why don't you learn your lessons in the easiest way? Why can't you be like a little girl, eager to learn and receptive to everything that happens in your life? Why not grow with all this in the most natural way? That is My plan for you, why complicate, then, life when it is not necessary? Doing that just stops the progress. You will find, as you learn to take precedence over all other things, that everything fits perfectly. When you can raise your consciousness and keep it elevated on a spiritual level in your life, up to the height of what really matters, then great changes will take place and life will develop for you without any effort. Life is very simple. Why complicate it?

July 28

Pray without ceasing. May your life be a constant prayer of love and gratitude. Life is very, very good, but you must always remember that life is what you make of it. Therefore, if you are negative, you attract negativity towards you, and a dark cloud covers your life, separating you from the highest good. If you are constantly positive, seeing the good in all people and in all things, a blue sky and the brightness of the sun will surround you and dwell within you. Fill your life with love, faith, hope and fulfillment. Learn to love life, because when you love it, your life becomes a constant prayer and you truly pray without ceasing. Prayer is your inner communion with me, when we walk and talk together just as we did in the beginning. Prayer is the food of the Spirit, the nourishing source of the soul. It is a deep inner need in all souls. Feel that inner need and give it an answer.

July 29

When I tell you that My glorious plan will develop step by step, you may visualize it developing slowly. My beloved, nothing will happen slowly now. Everything is accelerating. Even so, it will be a gradual opening because everything will happen to your time in a perfect way. Let it happen and do not try to stop anything that is happening even if you fear the speed with which it is happening. My rhythm is perfect.

Why shouldn't you accept it? Do not let any resistance inside you; rather, he finds perfect freedom and bliss as the plan develops. It is a really wonderful plan, and you are part of it. You have your own role in it; That is why it is important that you find out what it is, and that you perform it. Do not miss another day without finding out. When you take a time of stillness, in silence you will know what your specific part is.

July 30

Give constant thanks for everything. There is much to be thankful for; Open your eyes, look around, and consider how blessed you are. In doing so, you will find yourself filled with an overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude, and your whole life will assume a new meaning. The people around you will care more because your heart is full of love for them, and you can understand and tolerate them more. You will find yourself grateful to them, for their love and for their company, for simply being who they are. Your eyes will open to all the beauty and harmony that surround you, to the wonders of nature. You will see with eyes that really see; you will hear with ears that really hear; and you will speak with words of love and understanding. Life will be good with you because you will not take anything for granted but you will show appreciation for everything and you will see My hand in all things.

July, 31

Your thoughts of love, positive and creative have tremendous power, much greater than you seem to realize, because thoughts are power. Therefore, eliminate all negative thoughts. Always look at the luminous face of life, because the more joy and love you radiate, the more joy and love you will attract towards you. Love the souls that surround you, because you will see that in the end everyone responds to love. Children and animals do it immediately because they have no barriers to tear down. They feel the flow of love instinctively because they have no suspicion that there are crooked motives or intentions; they only accept it, respond to love and give it back in a joyful way; while, very often, adults have suspicions and imagine that there must be some other reason behind. When those motives are pure and genuine, allow love to flow with full force until all barriers have fallen. Love is the key of life. You have it within you.

Excerpt from the book: La Voz Interior by Eileen Caddy

Chapter: July

The Inner Voice

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