The Universal Fraternity by Alfonso del Rosario

  • 2012


We live moments of important and transcendent changes. Some of an internal nature, which we could call a psychic-spiritual type and others of an external nature and relationship. Internal changes affect our thoughts, our emotions and our feelings, which are gradually becoming decentralized, moving from our selfish and personal centralism towards increasingly global and universal aspects. Until very recently we have been focusing our attention to meet only our most essential and personal needs, to achieve a growing gratification for our physical senses, forgetting that other and more important internal and spiritual aspect of our life and our planet, of which we are part with the other beings, breathing the same air, drinking the same water, warming ourselves with the same fire and sharing the same earth, to feed ourselves and shelter from the inclement weather, all this without hardly realizing it.

Our world and all that it contains is in a constant and uninterrupted process of expansion of consciousness, of a greater sensitive capacity that drives us to all its units of life, we, to go in that same direction, to change our old and outdated habits, our trashochadas phobias, our banal problems, our crystallized mental structures, and above all, to look at our navel believing that we are the axis through which everything else revolves. We must raise our sight as soon as possible to the infinite space where we can see a new dawn, a new and dazzling dawn of light that predicts a new era of internal possibilities and relationships, which will make our planet a place of peace, harmony and solidarity, where only the collective over the personal, the important over the superfluous, the spiritual over the material and where selfishness transmutes into the greatest and most transcendent manifestation of Universal Love. These are to me to understand some of the basic aspects that will be inherent in the New Golden Age that sneakily begins to be noticed and in which all humanity is committed to know it or not, whether or not it is aware of this fact.

The crises that we contemplate in us and around us, are always the expression or manifestation of the resistance we put to the changes and modifications that must be made in all our structures as human beings, both in the personal and in the collective and global spheres. It is precisely our ignorance or resistance to make these changes and all these transformations that trigger the pain and suffering that we must endure frequently in the course of our lives. For all this, we see in general, so much violence, so many war conflicts, so much environmental degradation, so many injustices and so many inequalities that we generate and that we suffer manifestly as discouragement, nervousness, stress, anguish, fears and also in different types of diseases, which are the result of not knowing, or not wanting to harmonize our energetic-spiritual system with that of the new renovating environment that is being imposed and making itself felt throughout the world through the new and powerful highly vibrant and energetic energies that we they are arriving from our own planet, as well as from our solar system and also from other centers of our own galaxy and from unknown areas of the infinite and unknown Space of the Universe.

If the basis of pain and suffering is due to our ignorance for not knowing how to interpret and follow the guidelines that set us and indicate the Universal Laws that govern all of Nature. Why not start as soon as possible to make the necessary modifications and corrections to redirect our lives to a new world order of Good Will and Correct Relations ?. In Buddhism we can find answers to these questions, since it is very explicit in this regard, by affirming that Happiness is, or should be better said, the natural essence and expression of the man who acts and lives according to Universal Laws, which makes it a conscious link in the Wheel of Life in Nature. The Four Noble Truths, the basis of the fundamental teachings of Buddhist Philosophy, illuminate for themselves the sincere seeker of truth, who aspires to reach the natural state of Happiness, in order to free himself from the chaotic current situation in which we are all involved, the result of our ineffectiveness, our resistance and above all our ignorance.

The Four Noble Truths tell us that:

1. Suffering exists.

2. Suffering has its causes.

3. The causes of suffering can be eliminated.

4. There is a way to eliminate the causes of suffering.

Recognize that suffering exists, that it has an origin, causes, that these can be eliminated and that there is a way to eradicate suffering and thus reach that desired happiness, is what we should aspire to and dedicate ourselves to the enthusiasm and joy that this fact entails, to achieve the release of that heavy burden that will allow us to be aware of that Life of which we are all part.

We should be able to admit or consider to some extent that we may not be right with our usual modus operandi, that perhaps we are not going at the same pace and compose of the new times that run, of not having in mind and in considering that perhaps what seemed vital and important yesterday, today it is no longer, that the inconsequential and insignificant until very recently, today can become the most important.

