Commercial music and emotions, by Ananda Sananda

  • 2013

We often think that what happens to us has nothing to do with us, that external events are responsible for our emotions and even our misfortunes. We have learned that we come to suffer, that we have to strive to achieve the things we need to cover basic needs, such as food or shelter.

As children, they taught us that we should behave well to please adults, to be a good child, because if they don't punish us; and they reward us when we do what is expected of us. The belief that love is conditioned grows within us. We have to please the other to love us. We are not good enough if we get carried away by what we feel or say what we think; If we are simply ourselves.

Used to hide the true personality we find it easy to adapt to each other's desires when we start a romantic relationship. But the true personality, the truth of each one, remains latent inside and expresses itself, claims its place, protests. This is how the inner struggle begins between what I am and what I think I should be to earn the love of the other.

False beliefs dominate our mind and lead us to think about things like:

If you wanted me you would do that for me.

I am not good enough for her.

I can't tell you what I really think, because he will be angry.

These repeated statements often activate, without us noticing, the Law of Attraction against us.

According to the Law of Attraction, everything that vibrates at similar frequencies is attracted to one another irremediably. Well, thoughts are energy. The emotions, too. Both emit frequencies that can be high or low vibration depending on their mood.

It vibrates under everything that is based on fear, sadness, anger, guilt or doubt. What emerges from serenity, inner balance, trust, love or joy vibrates high.

If we constantly emit thoughts of desolation we will be attracting exactly that to our lives. In addition, there is the circumstance that what we think generates what we feel and this, in turn, feeds it back, with what we find ourselves trapped in a vicious circle of low vibrations.

This is what happens with the songs that invariably today sound everywhere. Radio, Television, Internet, shopping center speakers, movie films, among others, ceaselessly emit musical messages that we, led by the love of music, end up singing repeatedly.

I can not live without you.

I'm dying for your kisses.

My life is over.

Without you I am nothing.

They are examples of the words we often pronounce without being aware of the effect they generate on our energy.

The word is a great creative instrument, as are thoughts and acts, because it is also energy. And, when pronounced, create doubly.

When we say a word we are thinking about it, with what we put into action, in unison, two of our three creative forces. The emotion will not take long to accompany them. Soon we will feel in the chest, in the stomach or in any other part of our organism the effects of what we are affirming.

The more I sing that my life no longer makes sense, that I lack the air if I do not see you or that I am not able to overcome it, the sadder and useless I feel. I become small, dejection takes hold of me, my strength is exhausted; and all I want is to cry or hide from the world.

And what does the world give me back on those occasions? More experiences of desolation, because that is what I activate with my vibrations. What I issue attracts me hopelessly.

Why don't we turn this dynamic around and start singing things like I feel alive, capable or will I get ahead?

What would it generate inside us to start proclaiming that I believe in myself, that I can and that I trust myself?

How would it affect the vibration of those words to unite them to the beautiful vibration of music?

It is true that there are numbing and raising music. Music that expands the mood and others with which it decays. It is we who must decide which of them we hear, allowing their subtle frequencies to influence us. We are perfectly able to differentiate the effect they cause us if we pay attention to what we feel when we hear them.

We can choose what to hear. We can decide that we will no longer sing affirmations that hurt us. Because damage is what some songs cause in our mind, in our emotions and in our energy, becoming enemies of ourselves.

I cannot be my friend if I constantly affirm and sing that I am not able to move forward without the other. Of course i am. I have myself.

I have my light, the wisdom of my soul, the confidence in me and the creative forces that will allow me to attract to my life all that I really need, what I want from the heart and what, without a doubt, I deserve.

I can create with thought, with the word, with the acts. From them I can generate in me high vibration emotions that fill my life with joy, peace and love.

The personal satisfaction that I have always longed for is at my fingertips. The key is inside me.

For you to see for yourself, from Ananda Sananda we propose an exercise today. Click on the link below, close your eyes and repeat inwardly the words you will hear next. Happy journey to your empowerment.


Ananda Sananda is a binomial composed of Víctor Estévez Polo and Alicia Sánchez Montalbán collaborating in unity to help people listen to the voice of the heart and trust themselves.

ananda sananda

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