The Faith of the Angels by Jordi Morella

  • 2013


Today I would like to write a few words about an aspect related to angels: Faith.

When we talk about faith, the most rational minds assume that what exists must be seen at first sight, therefore, faith is like a key to the imaginative world of illusion to argue a temporary state of wellness. Reality, but they continue to say - is another.

I know very religious people, daily practitioners, that although the Bible speaks of angels, they do not believe in them, arguing that there is only God, that if they want something, they ask God directly.

There are so many things not visible to the physical eyes, and instead, they exist and are very real!

The angels exist. Personally I feel them and I can see them, and my experience with them, after years of personal opening, I was able to meet them and be part of them.

There are aspects in our daily lives that to reach them we had to open, before, a series of doors to get what we wanted. Initially we had an idea of ​​the direction to follow, and as we were moving in the direction indicated, or that we felt inside, in the end, we could achieve or be that just that we longed for long ago.

A tree does not appear to be a tree from day one. All the essence is found in a seed, and through a care towards it and its surroundings (the earth), in the end we get a beauty and some fruits, often, superior to those imagined. One door takes you to another until we get where we want.

Faith is the key that opens all the doors of the process. It is one of the keys. There is another that allows us to stand firm, complete and enhancing the capacity for attraction and materialization, which is Love, the seed of every human being.

When we feel the love within us and we have the full faith of the existence of the angels, these luminous and full beings of Love towards us and the service they are doing, you can keep in mind that in the end, " you will meet ".

There are several dimensions sharing the same space on planet Earth. We can see everything in ours (although some or that), however, among us there is existential life at other levels. There is love and many beings, legions, who are willing to help us. Faith is the key that can open a door between one dimension and another. When we firmly believe in their existences, we widen their entry into our lives.

It is not unreal. They are very real! My experience, like that of many others, proves it. The more faith we have, the more predisposed we will be to receive them in our lives, and they will more intervene in us.

What is important is Feeling, being one of the symptoms that make us notice when they are with us. If we pay attention to what we feel when we are calm, and knowing that "we are not alone", they are likely to hug us, and their hugs are not forgotten, ... they are impregnated in our memory!

When someone comes into contact with them in a conscious way, then their life changes, because your faith is strengthened and empowered at higher levels until you simply have the conviction of their presence, feeling them wherever you are, regardless of where you are. you find. You know they are there. You know that's how it is, like you're reading these words. You know it, and this is a real fact, because the same with our companions of the Light.

Having faith is not an interested and partisan symptom to get something, but the fact of going beyond your mind to open doors of your true Home.

We belong from a place beyond our dimension, and our heart, our DNA knows this, so we feel, sometimes, what we feel.

Faith is knocking on the door of who we are, and then, perhaps beings will open it to speak to you and help you awaken your consciousness, as well as give you a hand to complete what you have come to do.

They will talk to you, probably about your life and how to get what you want. They will inform you of why you are here and your current process.

It will seem as if they know everything about you, and you will be moved by what you will receive from them. It will be the angels.

They're here. It is a reality for those who want to take off the blindfold and see clearly the truth of their life.

They are not imaginary or beings of stories or legends, but of very real stories explained by many, like me, who have met them.

Open your heart and speak to them from the heart, because this is the only language they understand. It is through him that we can contact.

Have faith, and wish with all your strength to manifest in you, and realize when they do.

Talk to them and don't wait, just "feel what they want to tell you."

When you get to walk hand in hand with them, they will be your great allies, friends, protectors and guides. You must fear nothing.

They are related to Love, Heart, Faith and Support at times you need a stimulus to continue walking.

I feel fortunate to be One with Them, because what I need they do everything possible to do so.

Their presences are a balm for beings who have opened themselves to them, who believe and count on them in their lives.

When you are with them, you feel immense peace, calm, love, serenity and the harmony of the true Home you belong to.

Believe in them because they want you to feel them. They are part of you.

When you connect, you will know more what your essence is and the ability to live and fulfillment according to your Will from the Heart.

May Love, Peace and Angels be aware in all of you.

Channeled by Jordi Morella

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