We have to understand in the most subtle and transcendent aspects that there is nothing immovable, aesthetic, or retrograde even though it may seem so. Everything is relative, everything is circumstantial, there is no truth that will last in time by itself. Everything changes, everything transforms. LIFE is a constant process of active and vibrant expansion of His Consciousness, in all imaginable areas of His expression, always oriented towards new Models of Perfection of Archetypes, which are also not Ethical or immovable, because they are constantly evolving and readapturing themselves to the influences and processes of changes and of readjustment to the LIFE that they eternally accompany.

We are all aware to some extent of this new situation. All of humanity in some way, some more than others, we feel in the deepest part of our being that something inexplicable is happening. Every time there are more people who are aware of this unity of life and conscience that becomes more evident and that makes us more supportive, more understanding and more loving with everything What surrounds us.

In these very special circumstances, the Fraternity presents itself as the main paradigm and the solution to these generalized problems and conflicts, and can be considered as the basis and foundation of the Right Relationships and Goodwill that we have to develop. in our personal and social manifestations.

These Right Relationships that through Good Will we have to put into practice, is what they have to take to Humanity and all human beings, to overcome the borders and barriers that separate us and begin as a new era of concord, solidarity, equality and justice, which will make it manifest in its fullness the Archetypal Fraternity that the Planetary Hierarchy is trying to introduce into all environments planetariums, so that in a more distant future, the Human Kingdom will be the main guarantor and the maximum expression of this causal reality.

The Fraternity is, therefore, in my view, the main valid alternative to the solution of all the exclusionary and negative that affects us and that induces us to mirage, error and all miseries with That man lives together.

For this reason, we have the need and perhaps also the obligation and responsibility to find out what the Authentic and Real meaning of what the Fraternity is and represents, and thus clarify, as far as possible, the roots on which It is sustained and manifested in Man and Nature.

The inherent aspects that constitute the Fraternity, can help us to appreciate better, the enormous importance that this Internal Reality has within the Immeasurable Framework of the Evolutionary Scheme of our Planet.

The first step that must be taken in this regard, in order to find the foundations on which the Fraternity is based, is the understanding and acceptance of the Postulates of Eternal Wisdom , a synthesis of Transcendent and Immutable Truths that have remained unchanged through all times and based on three points mainly:

  • That our Manifested Universe exists as the expression of a Spirit or Life, which is the Cause and Origin of all Forms and of all Hierarchies of Beings that make up the Totality of Everything that exists.
  • That this Spirit or Life permeates all Forms, and these Forms in turn, express what we call God or the Logos of our System.
  • That God or the Logos is the Essence of the authentic Universal Unity, the Expression and Manifestation of This Great Creator Being, which covers, Contains and Manifests, in each and every one of the Forms and Beings of His Creation or Universe.

In the acceptance and understanding of these postulates, lies what is the Unity of our Universe, an active and tangible Reality, in which we live and evolve, sharing everything, since we are all made of the same substance or matter and to all the same Divine Spirit interpenetrates us.

This Reality, makes us understand, that the beings of all the Realms of Nature are constituted by the same matter and encouraged by the same Spirit or Divine Life.

We would stay halfway to try to understand and understand this Sublime Reality, if we do not see or feel, that this Universal Unit is based on the Love that expresses this Great Being by His Creation, by his Body and by us as His Cells . It was precisely this immeasurable and incomprehensible LOVE to our understanding, which originated and gave rise to the tangible birth of our World.

It is thus, in this way, how we can approach in great measure the great mystery of the Creation of our Universe and also find out why this Great Being, God or Logos, keeps our planet alive and dynamic and all the forms and beings that it's conformed.

