The dark night of the soul by Anabel C. Huertas

  • 2013

"Precisely because he himself was subjected to suffering and trial, he can now help those under test" (Heb 2, 18)

During a long period of study and experiences on the path of self-knowledge and self-mystery, the dark night of the soul, the substantial reflux of its action in the different paths and principles of existence that we are contacting, is a constant cyclic in all seekers and pilgrims of the spiritual world.

As we abandon the old forms and patterns and our mente opens up to the possibility of divine manifestation, the psyche and emotional fields expand their vibrational currents and become refined scenarios where the Soul can begin its full journey and can display the evolutionary dynamics of original perfection of the being it embodies.

During the process, as our personal investigation proceeds through the different expressions of the psychological fields, the intuitive world, the soul gradually releases itself from the limitations that over a long period of time. Dream period has kept her away from the impending consciousness of her totality.

Thus the new perspective advances inspired by a halo of subjective light that in different progressions of light is caressing levels and vehicles of our being, dívic kingdoms, cells and mol Circulars that in a process of receptivity contact their equatic qualities not limited by ancient patterns or beliefs, waking up and freeing themselves by nourishing themselves with the force of the Soul That is rediscovered.

The first impulses of light of the Soul are conditioned to the many states of consciousness and to the qualities and forces that they express in the phenomenal, mental, astral world of spacetime. Depending on the different degrees of vibration, the planes of manifestation, or the stages of development, the Soul, the critical consciousness, the main stage of human superior triplicity, the varies. experience of itself, going through a series of contacts that are shaping the keys of the relationship, which are distilling the essence of the life that underlies all conscience expression, slowly approaching the liberation.

The liberation n or the synthesis of the triplicities of man and in any way, is produced as a result of the gradual series of experiences of consciousness on the different planes. Thus the light of the Soul that hides, omniabarcante and subjective progresses by insufflating its transcendental qualities to the objective form, purifying, sacralizing matter, experiencing it from its own depth, until symbiosis, synchronicity and vibratory rhythm they are unified getting a degree of equal purity that allows the experience or omniscient consciousness where everything is synchronized and tuned into the great Everything.

The research, the experience, the internal search that allows us to find bits of the multidimensional being that we are in any atom, molecule or expression that manifests in us, leads us to a long period, to an individual and intimate experiment where the “intuitive perspective ”Or Kingdom of the Soul interacts with the different spaces and qualities of triplicity.

The old comment says: “For him, the shadow watches the reflection and, nevertheless, sees the Light. For him the tangible merely demonstrates the intangible. Both reveal the Spirit, while form, color and number speak out the word of God. ”

In many moments the fluctuation of the "soul that awakens" in the different currents in which consciousness comes to life, produces a detonation and disorientation with the inherent or Christic life (the life of the Soul) and the lower physical life, or mental processes and emotional, they create mirrors, psychic mayas, or "lower astral contacts." The seeker, the meditator, the pilgrim is called to objective discrimination, to the management and sovereignty of the different spaces that his conscience occupies, and it is this energetic fluctuation, necessary for synthesis and synchronization with life One, what we know Like the dark night of the Soul.

Osho says "The search for your deepest essence is a dark night, but with the inner fire of inquiry you are destined to reach the dawn, in fact, all who have been burned with intense inquiry have found it."

The succession of subjective events towards the true seat of the intuitive world in personality and the emergence and exteriorization of the devic lives that make up the conglomerate of multidimensional life of the human being is the natural way of expression or liberation of the incarnate Soul.

The indefinable, the impenetrable only exists to its true meaning through the sincere experimentation of nature itself where a succession of events and realizations of the conscious and progressive superior or spiritual light can "express itself" "feel" "live" through different states of true reality, which link it to a great Central Life, to the great force that is veiled after any form.

Thus the path of human evolution, the unfolding of the intuitive mind that slowly settles and progresses by forging the “bases” of the personality of the Aquarian man, in his “experimentation of life” he must immerse himself so much in the dark nights that treasure wisdom ancestral and the force of life inherent, as in the magnetic drives of the new "perspective", finding the unique, personal and non-transferable way of personal "freedom" for this exciting and mysterious journey to the great center.

The path, the pilgrimage of the Soul in its complete self-affirmation leads us to the true experience of ourselves in each and every one of the "dwellings of the Father's house."

Live the mystery ... be the One Life.

“The higher it came

of this set so uploaded

both lower and rendered

and dejected I was

I said: "There will be no one to reach."

Knock me down so much

that I was so tall so tall

I gave the hunting scope. ”San Juan de la Cruz.

"What I tell you in the dark, speak it in the light"



The dark night of the soul

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