The influence of the astral plane in channeling by Gerrit Gielen

  • 2013

Translated by Igor Goyenechea

2012 is nearing its end. It becomes painfully clear that almost all the predictions referred to this year - many of them channeled - have not been fulfilled. Neither major natural disasters, nor the reversal of the poles, nor the mass ascension, nor the Niburu cataclysm, nor the Galactic Federation, nor the arrival of a world master ... to mention just a few.

Apparently, a lot of false information has been channeled. How can it be? Doesn't the channeler receive superior inspiration? Are those who channel us deceived, or are they confused by their own imagination? Its not that easy. Channelers usually believe in what they do, and are sincerely surprised when their predictions are not fulfilled. They are usually sensitive people, endowed with paranormal gifts, capable of contacting non-physical entities, and are convinced that these entities provide them with reliable and valuable information.

So what is going wrong?

An important problem is the astral plane that surrounds us.

What is the astral plane? How did it form?

After death, we are free. Free to return to the spiritual plane where we originate, free to create our own reality. But that freedom can be a trap. Many are not free in the deepest. They are imprisoned by rigid beliefs about good and evil, life and death, and what happens after death. Others are not so attached to certain beliefs, but to emotions and desires, such as addictions, anger, or feelings of inferiority.

The astral plane is, among other things, the joint creation of all these people. It is a social plane of existence in which all those thoughts of fear, illusion and desire take shape instantly. If we have many gloomy thoughts, we could find ourselves in a desolate and gray territory. That territory reflects our inner state. People remain in the astral plane until the call of their soul becomes so strong that they abandon illusions and ascend to the spiritual plane or, if that were not possible, retreat to sleep and return to incarnate.

For example: if someone thinks they will arrive in a “golden city” after the moment of their death, where people will walk exalting and praising God, then that will be where they arrive, that person and others who believe the same. In the beginning, they will be happy there; He will believe he is in heaven. But, at some point, life will become boring and monotonous; The "golden city" will be transformed into a prison. Thanks to this experience, an internal space is opened in which the voice of the soul, the voice of truth, can be heard again. Gradually, an awakening will take place and the astral illusion of the "golden city" will be discarded.

The astral plane is full of "skies" of people with fundamentalist convictions. The stronger these convictions are, the longer it will take them to hear the call of their soul. But there are not only "heavens" in the astral plane; Some people create their own "hell." Someone with a marked sense of inferiority could find themselves in a barren and lonely place that reflects their feelings. As before, it may take a long time before that person allows their inner Light to emerge.

In short, the astral plane is the meeting place of those who have not yet opened to the voice of their souls. Since their convictions are not rooted in the wisdom of the soul, they create their own prison based on those convictions.

How does the astral plane influence psychics and channelers? There are two ways.

1.- The cycle of fear

The astral plane is formed, in part, by us, the living; particularly for our strongest emotions, such as anger or fear. As a plane, the astral is close to the Earth plane, in the sense that many of the human fears and prejudices that prevail in it find their equivalent in the fears and biases that exist on Earth, in the collective consciousness of humanity . For example, when people on Earth fear natural disasters, all kinds of images of natural disasters arise in the lower regions of the astral. These images of destruction can be perceived by people with paranormal talents, who interpret them as signs of the future and present them to their audience as high truths.

In addition, in the lower part of the astral wander all kinds of entities that do not finish letting the Earth go. Some of these entities like to convey images of fear, because it makes them feel important. Often, they are deceased who cannot let the Earth go; their consciousness is still completely focused on Earth, and the recognition and attention of humans is very important to them. They need contact with people, and if those people begin to see them as messengers of high truths, some will not be able to resist. They will report anything that reinforces their status as a great messenger. They instinctively feel that making spectacular predictions works very well for them: the greater the disaster they announce, the more attention they will have. The original fear, which was already present in the collective consciousness of humanity, is thus reinforced by astral entities. That way, a cycle of fear is created.

Because of this cycle of fear, fueled by humans and astral forces, it can happen, and in fact it happens, that people gather around a guru, who honestly believes that channels a higher knowledge, when all he does is confirm his frightened visions, while presenting them as transmissions from beyond. Many of the predictions about 2012, especially those that talk about disasters, can be explained like this.

2.- Astral gurus

At some point, the spiritual development of humanity will cause the disappearance of the astral plane. Once people have tuned in to their soul, with their inner truth, and listen to their hearts instead of their egos, the astral plane will not have what to feed on. The astral plane thrives thanks to illusions and inferior emotions; Truth and love will mean his death.