A well-known and interesting esoteric phrase comes to corroborate the above, by saying:

That the UNITY of All Beings,

in That Great Being, in Who, We Live

and we have our being,

It is the Essential Base of Everything that exists,

Being Your Maximum Expression


If we understand and can understand that Love is the basis on which Life and Evolution of our World is based, and Unity is its most palpable, tangible and objective manifestation, the Fraternity is a living expression of that Love and that Unity manifesting itself in all the Kingdoms of Nature and in each and every one of the planes and levels of existence of our world and therefore in man.

It is for this reason, that if we want to collaborate in this Great Divine Plan of Planetary Evolution, we must make this Reality our and try to project it towards an active and objective manifestation that encompasses all the beings that surround us and thus be architects. and collaborators of this Great Project.

Understanding and understanding the Fraternity in its most hidden meaning is only possible through Buddhi, the Pure and Intuitive Reason that can only be achieved when the concrete and analytical mind of man is in complete calm, in peace and in harmony. Only in this way can man, through it, reach the high and clear peaks where the Immaculate Archetype of the Universal Fraternity resides.

The Fraternity does not arise in us spontaneously and inexplicably, but it begins to wake up when the personality, life after life tries to reveal the internal need to be useful to others, to feel identified with everything that surrounds them, to capture that Universal Unity within the heterogeneity of forms and beings that surround it.

In this way, little by little, man begins to express the virtues and potentials of the Soul, comes to understand and feel the Fraternity as a Reality Internally, as a feeling of Oneness with all Creation, where help and service that you can provide to all Beings are your maximum expression.

In a more or less distant future, the Fraternity will be expressed in all its purity by Humanity, as genuine Love, as magnetic energy that will encompass an increasing spiral in the form of more and more beings, to encompass everything that exists, to any type of life and conscience as insignificant and seemingly inconsequential as it may seem, which will generate in all men authentic bonds of unity and mutual identification, based on common ideals and objectives. This objective and tangible manifestation of the Fraternity will lead to the practice of Sympathy, Sacrifice, Equality, Justice and Solidarity, making the barriers and limitations that now condition us disappear, since we will all see each other and we will be like Brothers, considering each other the same, each other and everyone else.

In the same way as the prism, it decomposes the light of the Sun in the seven colors of the rainbow, thus, the human being, through the practice of virtues, expresses the Pure Essence of the Fraternity through its correct form of thinking of feeling and acting, where the Virtues or Spiritual Qualities Expressed by the Personality, such as Tolerance, Understanding, Sacrifice, Goodness, etc., manifest that Universal Love and Unity towards all beings.

Making a brief summary of the above, we can see that the Fraternity is intimately linked basically to three important facts:

  • That Man has a Common Origin, both Physical and Spiritual. Where its physical origin is proven by Science. And its spiritual origin is endorsed by the Religion of Eternal Wisdom.
  • That God or the Logos is a Homogeneous All, where the different Plans, Kingdoms, Concerts, Forms, etc., as well as Humanity, form a Unity, despite the apparent Diversity of Races, Cultures, Religions, etc.
  • That the Beings of all the Realms of Nature, both Physical and Supraphysical, are constituted of the same Divine Substance and Essence.

The acceptance of the existence of the Fraternity and the fact of being Fraternal, implies a great effort and no less sacrifices that lead to the practice of Renunciation, Detachment, Charity, Solidarity, Sacrifice, etc., aspects transcendent that at some point must manifest naturally in the evolved and spiritual man.

Experiencing the existence of the Fraternity as a Reality in our lives, allows us to be increasingly sensitive to everything around us. Act more accurately in the face of any need that occurs in our environment. Mitigate to some extent the main causes that prevent the manifestation of the Fraternity in the world, such as selfishness and separativity, inherent negative aspects of human nature, which, like a thick fog, circulates throughout the Planetary Aura, tying us and enslaving us to the Lower Planes life after life, preventing the Light of the Spirit from appearing and manifesting in our Lives.

To assume the existence of the Fraternity, also carries with it, the power to appreciate, that Fraternity and Egoism are antagonistic and irreconcilable, being able to judge for ourselves if any of our actions are Fraternal or not, simply observing if they implicitly any slight glimpse or glimpse of personal interest.

