The Look of the Other, by Maite Barnet

  • 2015

It happens sometimes, or at least it happens to me, that when we face the vision of ourselves, from the gaze of the other, we actually see our darkest parts, what we don't like, what we should improve. And we are afraid of not being good enough in any sense or aspect of our life and our being. That's when we feel that look as a threat and we don't like it, we avoid it.

Often, we pass by ourselves, without looking, without actually seeing each other, without knowing each other at all. It's hard to face and accept our own shadows, but we all have them. Without them we could not, either, reflect our own light. Both are part of the total unique, unrepeatable and wonderful being that we each are.

The look of the other is a powerful mirror, which reflects us so that we understand, accept and love, also, the good that is in us and that so many times we forget, we hide. Because most of us live hidden under our hearts, under layers and layers of fear, of guilt, of pain that prevent us from moving, being and expressing ourselves as we really are: worthy, beautiful beings, deserving of love.

Learning to accept the gaze of the other is not always easy. It takes courage and will. Courage to face ourselves. Willingness to recognize and improve. It is part of the path of a lifetime. That is why it costs and is not pleasant. But it is necessary.

We too are those eyes that look at each other, that mirror that reflects it and that reflection is not what we want to see in others, but for each one, what it really is.

The eyes of the other remind us of a wonderful and valuable lesson. That we must see, accept, love and allow ourselves to be, live and feel. So simple and so difficult at the same time.

Feeling love for ourselves is not always easy, it really requires an act of compassion for reconciliation, for forgiveness and especially for acceptance . An intimate act that only each of us can do.

I bless the gaze of the other. Those eyes that see me as I am not able to do it and that reflect me at the same time. That light is a guide in my path and I feel fortunate, very fortunate to have it.

Author: Maite Barnet Abad

The other's look

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