At this time, however, there are entities in the astral plane that have lived there for a long time and have acquired a special position. In a fundamentalist cielo (think of the gold city mentioned earlier), there is often a single leader, a gur ig erected as himself, who sees himself as the voice of truth. That person bases his status on the special position he holds in the astral plane. For centuries, that person may have adopted the class of a famous religious personality; For example, Christ. They may even have convinced themselves that they are the Christ. This will be confirmed by his followers, of course, that they think that in the fundamentalist heaven they should be close to Christ. Naturally, that astral gurus affirms that he remembers all the details of the life of Christ. In all the fundamentalist skies of Christian origin, and there are many, there is always a Christ of this kind. This explains, for example, why such contradictory information about the life of Christ is channeled.

However, an astral guru of this kind is never completely removed from reality. He is aware that the spiritual growth of humanity represents a threat to him, and he will try to prevent it. To do this, it will send information to the Earth that reinforces fear and duality. This information can come in the form of channeling, for example. As these entities often possess sophisticated and insightful knowledge about human nature, it is often difficult to recognize that information as impure. Moreover, these entities often believe in the accuracy of their information. The very human capacity for self-deception is even greater in the astral plane than on Earth. On Earth there is a continuous confrontation with the facts or with dissenting voices, but this is not so in the astral plant; there, all change must come from within individuals.

How to recognize information as impure?

Pure information comes from the soul plane, from the spiritual plane: a plane of unity, love, freedom, respect for everything that lives. Pure information will move our hearts, and will give us an immediate feeling of peace, love and freedom. It makes us feel good in the universe in which we live; It gives us a sense of confidence in ourselves. Pure information leads to a real understanding of who we are.

The intention of impure information is always to frustrate the spiritual development of humanity, and strengthen the astral plane by creating new illusions and fears. Impure information has the following characteristics:

-The impure information proclaims the duality: “That is bad, this is good; those are wrong; there are conspiracies against humanity; disasters will happen ”, etc.

Why is this information disclosed? The spiritual plane is a plane of unity; Behind every expression of spirit that we see outside of us, there is a center of unity that we all share. Enlightenment means being fully aware of that unity. Thinking in terms of duality - of whatever kind - separates the human being from this unit, from its internal light.

-The impure information presses and is coercive: “You must do this or that to be pure; make sure you are ready for the changes that are going to happen; you should work hard on yourself, because otherwise things will get difficult for you, ”etc.

Why does this say? The soul connects you with unity, with The All. To be in contact with oneself, one must learn to listen to the soul. This can only be done freely. The voice of the soul is soft, not demanding. Pressure and coercion move the human being away from his soul.

-The impure information invokes fear: “Disasters will take place; you must join us or everything will go wrong; Be careful with this or that, etc. ” The voice of the soul is of love, not of fear. Encouraging people to hear the voice of fear takes them out of their center.

-The impure information is not centered on the here and now: specific dates of future events are given, or the cosmic history of humanity is told for the umpteenth time. They tend to be interesting, but nothing is said about life here and now.

Spiritual development always takes place now. By bringing people to their awareness of the now, their spiritual development is hindered.

-The impure information makes you feel bad about yourself: If you disagree with a certain text, assume that you are silly and naive, and that you are not yet enlightened.

When people believe that this is true, they will rely less on their intuition and internal guidance. This also slows natural spiritual development.

-The impure informants declare that they are the only authentic channel, the purest . They claim that they have privileged access to information that can only be received through them. At the moment when people want to be made to believe that there is a spiritual authority external to them, and that they know more, they are denied their own light.

To finish

Channeling is a talent among others: painting, writing, or a musical talent. The gift of channeling does not make one person better than another, no more than other gifts. Also, channelers are not authorities in spiritual or ethical matters.

In his article (“What is channeling?”), Pamela Kribbe writes: “What is decisive to evaluate a channeled text is the richness of its content, the clarity and the love it expresses. Whatever the source of the pipeline is of a secondary order. In addition, channeled messages are received by human beings, and always take the nuances of personal experiences and the mental framework of the person who transmits the information. ” (This quote is taken from an article in Dutch; to read the article in English on the channeling, see, "Who we are", at the end of Pamela's biography).

Personally, I think that channeled messages should be read as if we were listening to songs on the radio. If they move our heart and we feel lifted by it, let's enjoy them. If not, let's find another station.

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