The nation of mankind - Update Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The Beginning ... Not the End 2 Planetary Changes 3 Release the Old Energy 4 The False Dogma, Control, and Indignity 5 Greater Access to the Power to Create 6 United Nations 7 First World Nations 8 The Power of Love 9 The Fall of Tyrannies and Power Gaps 10 Reform Requirements 11 A New Responsibility 12 The Middle Path 13 War and Conflict 14 The Planetary Ascension

Regards! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I embrace you with love, unconditional love.

Thus, on this wonderful day we met to give a message to the Nation of Humanity and the United Nations. We pause to fill this space and this time with the Cosmic Light of Unconditional Love. We tell you that only Unconditional Love will unite the nations of your beloved Earth. We surround each and every one of you with a nourishing energy and with a field of self-empowerment, because each one is truly a Master on his Ascension path.

Our purpose is to offer you inspiration and clarity, but now and always it is a requirement that You, as a sacred and sovereign BE, discern about this and other channeled messages.

This is 2015, Year Three of the New Earth. Then we kindly ask all of you to look at the world around you for a moment. What do you see? The news of their news reports on war, chaos, riots, disasters and economic collapse. What is disseminated is what is seen in 3 D. It is generally full of pessimism and fatality, is it not? But we tell you that a new sun rises, and it is certainly the sun of change. Bring the light of the magnificent New Earth. And, dear ones, we mean magnificent.

And yes, we already know what some of you think: The angels look at the world behind a rose crystal. His perspective is an incredible optimism.

Teachers, the current chaos on the planet, however dark it may seem, is a purification with purpose, and will bring up the remaining obstacles that must be cleared to the surface. The liberation of the darkness of negativity in the areas of conflict is necessary, and all this arises to make it result. Some will doubt this truth, because on the planet there have always been detractors who predict darkness and fatality, and warnings of disasters and fear. They serve a purpose in duality, and by the way a quick look at the globe would seem to justify their opinion. But we tell them that it is old energy. It is not the role of the Spirit to tell them to give up hope or to give up their free will. Our message is to tell them about their own Divinity, and tell them that, in fact, it is true that the planet and certainly humanity will ascend ... and are absolutely on their way to make that happen. Point!

Never forget that your three-dimensional reality is a dream with purpose and that humanity collectively holds the keys to create change, to co-create a world of peace and we assure you that this will happen.

Society for Illumination and Transformation (NT in English the acronym is SEAT)

On this day we speak to the United Nations in the same language in which we speak to all seekers, to all conscious audiences. We recognize those who, within the Society for Illumination and Transformation, are members of the “ Transformational Team .” We know them very well, and we honor them for the role they play in this organization.

The Beginning ... Not the End

It is 2015 Year Three of the New Earth. So, many ask what really happened in 2012. The prophets of the final judgment were, and are still, in full power with this issue, aren't they? Some speculators are on particularly fertile soil with this issue, generating followers for fear of global chaos, collisions with comets, asteroids, cataclysmic inversion of the poles, religious wars and economic collapse. Certainly when you look at the planet you see disturbances. There is inequality and all tensions rise to the surface, and we tell you with certainty that this is a time for the purpose of purification, an absolutely necessary resurgence of unresolved energy that must be faced to allow the resolution to come. And dear ones, a solution must be found for one of the vital pieces of the puzzle that is now appearing: the necessary harmony that must take place between the three religions of Abraham: Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and we will talk more about this specific topic in A back of this special message.

Planetary Changes

Teachers, planetary changes will occur on the new Earth, but they are appropriate, however the global cataclysm that some seers have predicted did not happen and will NOT happen on a global scale. Now, keep in mind that there will certainly be some natural changes on Earth; the purification of the planet, the transformation raising the frequency; but it will be gradually, at the regional level, and it is for high change, for the highest good. We assure you that if it were not for the tremors, jolts, winds and waves, however devastating they may be, it would be inevitable that a much greater one would take place. And that will not happen precisely because of the gradual change. It makes sense, right? The planet will ascend, and humanity will follow. In your highest consciousness, that level above fear, you not only know this ... you have programmed it. Then we say: "Well done!"

