Kryon with Lee Carroll - his original channel - in Avila, Spain in March 2011

  • 2010

Kryon is the name of a spiritual entity which through Lee Carroll's pure channel talent brings us messages of love since 1989. We currently find these messages in 14 books published in more than 24 languages ​​already through numerous live transcripts transcribed from major meetings in the US and different countries of Europe.

Thousands of people in the last 15 years have directly experienced this energy of love by witnessing a direct encounter with Lee Carroll and his team. The special energy emanating from Kryon opens our hearts and makes us feel the deep connection with our family of humanity. Lee and his team offer a wide variety of new information in the broad field of metaphysics that allow us to better understand our role in these times of accelerated evolution.

During an event, you can experience the message of wisdom of healing love and the joy of the Spirit live.

Kryon defines himself as a service entity that has never been human. It is he who adjusted the electromagnetic grid of the planet in recent years to facilitate the evolution of humanity. Kryon describes those adjustments already completed as " a correct magnetic overlay for humans to exist and live balanced lighting ." And he warns: " Realignment will make things change for you ... it is the era of responsibility, of enlightenment ."

He says that, as a consequence, we are developing new powers that allow us to “ jump beyond karma and any magnetically predetermined birth implantation… This is the most significant change of the last two thousand years of Earth and you are beginning to recognize its meaning ”, Explains Kryon.

Intention and co-creation

According to Kryon, " humans have earned the right to completely control their destiny until well into the first century of this millennium ." The transition to this new era of self-determination and power will be full of transformations: " Things will not continue to be the same for any of you but I bring you news that should facilitate the changes ."

Kryon explains that there is no new power greater than that of verbalization and visualization: “ These two powers combined create purpose and substance where nothing existed… Consciousness alters physics. And the tool of this change is the intention . ” It defines co-creation as a " process by which humans can interact with their Higher Self to change the reality of their life ." It's that easy, although the biggest obstacle " is the belief that this process can exist " ...

In 2011, we have an appointment with Kryon in Ávila on March 12 and 13 to go deeper into the understanding of the process of human transformation, to seek inspiration, to feel and share joy among all beings - both the incarnated and those of the other side of the veil

Quantum Thought

The central theme of the next meeting is Quantum Thought.

Research in quantum physics shows that most of our visible reality is illusory. Our cosmos is composed of invisible, unpredictable and paradoxical energy. At the macroscopic level, we can predict how the accumulation of energy behaves over time. But at a quantum level, you cannot predict the behavior of a single electron in a single moment.

In the ancient or archaic perspective, reality was ruled by spirits, demons and gods, and could be controlled by devotion.

The classical perspective affirms that reality is governed by natural laws and reality is controlled by applying natural laws.

The quantum perspective says that reality is not governed, rather it operates as a complex system in constant emergency. In quantum thinking, reality is chaotic and unpredictable, but it can be influenced. The universe is defined as a unified field where each point, each being, each creation, is connected to all others. In other words, all points have a relationship with each other point without being in direct contact. Each point (we) can influence and change another point just by redefining the relationship.

This means redefining one's own way of thinking and considering reality. Thoughts are energy. When you change your way of thinking, you change the reality you experience.

Or maybe you enter another reality.

Or maybe you alter the reality in which you are.

Quantum thinking does NOT replace archaic or classical thinking. Archaic thinking is useful when it comes to making decisions about esoteric principles. Classic thinking is useful when it comes to making simple decisions in a controllable environment. Quantum thinking is useful when decisions are complex in situations of changing environments with relational pressures.

Quantum thinking is the ability of the mind to function at a higher level of creativity and innovation. (Inspired by

Meet the Family

Attending a Kryon event with Lee Carroll and his team is like getting together again with the cousins ​​with whom we spent those unforgettable vacations when we were children. It is to experience proximity and affection.

Since 1989, I am a regular reader of Kryon; I cried with his books and laughed a lot (especially about myself ...). When I met Lee Carroll personally, I realized that he was a simple, committed and very integral human being; trust others because they know how to recognize each other's divine part and I liked that. Since 1997, I have organized four Kryon events, and each one has been a very important experience for me: the feeling of accomplishing the tasks, sustained by an invisible and affectionate energy, the wonderful synchronicities that make people and the talents you need appear at the right time, the joy and humor with which the two days of the event are lived. But in the face of the amazing transformations that occur as Kryon's energy illuminates the room, and the excitement that arises when participants share their deep experiences and healing, what I feel is the assurance of humbly performing a useful role.

Silvia Duran:


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