The Solar Template of MU: Fifth Solar Disk Activation. FIRE Portal. Deepening and Transformation

  • 2012

We continue with the work of Activating personal Solar Disks and Synchronization with the Solar Template of MU. We have quickly moved through time and space and are already in the Fifth Solar Disk!

As we have activated our Solar Disks, we have synchronized with the Solar Template of MU.

The Solar Template of MU is an information, light and sound circuit that has been activated in the Planetary Christian Grid. This Template consists of all 144, 000 Light Codes that have been activated on the Planet. It is a cosmic network, which carries information from all ages and as it was activated over the years, driven by the Work of Light that each of us has done, the Lemurian Memory of Unity began to be restored in the Planet, with it, the Living Library has begun to shine little by little, reconnecting with the cosmic framework.

The Light Codes are frequencies of Light and Sound that come directly from the CENTRAL SOL. They carry information and sound at their core whose function is to keep the planetary cosmic systems in connection, exchanging information through a constant flow. The MU Solar Template remained active in the Lemurian era, the Light Codes together formed a network of frequencies that allowed access to memories and information from stars and planets. In that way every living Being on the Planet had access to the information contained in each molecule of life on Mother Earth and in turn, through that connection they had access to the Universal cosmic information.

With the fall of Lemuria the old framework known as the Solar Template of MU had to be protected and with the passage of time as consciousness fell completely to the third dimension, it became dormant entering a rest cycle.

At this time and as we entered the Photon Band, the entire Planetary circuit began to reactivate as part of the natural Ascension process and the entrance to the galactic day. The Light has begun to ignite in the consciences and as more and more human beings began to make the quantum leap towards the manifestation and understanding of Love and Unity, the MU Solar Template could be set in motion again.

Through these monthly activations of the personal Solar Disks, each of us is lighting his own luminous circuits to enter the resonance of the MU Solar Template and access our Luminous memories and re-ignite in us the Living Library of Light in information .

Planetary and personally, the Solar Disks are the anchoring points through which this luminous circuit called MU Solar Template is held. It could be said that each Solar Disk contains a fractal of Light by itself. As a small receptacle capable of holding and storing information. As they are activated, consciousness and the ability to remain in the Light are raised, holding the consciousness of Unity from true understanding and acceptance.

Portal Fuego: The ego and its seven aspects, Deepening and transformation.

As you will see, everything is linked. The elements are a fundamental part of this circuit of Light and information that conforms to the Solar Template of MU and that is why they are included in the frequency of the Solar Disks.

This month we will activate the Fire Portal, in our heart chakra. Fire is a powerful element. Mother Earth contains it within her bowels and only releases it when purification and liberation is absolutely necessary.

Mother Earth, like all life everywhere is a multidimensional Being. Its heart in the fifth dimension is a beautiful rainbow crystal whose emerald green core represents the cosmic feminine energy. The Cosmic Mother is contained in that core and from that space embraces and sustains all life. However, in the third dimension the heart of Mother Earth is a powerful core of incandescent fire whose cosmic force is unimaginable.

This apparent duality is actually a beautiful manifestation of Unity and the force contained in the feminine energy fused with the masculine. The inexhaustible force of the inner fire of Mother Earth has the capacity to transform and transmute all the density and pain that human beings have accumulated throughout the ages. Through that force Mother Earth releases the pain, her fire purifies and transforms it. Volcanic eruptions have that function and are in themselves an intense process of liberation through which Mother Earth heals and transforms pain into Light.

Each of us has the connection with the fire in his heart. Each of us possesses the transforming Divine force of fire!

Throughout history, fire has been an important part of Humanity. The ancient tribes gathered around the fire and told the stories of their ancestors. In a perfect uniqueness between the cosmos and the Earth, the ancients maintained history through their words and songs. The nights covered with stars, the vast plains of Earth and fire, acting as the alchemical chalice capable of melting the cosmos with the Earth in a sacred encounter where the oldest lineages melted as one through the profound transformation.

In those ancient lands, stories were told of how the Beings attained enlightenment through the Sacred transforming fire. Upon observing the movement of fire, the ancients traveled deep within themselves entering their hearts.

This month we will activate the Fifth Solar Disk in our hearts. This Solar Disk is the Portal Fire whose activation will allow us to integrate the teaching of the inner Fire of Mother Earth. The teaching of fire is the deepening and transformation .. It leads us through its movement and heat to travel deep into our hearts to enter through its sacred chambers.

Inside our heart chakra there are 7 cameras, which are the prelude to the inner fire or flame trine. In those seven cameras the densest aspects of our ego remain hidden and latent. Those aspects are the ballasts that prevent us from reconnecting with the true Unified essence of the inner fire and throughout history were associated with the 7 deadly sins. It is said that each of us has a thousand egos, however, there are 7 the most predominant aspects and there are 7 aspects that we must integrate before entering the Inner Fire and unify ourselves with all that we are in freedom.

Throughout life each of us has faced these 7 aspects. No matter what it is, perhaps for some it is jealousy, for others greed or fear. That does not matter. However, each of these aspects acts in front of us, conditioning us, limiting us, preventing us from reconnecting with the true inner Unity.

That 7-headed mythological beast contained in the bible is actually a representation of those 7 aspects of our ego that in one way or another prevent us from reuniting with our inner Christ. The only way to beat him is to enter the 7 chambers of the heart and look straight ahead at our shortcomings, to realize that each of these conditioning aspects are actually as illusory and lacking in strength as the ancient beasts mythological. The force of fire is within us and that force is the divine will of the spirit that will drive us towards reconnection with all that we are.

How many times have we not found ourselves fearing something or acting from those 7 aspects of the ego for fear of really being what we are? How many times have we not found ourselves acting from separation, sustaining our deficiencies through these 7 aspects of the ego?

And in reality, each of our fears are sustained by mere illusions. Empty constructions created by the mind and internal deficiencies. By allowing us to deepen, we can see and face those illusions and then transform them.

The next teaching of fire is Transformation . Just as Mother Earth purifies and integrates pain through volcanic eruptions, fire drives us to transform ourselves. To burn and purify what causes us pain. It drives us to integrate aspects of the ego from the deep transformation traveling into our heart.

Therefore, Deepening is confronting without fear, like the ancient warriors, those inner beasts that constantly stalk us through illusory limitation. This teaching of the Fire Element allows us to realize that there is nothing to fear. That everything we fear and what we cling to from the ego is really an illusion.

Transformation is elevation. It is to change the course of things, it is to allow us to stop clinging to the old to allow us to renew and restart in a new space. Fire apparently destroys, but in reality what it does is transform, create new windows of opportunity for change.

Then, remember, in our Interior the Fire radiates the force of transformation and rebirth to reconnect with our Divine Essence and free ourselves from everything that conditions us.

Mother Earth and its elements are wonderful Masters!

It is necessary that you have already printed the images of the previous Solar Disks available to download here

Before carrying out the Activation of the Fifth Solar Disk we will make a journey into the heart to integrate the 7 aspects of our ego and continue in search of our Sacred inner Fire.

Audio of meditation:

For all those who perform this meditation for the first time, we will review each Solar Disk so that they can Activate them.

Also the Meditation will be transmitted through Radio to the Other Side of Mirror at various times for the entire Planet:

We are Blessed in Love and Joy, always!

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