Drop the Old Energy

Dear Ones: Again we tell you that the Planetary Ascension took place, and humanity has produced it. And the rise of humanity is on its way, but it is time to release the old energy of FEAR. That fear is deeply programmed, because there have been ages in the past, five times, when the world had to "restart" through devastating global cataclysms, inclinations of its axis, magnetic inversions and impacts from asteroid collision. which resulted in a massive depopulation of the human species on the planet. So these fears are deeply embedded in their cellular memories, a subconscious recording that repeats itself continuously.

The False Dogma, Control, and Indignity

Thus, many of your religions are full of dogma embedded with fear control, warnings and restrictions ... limitations such as: "in my own way or in any way." They program you to misconceptions of "original sin", vows of poverty, and focus on what not to do. Their fear-based controls rely on severe punishment of offenders, creating group ways of thinking to trap them, program fears and cage them into false and rather damaging dogmatic belief systems. Those crooked dogmas of control encourage fanaticism and extremism. They breed hypocrisy and threaten retribution : you do it our way or you'll see.

This is old energy, it is fear, and fear breeds hate . It is a low primary vibration, an extremely low vibration and, Masters, cannot return to lower states of consciousness; Life is expansion. With the New Earth comes a major role in the co-creation of reality around him. But that is a responsibility that unfolds through love, not terror. While you are responsible for your actions, that responsibility is with the BE. Each is a sovereign spark of the Divine.

Greater Access to the Power to Create

So what happened in 2012? The short answer: greater access to your divine creativity. The Earth was amplified to 12 dimensions, and by having access to these crystalline fields, you have greater capacity to create responsibly.

As they enter the Ascension, the Crystalline Grid replaces the magnetic grid that has dominated the ebb and flow of the Earth for eons. As a result, three-dimensional polarity is optimally limited within a more stabilized energy matrix.

You ask: What does that mean, Metatron? It does not mean that the 3rd dimension has disappeared, because it is in the realm of duality that the lessons of free will take place in what we call the “University of the Earth.” Because the Earth is its testing ground. The third dimension is a requirement and must be mastered; in that sense it is like a springboard towards a higher dimension. What it means is that the oscillation of the duality arc will gradually decrease. And it is a gradual process, it will happen in a prolonged release.

We will tell you that it has already begun. That is precisely why those who resist the old energy are kicking hard. They have been taken out of the shadows and put in the crucible for all to see. As the light increases its brightness, it attracts insects from negativity. But you can no longer disguise events to hide the truth. Look what happens around you. A positive change is taking place, which allows a necessary cleaning, but what does not work must come to the surface to be faced and resolved. And much more of this resolution is yet to come, we assure you that.

In a true sense, the furuncle of negativity, the aggravated anthrax of darkness becomes massive and the poison is released so that it can be cleansed.

United Nations

Then we tell everyone who is gathered here, the readers and listeners, that those who are enlightened among you, and the members of the United Nations, play an important, perhaps more important, role than you realize . Because you are the voice of those who cannot speak, and you have the collective ears of those who want to hear. And many within the delegation will listen to you. So do not be discouraged, because we recognize its importance even if others do not.

We tell you that at any given moment, half of the world is in light and the other half is in the night; It is a world of polarity. We tell you that much more than half of humanity has its shadow consciousness, yet to wake up in the light of wisdom. We tell you that enlightenment happens one heart at a time. But just as a candle can light a room, an illuminated soul can light thousands. Therefore, the light bearers among you should never lose your faith; they have to shine with more intensity, because even a wave of small photons causes a transitional illumination. That's right, and it should be with you today.