If we don't see each other, each other as brothers, integrated into the same family, admitting each other as we are, with our defects and with our virtues, we will not have understood the Reality of the Fraternity. We have to feel this Fraternity , feeling reflected in others, seeing in each other, our most loved ones.

What a heart would not be inclined to help anyone, if we saw in it reflected the faces of our parents, our brothers or our children. Surely we would not think of comfort, convenience, gratification or interest, which could give us the fact of coming as quickly as possible to your help.

The Immanent Reality of the Fraternity is the answer we can find to understand the development of the Universal Laws that direct the Progress and Evolution of the World and of Man. Thus, what Religion defines as Communion of Souls, Eternal Wisdom, explains it by saying that it is that Unification and Identification of Egos and Beings that constitute Humanity, Fraternity.

The practice of the Fraternity generates a whole process of Internal Development in Man, which opens the Inner Vision towards a New Universal Dimension, by making him understand and feel that Union of all the Concerts and Forms, in the Life of That Great Being, God or Logos.


The Fraternity, as we have seen, is not limited only to the human kingdom and the lower realms, the animal, the vegetable and the mineral, but also extends beyond, even to other evolutions, such as the Angelica or Dìvica. The relationship and human-civic relationship, with which we are so close and fraternally united, should be more conscious, better understood and more requested in any of our daily activities. . In these new times of changes and renovations that we are beginning to experience, the angelic entities are increasingly present, more interested in becoming tangible, in which we know of their existence, of their existence. fraternal and loving union with the human being. They are letting us know that we can count on their invaluable collaboration to perform any type of work, be it personal, social, educational, research, healing, religious, cultural, etc. In a promising future and following the Sacred Laws of Evolution, it is planned according to the Great Plan of Logos, that both evolutions and both kingdoms, the human and the angels, work together and consciously united as creative hierarchies that we are, in the important task of making objective and tangible (as it has already happened in other planets of our solar system), of converting our World into a Sacred Planet, thus opening actively in the Solar Divinity a new Chakra, which as a source of indescribable transmuting energy, will make you acquire a Great Initiation at a Cosmic level and an incomprehensible and more expansive breadth of consciousness that will affect And it will have a very positive impact on His Mystic and Tangible Body and on all the units of life that are integrated into this Great Being.

By way of synthesis of all the above, we can see that the union of the two evolutions and of both Kingdoms, the Human and the Angels, are based on three basic aspects :

  • In the Personal aspect, in which this special Fraternal association between Man and the Elemental-Builder, he makes this one, build with different gradations and types of matter each of his periodic vehicles of experimentation, the physical, astral and mental vehicles of the human being, which causes these entities to evolve jointly with him.
  • In the Spiritual aspect, this fraternal affinity manifests itself in the Higher Self or Self, being intimately and spiritually associated with the so-called Solar Angel, a very high and incomprehensible Divic entity that with vehemently Compasi n Sacrifice, helps the human being to free himself from his material conditioning so that he can rise to the spiritual realm. The Solar Angels have the mission of Voluntarily Accepted, to remain by the side of men, from the moment they acquire self-consciousness and mind, until they ascend to the high peaks of the Fourth Initiation.
  • In the Civic aspect, the Fraternity in this case associates Man with the Angelic-Divine evolution, by sharing guidelines and creative activities in our world, according to the Intention In the Logos of our System, by designating Men and Devas, as the two Creative Hierarchies that should objectively capture in the Physical Plane, the Great Divine Archetypes.

There is a hidden fact that we should not forget that reinforces that state of Subsidiary Fraternity that unites us to the Devas and that is constantly repeated, and it is the fact that when Man thinks and creates a thought and therefore a Mental Form, by affinity energetic, this Form joins a Devic entity of identical characteristics, which embodies and embodies the idea and intention of its creator, Man, so that in this way, thought, can enter into activity and fulfill the objectives for which was created.

