Blessed are you, by Julio Andr s Pagano

As I approach and touch your shoulder gently, my heart asks you to look with the eyes of the soul. You see it? Behind the text is a wise old man with a burning candle. I felt his immaculate vibration. Illuminate this message, with the beautiful light of love, so that confidence can resurface within you. He is a noble guide. He came to impel you, with his redeeming energy, to take you back to contemplate the Sun. Blessed are you.

With the delicacy of those who recognize the pain of wounds and are aware of what exhaustion and confusion implies, the old man gently shelters your body - with the purity of its frequency - so that you recover your beautiful aura. His sincere eyes speak through the movement of my hands, that's why I write to you. This is the harmonic sound of a crystalline message, its words come to energize you and increase your understanding.

If I could show you the importance of continuing to walk, without closing your heart, my task would be accomplished. I am here to help you, because the transition is intense. Don't believe that nobody listens to you. There are doors that do not open for you to move in another direction. Do not give up. Situations that seem unfair give you the possibility that you learn to focus in the midst of adversity. I felt every step. Respect your own rhythm.

Rest is not a waste of time, it allows you to internalize experiences. Although it seems the opposite, do not stumble on the same stones. New teachings cross your path to give you the opportunity to learn, in a different way, what you thought had only one solution. Your inner universe expands and enriches as you observe without judging. Embrace your reality and transform it from the center of your chest.

Open. An immense flow of golden energy is caressing the stars to bring to your heart the splendor of a majestic time. Internally you feel that the Earth calls you to dance with her the creative dance of love, but your mind reproaches you that you will not be able to cover your most basic needs. This abyss, which seems insurmountable, is overcome by taking the void, once again, the step that extends your firm wings.

Renew confidence in your inner voice and continue on the path of love. Do not fear for the intensity of the tests, they may squeeze but they do not hang. Soon you will see new spaces of consciousness emerge where you will share your experiences. There your heart will embrace other hearts. You will sing and feel that what was lived was not in vain. Internally you will enjoy a deep calm. Only a few steps are missing. Trust. Trust. Trust.

The old man, with long white hair and glowing tunic, puts his graceful hand on your forehead, silencing all worldly noise. He looks at you in an angelic way and your soul recognizes him. A flower opens when you see them walk together, wrapped in the gleaming and loving halo of a new humanity. The sun shines. Your heart celebrates, has been reborn in the light of trust. I kept walking. I kept trusting. I am a messenger. Blessed are you



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