First World Nations

However; some will say that the prominent nations of what you call First World, the powerful ones that dominate finances, seem more corporations than countries. Corporations based on earnings, whose residents are treated as employees rather than citizens, especially within the so-called First World Nations.

They will say that the gap between "those who have and those who do not" widens more and more. Some would say that in the United States, the masses in general are controlled and manipulated by the media, intoxicated by quantity, and enslaved by debt. The sovereignty of the individual has been lost. However, a light still shines, and every time it shines brighter. New generations are coming to power all over the planet, and they will accelerate the changes. This is happening globally.

We tell you that a time is coming when people will wake up to the knowledge that it is not their burdensome debt that binds them to their beliefs, but their beliefs that chain them to the weight of the debt. The global economic system will change, but it will not rush into free fall to irreparably crash into a planetary chaos. Doing that in mere chaos would not serve what is to come. Rather it will be forced to change, drastic change; and positive elements will arrive to enable a better way. The New Earth, the New Humans cannot create a better future simply by discarding their past, they will not. The change will come from learning from the past and adapting it to the present, one step at a time. The New Humans, in the generations that will come to power in the next decade, will choose a new pattern as a work in progress, and that economic change will take place.

The power of love

Masters, we have said before and now we repeat that when love of power is replaced by the power of love, humanity will take a quantum leap. But know that love without force is incomplete. Love without strength is incomplete, it is not integral Love. So change is inevitable, it is the nature of reality, and it is evolving into the light. The changes in the next 15 generations of humanity will make, create, the flowering of Ascension.

The Fall of Tyrannies and Power Gaps

Change is happening around you; It is not difficult to see. Look at what has happened and still happens in North Africa and the Middle East . What began as a revolt against the tyranny of fanatic dictatorships and kingdoms, has led to the fall of governments. In the void produced by fallen tyrannies, there is a power vacuum in which negativity can look for an opportunity and it will. And, Masters, in 3rd dimension, in the realm of duality, there are opposing forces. There is light and darkness ... and light attracts insects.

It has been said that the most cunning thing that "the devil" has done was to convince mankind that he did not exist. We assure you that there are no other demons than what you believe; The collective of human hatred manifests itself in living and conscious ways of thinking that are quite evil and quite real. The bigotry of religious intolerance is a subtle form of control for fear ... and fear breeds hatred. Hate is a dark energy with far-reaching effects ..

Reform Requirements

All patriarchal religions born of Abraham are undergoing reforms, some more necessary and intense than others. But change must come, and it will arrive sooner than later. Some of his current religious texts say that "God is an angry God, a vengeful God, " in biased and misunderstood texts, written more than a millennium ago. We tell you that the Supreme Gestalt that you call God is not an angry God, nor a vengeful God. Because you are Gods, and God is the collective of All That Is. And God is Love.

Just as his Second World War was a resurgence of the unresolved Atlantean conflict between the Law of One and the "Children of Belial, " his current chaos in the Middle East is a resurgence of the unresolved conflicts of the "Crusades." This must also resurface before. to be resolved. However horrible wars may be, if they cannot find a solution by any other means, then unfortunately it is the path of horror that arises which will eventually lead to solution and reform. But a great soul has said: "An eye for an eye, the whole world will be blind."

In turn, religions based on fear must also be reformed ... and this will take place. It will happen in religions and governments.

And then we tell all governments that, unless the change is made from above, it will be driven from below, and powerfully. The energy of the planet is changing, and the "old guard" of political power over love simply cannot be sustained in the new paradigm. The nations and corrupt ideologies that rule by brute force are falling, one tyrant at a time, one corrupt government at a time.

A New Responsibility

Governments must be from the people and by the people. Governments must take care of the last of their population, and not be templates of a power game for greed and cunning. Heart and love are the new energy; This is the new path, and this is the new responsibility for accountability. Government leaders cannot sit on thrones, and watch from above with indifference how their citizens struggle to survive. First world nations are required to raise the third. Not by military means or by corporate manipulations, but through sharing. Through understanding that a human life cannot be measured in gold nor can it be repealed to uselessness due to lack thereof.

