The Great Acceleration; the Great Hiatus and the Story of an Owl. Log of the Earth, February 18, 2010, by Celia Fenn

  • 2010

In the last two months, we have certainly experienced an enormous acceleration in the energy of the Earth, which is accelerating our evolutionary processes at a phenomenal rate. This acceleration has been due to two Cosmic factors that operate in our Galaxy and the Solar System. First of all, at the end of December and in January we experienced a series of powerful eclipses and lunar events, and secondly, the Sun has finished its Solar Minimum and again burst into life, sending flares and magnetic storm energy into the atmosphere. from the earth.

As we know, we are all interconnected, and these pulses or messages of the solar system are coded pulses of light that guide our evolution "updating us" to the new levels of cosmic harmonic frequency in our multidimensional reality. At this time, after a prolonged period of relative stability in the Solar Minimum, we are once again on the roller coaster of energy ups and downs while trying to stabilize in the newly accelerated energy field in which we find ourselves. Speaking for myself, I have undoubtedly been feeling the nausea that goes with what I call "dizziness from the evolutionary movement." Physically, it is the result of the increased stimulation of the Pineal Gland, as a result of the increase in light energy. This increased stimulation is driven by the nervous system creating pressure on the nervous system, which feels physically like nausea and dizziness, and emotionally and mentally, such as anxiety, stress, irritability and depression, depending on how your system reacts to such stimuli. .

Thus, many of you may be feeling the return of such symptoms or the increase of such symptoms. To this is added the "balancing" factor that goes with this acceleration, a Hiatus or large "gap" in which our Collective Being strives to regain its balance. This means that, individually, we can find that our lives stop in some sense. Things break down, relationships break or have to change. We are in that phase where we are catching up with our own evolution! Everything that was not working very well and needed to change, will be changed now. And nothing can really move forward until this balance is achieved. And this will not be until the March Equinox, when the Earth puts itself in a state of Balance and Harmony again. Until then, we will be riding the crest of the magnetic waves of our own evolution.

The best way to do this? Well, there will certainly be pressure. I have discovered that here in South Africa there is a huge amount of tension. The economic crisis has by no means been resolved here and people live with increasing economic pressure. Food has become increasingly expensive in a country that is a food producer. The food in general here is more expensive than in Europe, where I was recently. In addition, since Europe closed its borders to Africa, there has been an avalanche of refugees in South Africa, and now, apart from the local poor population, we now have Nigerians, Congolese, Somalis, Malawis, Mozambicans and Zimbabweans, many with better education and skills than those found here in South Africa. A recipe for conflicts that are already manifesting in discontent, which in this country means rioting and burning things. Times are hard here. I think it's really not much better anywhere else. As a Human Collective we have not solved our Economic problems and we still have to design and implement something that works. It is not surprising that we are receiving an overload from the higher realms. We have to get up from our back collective and do something to manifest a new era and a new way of life.

Of course, at this moment we tend to say "but how", because everything seems like something that is in the hands of the so-called "dark" forces, banks and governments and large corporations. But we have been conditioned to think that we cannot do anything, except through these channels. It is time to wake up and realize that we are powerful. Recently I have been researching Ecological Communities as part of the "Biosphere Project" in which Archangel Michael asked me to work. I met the Tamera community in Portugal. His project is a "Peace Community", which is serving as a model for future communities. At first I was skeptical, but when I read his work I was impressed. They have many years of experience, and discovered that new forms of collective life and new ideas all collapse due to the "human factor." Human behavior was not compatible with the new energy. Emotions such as greed, ambition, property and insensitivity caused the collapse of the best projects. I can agree with that, in my experience, I recently discovered that in situations of Group Dynamics people are often so obsessed with what they want to achieve that they cannot listen to anyone else or see any point of view other than their own. So yes, the Great Evolutionary Change begins with US!

Of course, if they are reading this, they probably already know. They have read it so many times in so many ways. You create your own reality! Well, yes, they do, but they also co-create the Collective reality with a lot of other beings on all kinds of levels. And if they are so involved with their own point of view and opinions, then they are unlikely to be able to hear or feel the wishes and needs of others, even when they express them to them.

As we move towards the next level of our evolution, the key energy is going to be COCREATION! Work with others to manifest a new reality and be able to hear and listen to them and accept their point of view. And even more, to modify our point of view to include theirs, without losing our integrity of being. But this will be easier as we see others in the energy of Love, as Beings that seek to Create from their own desires and create Peace and Harmony as desired. To his soul. In this reality we will perceive that although we are the Creators of our own Reality, we are Co-Creators, and that we are not responsible for the decisions of those with whom we co-create. Instead of spending a lot of time on psychoanalysis and working on ourselves to find out what darkness we have, or they have to attract them, maybe it would be better if make it a new choice and start a new creation with souls whose energy is more compatible with what we want to achieve. Letting go and moving on are options that allow us the freedom to continue moving forward and creating in this accelerated reality of Flow and Movement and Creation. The more we focus on the dark, the more we will find it. The more we focus on the Light, the more we will find it. Where does attention go, energy flows!

One of the things that I have realized recently is that we are really in the 21st century. The forms of wisdom and spirituality of the 20th century only take us to a certain point, and then we have to find new ways and new paths. . And that begins with us and our new gifts of empathy and telepathy. Many of you will say, but I am neither emphatic nor telepathic. They are. They are simply not using it because they prefer the old ways of being of the 20th century to speak and demand and grasp rather than the ability to intuit and feel and choose. Very simple really.

Ok. Now the part about the owl. This is only to show that at some level things are changing for the better. Last night I was still sitting on my bed at 1:00 AM working with my computer, when I heard a strange sound, a call. For a moment I thought I was a human and I listened, and then I realized that it was the hoot of an owl in my garden. I haven't heard that sound for many years. When I first came to live here 13 years ago, there were owls living in the area, and at this time of year their calls were common at night. Then, the urban development extended and the owls disappeared from my reality, and my garden that was once full of elementals and all kinds of insects became sterile and empty, like most of the gardens in the city. So, listening to the owls again was a blessing! He says that the elemental energy is returning and that those of the other dimensions are working with us to ensure that we evolve on the New Earth as promised when we started this Journey!

(Translation: Margarita López - -)

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