The inner battle - Introduction - Kryon

  • 2015

Greetings dear,

I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

My partner moves aside. Dear human being, I know who is here. I know who you are. I know you are family; Your soul is familiar to me. I want to ask you: What are you thinking right now? Your brain is spinning; All those things you learned to survive are working. Is it real, isn't it real? Do I feel something or not? And what should I feel? How do I know? Does it matter?

Some just have to observe and don't care if it's real or not. I know who you are; Love for you is identical to love for all. The love of God is big enough to encompass all beliefs everywhere. The Creative Source does not care how you love God, or what you wear when you love God, or what you think you need to do to love God.

The family is the family. What are you thinking right now? The longer we do this, the greater your chance to feel what is happening. Every human being has a truth detector incorporated. Everybody. I have been coming for 25 years, and channeling maybe about 20 through my partner, who had to break his belief barrier and stubbornness to validate what is happening now. He also had his belief machine. The discernment of truth is incorporated, my dear, but it only works if you place yourself in a neutral place. What did your parents tell you? Set it aside. What did you say you respected? For a moment, set it aside. In other words, remove all prejudices; stay you

Some human beings do not feel worth assessing whether this is true or not. They always go back to what they had been told. As if they could feel it for themselves. They judge this event based on what they were told in the old energy. And they say, “It can't be; It is a fraud.

Kryon is not real. ” All based on the past and what they were told, not on something they have decided through their own process. So this mini channeling has a message: dear human being, it's time to wake up to your own process. No to the process around you; not to the process of your parents, of the authorities; to yours. Can you do that If you can, come with me and feel what you are going to see.

Suddenly, God is much bigger than what they told you. God sees you as his family; He loves you for who you are, without judging yourself, without you having to do anything to earn a right to his love. You are part of the Creative Source . All the Masters who walked this Earth, including the prophets who are worshiped, said that God's love had no limits. They led lives that were examples. I want you to think about this: none of the Masters had doctrines or organizations; They only had love! That is what attracted people to them: beauty, power, the majesty of God's pure love. So what do you think Are you part of this process? Or are you part of the old one? In the old energy, literally before the veil had been lifted, God was a mystery.

You couldn't even speak to God directly. You had to gain your access to love; Doesn't it make sense, dear ones, that things have changed? The ancients observed the precession of the equinoxes, the wobble of the Earth that lasts 26, 000 years. The Earth changes its axis to one side and another very slowly, it requires 26, 000 years to complete a cycle. The ancients saw it. They knew that when the end of the cycle was reached, humanity could have destroyed itself or entered an ascension plan.

I remind you that you did not destroy yourself. The old prophecy said they would. How do you explain that? Some keep saying they are going to do it. Take a look at the prophecies: look at the timeline they predict: it's over, it's already in the past! It should have happened; it was not so. Dear ones, it didn't happen. It didn't happen because you got over it, entering this new energy that we talked about. If you follow the teachings, you know about the new energy that affects you all.

So what do you think? Every human being has free will; if you hold on to the old energy, things will not work so well; There will be frustration, it will affect you personally. Tonight, later, I will tell you why. The Creative Source honors humanity so much; There is a waking up. What is your process? Are you going to wake up yours, or will you use someone else's? What honors you the most? What do you think happens in the chair? Do you have the ability to perceive energy to some degree? If so, can't you realize who is here? Do you believe in angels? If you believe, can you realize who is here? A meeting like this does not happen in a vacuum; They are all around you.

Those who have loved and lost are here, those who took the risk to support you when you were in trouble are here, those who want to dance with you; what do you think? Do you want to stay in the old energy? Climb stairs to get love? Or open your heart and let in the love of God for you? Those who hear this message for the first time will say, “Okay, so what do you want, Kryon? For humans to open their hearts there must be a good reason. ” Really. When your son smiles at you, isn't it enough? Do you understand what I say? Let us love you, and walk through life without pain, without anxiety; That's what we want. It is not a trick. It is all we want. This is the information given by Kryon, it always has been. Always has been.

I will be back. And so it is.


Description and translation : M. Cristina Cáffaro


by Lee Carroll

The inner battle - Introduction - Kryon

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