And what about the economy. Look what has happened in these last 5 years. Dear ones, the Spirit does not lack money. There are means for everyone to have abundance. There is a requirement that each soul have the opportunity of life.

And the truth cannot be hidden; The shadow is being removed . Manipulation is manipulation, and corruption is corruption, even if for a short period it is hidden in dark legalities and in farce. The current economic system will change over time into a different one.

The Middle Path

In time, the middle route, which passes between what they call capitalism and what they call socialism, will be realized and over time will prove to be a more sustainable path. Life has to do with profit, but profit does not always have to do with monetary benefits. However, learning to create is part of your puzzle on the earth plane in duality, and you have to experience all the paths along the path to solving how to share the planet's resources, and what will.

War and Conflict

By 2015, most of humanity is tired of wars, but they are not yet empowered enough to force their leaders to stop them. In days gone by, wars were decided in royal courts and political temples. In modern times, wars are created in meeting rooms of military and corporate executives, and within the fanatic currents of fundamentalism. The victims are only a brief mention in the news of the night, together with the reports of the Stock Exchange. Others are unfortunately presented as martyrs.

Rarely do countries freely decide to go to war, but they blindly accept their leaders who declare them. If you could open the curtains of your hidden history, you would know that most of the war conflicts on your planet did not happen by chance, but were chosen strategically. There were no enemies to defend against, but rather strategies designed to fill chests and bank accounts or to increase the reach of power by force. But these will also fail over time. Wars are an aspect of polarity that will only end when Earth and Humanity rise above it. Hating war will never end wars. Loving peace is what will end wars, creating peace. Dear ones, so much is what is changing, and in the present it is difficult to see that a great purification is taking place, even if that purification involves the sad path of hatred. Hate, over time, inevitably leads back to love, but it is a path of agony, and this will also lead to the Ascension of mankind, because that is destiny. Last of his planet. Could this be what they call the Ascension?

And then, what was the Ascension of 2012? What really happened in 2012?

The Planetary Ascension

Dear ones, several years ago we told you that, for most of the planet, December 21, 2012 would come and go and the world would say that nothing had changed. Most of the planet believed that and still supports that conclusion. Some might say they were right.

But we disagreed ...

If you are hearing these words in the hope that the final phrases of this message weave a conclusion to your liking, you will not be disappointed. Thus, we tell you that as long as the template of the expansion took place in 2012, the massive enlightenment of humanity will not come for several centuries. 2012 simply gave them more instruments to work with. But, to be clear, much more work is needed ... and in 2015 and onwards, you must actively "Be the Change."

We remind you that we, from the Angelic Kingdom, are not here to solve your problems, but rather to encourage you on your way to the solution. Rather to support them and assure them that in due time they will resolve issues that seem so disconcerting. They must overcome the puzzle. And although humanity does not reach the critical mass for enlightenment on the Earth Plane for several centuries, it is important to remain present and positive, because it will occur; One day at a time, one heart at a time. Start with you ... and end with you. Your individual vibrations will add or subtract light.

Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which they recognize their own faults, their own conflict, with integrity, is the day they begin to embrace mastery, and it really is a journey. Likewise, the day they stand in their truth with the willingness to recognize the truth of another person, they encompass integrity. This truth then applies to nations as well, it applies in the big and the small.

The Spirit speaks of LOVE. The Spirit does not attack. Each of the current religions on your Earth has its truths and distortions. The key is discernment. You are required to decide what is true and what is not, based on your heart, and NOT IN FEAR. No truly sacred expression limits its truth and beauty to a single group. No true form of spirituality approves fear, hatred or violence as a means of growth.

Dear ones, choose to live free, choose to let go of worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way for the Nation of Humanity to be ONE.

I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS. You are loved.

And so it is ... and it is so ...


AUTHOR: James Tyberonn


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