The Aquarian Spiritual Perspective: a tool of unity, harmony and inner peace

  • 2010

May the power, strength and spiritual will be present in your life to successfully overcome the spiritual challenges that will help you to vibrate in harmony and synergy with the Cosmic Father.

All cosmic evolution is based on the essential parameter of the spiritual perspective, which permeates every atomic and subatomic particle in the universe. When we lose the spiritual perspective of existence, we tune into virtual realities that are a distortion of the reality that underlies the cosmic phenomenon of evolution. Basically there are two perspectives from which we can observe, understand and experience life and evolution:

1- When we discover our spiritual identity and understand that we are emanations of the Infinite Creator, our attitude and understanding is endowed with knowledge, harmony and spiritual discernment.

2- When we are disconnected from our divine essence, from the Divine Source and from our essential being, we create mythical realities that deprive us of the power, strength and spiritual vision of existence.

Essentially the process of cosmic evolution gravitates around the discovery and activation of the spiritual perspective that encloses the alchemical power of awakening and inner illumination. When we disconnect from the Primal Light stream, we automatically tune into the virtual realities that we each want to experience. The whole problem of the human being is based on the disconnection with the Divine Source that generates a distorted vision of reality and generates a chain of mythical events that gradually eclipse your sensitivity and spiritual perspective. The spiritual perspective is lost when we want to dissociate ourselves from the Cosmic Father due to a great desire to experience darkness or unconsciousness. When disconnection with the Divine Source occurs, the inner light dims and you experience the side effects of fear, anxiety and frustration.

The suffering you usually experience is the side effect and evidence that you have disconnected from the spiritual perspective of life, which is ultimately the purpose and foundation of it. Higher evolution beings are characterized by having a great existential spiritual perspective, which in turn generates a broader and deeper understanding of the universe and evolution. The conflicts that exist on your planet are evidence of the lack of spiritual perspective that drives you to create and tune into virtual realities that, due to their disparity and fictitious nature, generate conflict, suffering and destruction. The entire program of cosmic evolution is based on this axiom as it is an inherent part of the evolutionary dynamics itself and the driving mechanism of cosmic evolution.

The virtual reality in which you usually live is the consequence of disconnecting yourself from the spiritual perspective of life, and everything that happens to you is the additional effect of that wrong view of reality. The Aquarian spiritual perspective is a state of being, feeling and living that is in harmony and synergy with everything that fosters cohesion, harmony and harmony with the inner transformation and connection with God. Spiritual growth is not a topic related to specific circumstances, techniques or methodology, but a state of being and living based on alertness and inner transformation, with the aim of recovering your immortality and developing the spirit of unconditional service.

On the planet in which you live because of its vibrational density there are an infinite number of virtual realities that are projections of the egos of human beings that foster negative, aggressive and destructive life situations. You have become so accustomed to experiencing virtual reality that you cannot live without it, and when for some reason you tune into the current of light that underlies and permeates the universe, you enter into conflict and panic takes hold of you. This is an indication of the unconsciousness that you have developed as a survival mechanism in an environment that is fictional, hostile and ephemeral. Why does this occur? As beings of light you have the power of choice, and as your creative power is restricted, you create circumstances based on error and a distorted view of reality. The whole process of spiritual growth aims to develop the Aquarian spiritual perspective through which you will perceive how the universe is an incessant flow of harmony, creativity and love that the Infinite Creator has designed to capture your attention.

The Aquarian spiritual perspective is an evolutionary technology that will allow you to understand and perceive life beyond the duality that hides your divinity, and prevents you from being happy and immortal. Immortality is the great dream and aspiration that has always been present in human beings, but which has a real basis. Being immortal means vibrating in harmony and synergy with God, doing his divine will without resistance or conditions of any kind. Immortality, like harmony, perfect knowledge, joy, love and infinite beauty are side effects of spiritual perspective. When we shed our spiritual perspective, we are victims of the wrong perception of the reality that filters the involvementist ego, and therefore we suffer. All cosmic gear has a divine purpose, which is to transcend the limitations of space-time that restrict your immortality, divine consciousness and infinite happiness.

As beings endowed with free will you have the power to create and experience everything you desire. However, this generates harmful long-term effects, eclipsing your sensitivity and spiritual perspective when the goal is not the connection with God. You speak of the divine plane as a metaphorical representation of what you know and experience in the evolutionary plane in which you live. The divine plane is not a mythical world with which we periodically connect based on personal interests. The divine plane is the state of being, feeling and acting to understand that, as beings of light, we have been designed to serve and love the Infinite Creator, the source of joy, beauty and infinite love. Each of you has a concept of the divine plane that is based on a desire to obtain better living conditions, and not on unconditional service as the consubstantial nature of the essential being.

The Aquarian spiritual perspective is a holistic vision that allows us to understand that we are all parts of the mechanism of cosmic evolution, and that each one must contribute to foster cohesion, harmony and cooperation. When we forget our personal interests and focus on the cosmic perspective of evolution in order to install and activate Aquarian spiritual values, we are vibrating in sync and synergy with the Divine Source. To recover the power and spiritual strength that you have lost and that prevents you from connecting with the flow of divine love, you must forget personal interests and understand that, as units of divine service, you must strive to activate the light inside you and on the planet.

Although there are several international organizations whose purpose is to foster union, collaboration and communication between nations and individuals, the effect is contrary and counterproductive because they lack spiritual perspective. The Aquarian spiritual perspective is a technological device that allows cohesion of polarities, generating an alchemical fusion of collaboration, respect and therapeutic communication. When we develop spiritual perspective, we understand that the problems of the human being are basically the same, although the nuances may be different. The origin of social dysfunctions is based on the lack of spiritual perspective by not understanding that everything has a spiritual purpose, which is to recover our immortal and divine nature. We are all emanations of God's creative power, and we must collaborate with fraternal spirit and existential respect so that love, harmony, peace and prosperity prevail in the universe.

The Aquarian spiritual perspective is the tool that the universe and the spiritual hierarchy are facilitating in this sequence of your evolution, if you really want to experience unity, harmony and inner peace. . Any inconvenience, adverse circumstance, physiological dysfunction and existential conflict can be resolved when we understand that we are beings of light designed to love and collaborate with the designs of the Infinite Creator, respecting and loving all manifestations of life that exist in the universe. This holistic view of life develops when we understand and feel deeply that, as beings of light, it is our duty, and that our quality of life and spiritual evolution depend on it. This spiritual perspective is a feeling that is activated by feeling in the depths of our being that this is the purpose of life and evolution, and therefore, inescapable and vital for us to discover and experience the immortality, divine grace and infinite love that is within us and that we can share with all living beings and with God.

(Extracted from:)

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