The union of the subtle body. Beloved Maria

  • 2016

Today, February 11, the largest conjunction of the union with Gai opens

Rooting is fundamental, these days, it is time to take root in your own life, it is now the moment of openness of consciousness.

Subtle body alignment is the biggest key to light. You are all in a global and unitary commitment to Gaia in this current incarnation, regardless of your personal growth stories and your free will.

The unitary purpose of this incarnation is vibration, you became incarnate, with your group souls to vibrate.

By vibrating in their free will, in the union of polarities and in the restoration of their physical bodies.

It is now time to open their souls to close their polarities and to love their lives, the union of their subtle bodies, depends solely on joy.

Nothing that is not born of the joy and illusion of life, will be sustained from now on, is a process of liberation from its attachments or dual constructions, for the liberation of its heart

It is now the great entrance of energy necessary to open their bodies and unify them, an intense light arrives, an intense Solar energy and a greater openness of consciousness.

Awareness of your commitment to yourself, vibrate in love, vibrate in illusion and vibrate in your day to day.

You are only responsible for being vibrant beings, so that the light that enters these days through the fields of union with Gaia, and the base, can come out through your prana and incorporate into you in your subtle bodies and electromagnetic energy.

The incoming energies will come to you through Gaia, the crystal and diamond resonance will permeate you and give you enough strength to open your own voice and your heart, to love yourself and respect each other.

They will be intense and increasing energies of light, crystalline and diamond, that will align all their bodies.

Beloved to be of light, in the next few hours your heart chakra will help you integrate your diamond and crystalline consciousness, and show you those parts of you to attend and release.

The intense process of union with Gaia begins, at the time of his ascension and transformation, it is nothing external, it is only to vibrate, love and choose their lives, everything else can be solved, energy doors will appear and help to cancel the past of as much as possible, thank you dear brothers for your light.

Thanks for sharing, happy day everyone

AUTHOR: Elsa Farrus


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