An occult maxim synthesizes this reality, stating that:

"... Man Creates and Deva Builds ..."


Our existence, from the very beginning as human beings, is being attracted and oriented towards that Fifth Kingdom of Spiritual Fraternity that constitutes the Liberated Souls of our Elder Brothers, the disciples and Masters of Compassion and Wisdom that constitute what we also call the Great White Fraternity . Its members, long overcame this Human Stage, and now they wait for us with infinite joy, that we strive every day in the practice of the Fraternity to abbreviate as much as possible that long-awaited and expected encounter.

These Great Beings through the Fraternity, foster and promote in the Human Kingdom the Relationship of different Groups of Beings, so that forgetting the personalities, which they consider only instruments of the Soul, work with altruism and self-sacrifice as a single conscience, towards the Evolutionary Progress of all Creation, of all the Realms of Nature, so that they express in all Levels of Reality that Planetary Unity.

What greater degree of Fraternity can be established, if it is not the one that relates a Master to his Disciple and is already with an Aspiring to that Path of Perfection through which we will all have to travel. Or of those bonds of indescribable Fraternity that integrates and engages all the Ashrams of the Masters among themselves and with the Lord of the World.


Very often the word brotherhood appears almost always associated with events or situations related to social events such as meals, meetings, etc. Normally, this only indicates unimportant personal situations of a social nature. It is also true that the word Brotherhood on other occasions we also give a much more spiritual and transcendent interpretation, especially when we associate it with groups of a religious or esoteric nature. In this case, the word Brotherhood takes on a new dimension and meaning.

If the definition of Brotherhood is not analyzed in depth in its internal aspect, it is reduced to a simple intellectual acceptance of its objective expression. In its hidden sense, the Brotherhood, it can be said that it is a Group and Objective Form of Beings that express tangibly in the lower planes, the Subjective Reality of the Soul and the Spirit. There is no difference between Fraternity and Brotherhood, nor is there between Love and Unity, everything is the same thing, contemplated from different Levels of Reality.

If we consider the Fraternity, as the internal and conscious recognition of that Communion of Souls or Egos, the Brotherhood, becomes the objective manifestation, in the Lower Planes, of that subjective relationship of the Upper Planes. What we could call the Universal Brotherhood, is actually the Community of Souls, who in the Physical Plane feel the Internal Impulse to Serve Altruistically.


Seeing that Fraternity is the State and the Goal of the Realized Being, Man must reach and express this Fraternity in this present Evolutionary Cycle. If we admit that there are Beings that have already passed through the Human Stage and have reached the next Stadium of Nature, the Fifth Spiritual Realm, that of Masters, whose main mission is to spread the Divine Archetype of the Universal Fraternity towards Humanity and towards all Beings, to collaborate in the Planetary Evolution; Man and the Human Kingdom must follow those same steps that lead him to that State of Perfection and Service. To achieve this, it must actively encourage and participate in the creation of Active Fraternity and Service Nuclei or Groups so that from all areas and Levels of Reality flood the Mental Environments of the World with Powerful Unification and Solidarity Energies that allow eliminating the Ignorance, Selfishness and Separativity, to give Man and the Human Kingdom the opportunity to give the Transcendent Leap towards Immortality.

“The Universal Fraternity, weaves with subtle and iridescent threads of light in the highest Levels of Reality, a Dense Energy Network, which unites through its infinite interconnections, the beings of all Races, of all Kingdoms and of all the Species, in an environment of Causes and Karmic Effects of incomprehensible, immeasurable and transcendent Universal repercussions ”.

Says Master Koot Hoomi:

“The term of Universal Fraternity,

It's not a hollow and meaningless phrase

It is the only safe base

for Universal Morality. "

If the Universal Fraternity were a Dream,

At least it's a Noble Dream for the Human Kingdom,

since the Fraternity is what Aspires

the True Adept. "

With best wishes.


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