The wisdom of the heart ”, via Tazjima

  • 2016

We are the Collective of Light, which is composed of the Archangels, the Angelic Hosts , the Ascended Masters who oversee and overlight this planet and solar system, as well as the Illuminated Galactic Councils. There are no boundaries between individual and collective consciousness. We exist and operate as individuals and in Unity within the Whole. We serve All That Is, The Creator and the Source. We kindly remind you that we don't care about titles, charges, or being cataloged. We serve the One and each of us is a part of the One, just as you are. Today we come to tell you about the Wisdom of the Heart .

Wrapped in the warm emanations of the heart, you are calm and peaceful, even when you are in the midst of chaos. We are calling your attention to those who are worried or distressed and those who feel a longing for peace to enter this space with us. Where does this space of the heart exist? Can you see it, feel it, is it real It is as real as they allow it to be. It exists inside, outside the physical body, but it is felt through the centers of the heart and the high heart, part of the new dynamics of the chakraic system for the awakening humanity.

In a moment of stillness, practice being silent, resting your thoughts and emotions. Focus on the center of your heart and breathe deeply and slowly, allowing your breathing to become rhythmic. As you breathe, let the breath take away from your body the tensions of the day. Allow all worries and anxieties to disappear. Stay calm and quiet in the present moment.

Feel the warmth of the center of the heart and grow, while focusing on it. Allow any barrier you may have placed around the center to melt. There is no need to remain in how and why. Simply know that you are powerful. What they focus on and have the intention will be, if they start slowly.

Allow your body to adjust and sink into the chair. Feel your body relax. Soon, in a few moments, they will feel more peaceful and calm than they have felt in a long time. And with practice and repetition they can retain this feeling of serenity at all times.

It is required to be calm if you wish to access the Wisdom of the Heart, for it comes as a whisper without a voice, a knowledge that is speechless but is understood by those who are willing to listen.

The Wisdom of the Heart emanates through the center of the heart, through its feelings and through its intuition. For this wisdom to be useful to them, it is necessary to stop judging themselves and let go of the expectations of others.

The Wisdom of the Heart emerges from dimensions that have no conditional thoughts. The Wisdom of the Heart may seem paradoxical to those who are accustomed to thinking rigidly and logically. And yet, the Wisdom of the Heart is what drives the actions of those who have brought a great change to the world, those who have not been the 'establishment', the rebels, the poets, the musicians, the artists and the dancers, the writers, visionaries, saints ... all those who are driven by the inner fire that emanates from their heart flames.

Do you dare to hear what that Wisdom of the Heart tells you? Are you willing to get out of the limitations that your family, friends and society have expected you to follow? Are you willing to do what you preach following the path of the Wisdom of the Heart?

There was a time when those who were on this path were persecuted. We have all read stories of those who have left these limits. Many have met death or have been subject to ridicule, and yet they persevered, pushed their own fears aside and have left an indelible path for all to follow.

Take a deep breath There is no need for them to voluntarily enter into the martyrdom that belonged to the old Pisces cycle and is now over. The world has energetically passed through the door at a higher frequency. Now it is time that those who are willing to follow the path of the Wisdom of the Heart go forward without fear to discover and create what is communicated.

When you are able to behave calmly in any situation, you are able to remain neutral without judging, this does not mean that you need to suppress your emotions or be scolded for having a `` negative '' thought going through your conscience. . Simply release the need for self-judgment, let go of the need to ' fit' in the definition of 'good' or 'bad'.

Thoughts often do not originate in you because as individuals you are part of a collective mind. Their minds are like radio receivers. Many of you have been trained to see certain thoughts as shameful. Feelings of guilt and fear have built layers on layers of unconscious barriers around your heart chakra, so you have not been able to feel much of anything. This acute inability to feel has led to the modern need for entertainment through social gossip, turmoil, and violence . Alternatively, those with sensitive natures have been overwhelmed by shame, guilt and self-denial, and have sought to bury their feelings through various means of self-destruction.

It is time to return to balance and alignment. It is time to silence the rational mind to rediscover the point of tranquility of the heart and inner mind, and listen to your Higher Self, the greatest part of you that exists in the Multidimensional Realms.

You left the worlds of the highest frequencies by volunteering to experience everything there is to experience on the edges of consciousness. You have all experienced various levels of separation from the Source. The experience of this separation is what has called them to hustle. Within each of you there is the desire to return Home, to sit within the Presence to be One with the Creator.

His world is beginning to respond to the internal call of the Creator, who is calling all his children who have wandered far away so that they can now return home. In the story of the prodigal son in which the father went out to find his capricious son without judging him, he welcomed him home with arms and an open heart.

You have fulfilled the Creator's Mandates. You went ahead and played in vast fields of experience; They have gathered a great harvest for the Creator and now it is time to return home. You have heard the call from within, if not, you would not be reading these words.

The Wisdom of the Heart will help them discover for themselves the right path to take to go home again.

Now is the time for expansion and dreams; It is a time of transition and a time of rapid changes. There will be a lot of chaos around you, but with the ability to listen inside you will walk through the Valley of the Shadows of Death, and fear no evil as you will go forward unharmed.

Evil is the creation of man and limited thinking. You can take a step beyond fear and limitation and enter a world without limitations, but you must first take these first steps. We are here to guide you, advise you, protect you and encourage you, but you must decide for yourself if you will take, and when, a step forward. Go inside, listen as Maria listened to the Angels and followed the directives without fear. Mary heard the Angels speak to her through her heart, and Joseph heard her. Become the source of your own transformation by becoming a vehicle for your own Wisdom of the Heart.

Stay calm, still and quiet. The Wisdom of the Heart will sprout within and flow forward like a beautiful river of Light. The Wisdom of the Heart is Love, a force that moves mountains, creates stars, moves tides and galaxies. There is a force in Love that you will begin to recognize as you allow it to fill your physical vehicle. Fear will no longer hold you back because as the Wisdom of the Heart fills you, there will be no more room for fear. You will reach balance and alignment, your Spirit will be renewed, and you will be open to the inspiration of your Higher Self.

You have embarked on the Path of Return, which will bring many changes in your life. Learning and preparing to face these challenges and changes with equanimity will assist you to see the changes as positive and empowering. They will move from strength to strength without the need to control others. They will feel intuitively as they listen inside and respond to the Wisdom of the Heart just how to act around others and how to achieve what they want to do, in service and with Unconditional Love for others.

Go with our blessing, my dear. Go ahead as the Light and Love that you are. They are held in high esteem as the bravest of the brave. And we love them very much.

We are the Collective of Light, and we leave you these words: “You are the Wisdom of the Heart. You are love. ”

Thank you, dear Collective of Light.

AUTHOR: Tazjima / Elizabeth Ayres Escher


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