Cosmic Law 2: As it is inside, it is outside.

  • 2014

The inner world reflects the outside.

What is inside will manifest itself outside.

What you are inside attracts you abroad .

You literally live in the world that reflects your own inner world.

When you are peaceful and happy inside, when you shine of Love for yourself and others and you love what you are doing and do what you love, when you lean on from deep within yourself cultivating the beauty of Being and the Spirit, then your outer world will manifest itself as peace, contentment, love, support and beauty.

When you are angry inside yourself, even if you have buried the anger so deep that you are not aware of it, or you are no longer aware of it, it will attract people angry at your life that reflect the anger that you have denied within yourself.

If you feel a deep feeling of abandonment that could have happened in another life and another time of life, people will reflect it. They may leave you, or they may emotionally withdraw from you, or they may even die.

If you are constantly mortifying yourself with your thoughts about yourself, you will attract people to your life that will reflect it.

If you think the Earth is full of bad people and that everyone is conspiring against you - then that's what you're going to attract.

If you believe that you are poor and that you do not deserve prosperity, then you will reject all abundance and the flow of money that comes into your life.

If you feel safe, you love yourself deeply, you honor your own sacred spaces and you are happy and happy inside, you will attract people into your life that will show you that. Your internal integrity will be reflected by those around you.

When you do the internal work, you begin to deepen within yourself and release all that emotional pain that was within you, you raise both your own frequency and your vibrations that literally attract a higher state of Being in the outside world, and you begin to attract to related beings who are in the same frequency band as you.

The Universe will always reflect how you are inside. As it is inside is outside.

This law also applies to your physical body. Inner feelings are reflected in the way we build our bodies.

If we feel emotionally or sexually vulnerable inside, we could build a protective layer of fat on our abdomen or hips, the places where we sustain our emotions and sexuality.

"Male" men with muscular breasts often hide feelings of vulnerability, etc. Your body is a mirror of your deep and often unconscious feelings.

If you have pain in any part of your body, for example neck pain, ask yourself: “who am I deranging?” It is wise that instead of taking pain medication ask your body what is treating you to say.

With what or with whom have you not made peace yet? What can you not swallow or digest? Who is causing you a headache? What feeling of anger or repression is clogging your arteries or hardening your cells? "Chest pain:" Who are you allowing to be hurt? "Rigid joints:" How can you change your attitude to move forward? "

Life in the amazing school on Earth gives us constant opportunities to learn about ourselves. Your animals will reflect your inner qualities. How are your animals? What qualities do they have?

When we joke that someone is like your dog, we hardly realize how true that is. A person who appears to be very nice and calm and yet has an animal that is aggressive and annoying is not expressing his underlying feelings of anger.

The Law is very simple and accurate.

The Highest Beings in whose charge you are make the material objects in your life alter according to your own inner state. The pipes, roofs or radiators that drip in your outer life reveal emotions that drip inside, while the fires roaring outside reflect burning issues inside.

We have to start clearing our inner selves inside and out and do more internal cleansing and collapse work in order to manifest changes in our physical lives.

When we understand that this law moves harmoniously with the first law, then we understand that when we do internal cleansing and clearing, liberation work, then we change the outside world. WE ARE LITERALLY THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD. That's how powerful we really are.

When they raise their own consciousness, they raise the consciousness of their entire outside world, that world that is reflected back.

When you reject inside, you reject outside.

If they want to change society or others, then they must first change themselves.

The Universe arranges itself according to how you create.

Consequently, we have to constantly watch over our own inner world. Begin to bless the pain in your life because the pain is emerging deep in those parts inside that need to be healed and be whole. Begin to bless the challenges in your life because you are showing them where they need to work on themselves and where their Achilles tendon is so they can use their internal muscles and strengthen them.

It took me years to grasp just this basic law. I was thinking this morning about growing up with parents who believe in lack. So I believed in lack too and began to resent money. I was educated believing that as soon as I was able, I would have to have a job and earn money and support myself, but with the negative programming I had assimilated, I hated going to a bank. My relationship with money then was one of fear and anger.

It was only when I didn't have a single penny in my name or any job or support when I realized that I had to do an important job of cleaning / cleaning inside. I was shown that money is energy, like anything else; It has no positive or negative charge. It was my own inner emotions and the emotional charge that I put on this energy that was creating exactly what I feared most in my life, and with this also a great feeling of abandonment. This is from past lives.

Well, I literally had to reprogram myself and my own internal beliefs. I was asked to bless my purse, my bank accounts, all the money flowing in and out of my life, and to start charging for my services - for my own energy that I invest in this and because then I charge it with a positive energy . I really began to recognize my own value and understand that my own inner world is reflected outside.

As I began to work through my feelings of abandonment - first I had to return to the time of life in which I felt more abandoned and then find the link with this life, which at that time was when I was a baby and my Mother was in the hospital for a few months and I had to be taken care of by my father, my grandmother and my brothers. When I returned and went into these wounds and opened them, releasing all the pus that was inside and I was grateful for what had happened and I saw how it had served me, so I could heal.

Interestingly, when I changed my own vision and beliefs and feelings, the outside began to change positively, and I have advanced light years beyond what I was and experienced merely three years ago.

If there were one among the cosmic laws of which the entire planet and all its people had to achieve mastery, it would be this. When we stop wanting to constantly change the whole world and change ourselves everyone changes. Such is the Cosmic Law.

As inside is outside.

Photos: Jean-Luc Bozzoli and Josephine Wall.

Cosmic Law 2: As it is inside, it is outside.

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