I am Mary, "on 11-11-11

  • 2011

Here I am, beloved daughters and sons of the light, I am continually connecting with their hearts, connecting with the love of the Father, the great Light that radiates and unifies, calling all beings to unity.

Children, my daughters, be patient, many of you are going through painful processes, changes, others still do not find the path, as you cling to old behaviors, others still walk blindly, only with a distant certainty of what they know is somewhere, they want to return to the path, but they still can't find their own way to the source, to the Home.

They are moments of rapid, accelerated changes, everything takes a different look in an instant, and you, beloved ones, still cannot in the midst of these changes flow easily and be centered. It is important that they stay in love, in you, look inward when they do not understand, when they do not understand, or when the realities that surround them overwhelm you.

Remember also beloved sons and daughters, which is only the learning that you chose, that created these realities to learn, to overcome, to transcend, and everything is perfect from the same energy that you created so that these learnings take form in your physical world.

But I will tell you beloved ones, I will tell you that you are on the path, even if you feel you are lost, you are on the right path, you are in the light, and as long as That is, everything in a short time will take a new form, clear the roads that were blocked, towards their new lives, and co-create each of their new realities, environments, relationships, know that they are guided by an invisible thread of light, to their guides, to their ancestors, to their Masters, and in their hearts the divine light expands more and more.
Focus on that light, communicate with it, become aware of who you are, become aware of what you can do, do not limit yourself, be creators, be new beings.

I will also tell you about the great Portal the great Gate of light that will open shortly, on 11-11 this year.

It is a great moment beloved, it is a happy moment, for you and for us, great energies will come to the Planet dispensed by each and every one of us, to help you, to raise your vibrations more, and give way to the new man, and the new Earth that is gestated, in each one of you, taking shape in the middle of great external movements.

In the middle of that portal, which will be of great help and healing for each of you, there will be a great opening of minds and hearts towards the light, and those who are already carrying out their missions, will expand their tasks more and more, feeling a great internal change, leaving behind the conditioning, blockages, transcending their own thoughts to create their dreams, new lives, in joy, in fullness.

Go then beloved, to your inner temples on this day, and also to your sacred places, sing chants, dance, connect with the energy that will descend, holding the flame of your hearts, and anchoring it deeply through your channels to Earth, unifying with all the brothers of the planet and with us, it will be a great gathering of souls, of beings of light, of peace, of divine love.
Remember beloved, that we are here, remember that love unites us at every moment, feel that love, walk hand in hand with your brothers, joining their lights in the Divine Light.

I love you, daughters, sons, I join you, in Love, our essence.

Mother Mary

Received by Adriana Sozzi. 10/11/2011
More messages at www.luzdelser.blogspot.com

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