Kryon - New Systems

  • 2016

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

The reality of these messages and that of this channeling is subject to the perception of the Human mind; and even here there are degrees of reality regarding the acceptance of words. Some believe so strongly in this that you see the page turn, you see that moment in which my partner leaves and I enter; You realize that there is no preparation. You realize that he moves aside voluntarily and quickly, because he knows what is coming. I have already described the place where he is, where he enjoys and can hear me, he can feel the Love that is here, he knows the emotions he feels, he knows what the attitude between the Spirit and Humanity is. The reality of this message will come to you in stages, perhaps in waves; and some of you will have to hear it again.

Dear ones, we are not here to convince you, but we want you to discern, that is all. We want you to get out of the path of the logical brain that says that this is not possible, the egoic brain says that they are nonsense, that you do not listen ; to listen to what is intrinsic of your interior and that is always for you. Now listen, what I have is not so long, they are topics that I have never exposed before and that are current events. We are going to expose 2 things, to discuss them with you; and I will show you the spiritual evolution of thought.

We have already told you for decades that the Human Beings are suddenly presenting an opportunity and you are taking advantage of it; keep in mind the energy change, which the ancients said would come and in which you are currently. We have given you sets of instructions for what is going to happen, for what is happening and how to handle what has happened. The Spirit is in love with what is happening here with those who are parts of itself. It is very difficult for you to see the relationship, your Soul is eternal, your Soul is part of God; and yet while you are in a Human body, we are on the other side of the veil: Is this not almost a test? A test to see if you find a way to wake up, to discover the God inside; That is really the test.

But the only reason we are here is that you passed the marker of this test and are beginning to feel the results in each aspect of being human. We have talked about emotions, joy, depression, suffering; we talk about your health and healing, we talk about your relationship with others. Now let's talk about your society: You can't wait to evolve in wisdom while keeping the systems you have the same; and in the past we have talked about systems, we told you that the most dysfunctional will fall first; Some of them are cheap, dishonest.

We told you that one of them, which you share, is the big pharmaceutical laboratories. They are dysfunctional! We know of his disappearance at this time because we can see the bigger picture of what is happening, where he is going; we know the individuals who will be involved in exposing this, we can see their thinking; we can also see the opposition, the frustration; we can see the big capitals that are not going to allow certain things to happen and other things yes. We cannot give you a chronology, it is your chronology: How much fear will you endure before that is exposed? What will happen next? How many more brave people will see your life ruin?

We see all this. We see a change of the system; When the old system of the big pharmaceutical companies disappears, the only part that will fall is the inappropriate part, the one that keeps people sick to make money will end. Because the Humans of the Planet will not tolerate it, it is old energy; so it will be replaced by a new system, one that works, that includes many things that are not included now, one that sees the big picture, one that asks Human Beings what they want or what they need; Smarter and wiser.

I want to talk about 2 current things that could become smarter and wiser; and I will also show you why that will take a while. I want these things to make sense. Dear, this is no accusation to any person or to any system; I'm just going to show you the evolution. Today, on this February 2016 day, I am going to present something to which you will relate: I will begin with what seems to be the strangest and dysfunctional thing that is happening on this continent, the American elections. Now, this has been exposed but not in this way.

What you are seeing right now is a change of consciousness, it could not be clearer; and what we have said before is that the consciousness in which change is being seen is what Human Beings want today; and that before they did not necessarily know that they wanted him, because in the Light of a gradually growing wisdom one is seeing that the establishment is old, dysfunctional, that it is not working; and that it is necessary to change it. The despair about that may very well give you strange candidates and rare leaders; That has happened before. When the public is so tired of the establishment, it candidates and elects leaders who are not from the establishment; Now, the issue is not whether they are sensible or not at all. It is what the public is feeling for the first time in the history of the United States, for the first time it is seeing things that it had never seen.

Seeing this may be a sign for the rest of the World: Democracy in action that is becoming dysfunctional. It is becoming dysfunctional because the system is old, it is almost useless. Let me tell you why: As revolutionary as it was for its time, today it is useless; It is not because of what happened to him, it is because he is too old. Observe it for a moment: It is a survival system through the integrity of choosing, winning and losing; It consists of a battle. Two, or three, or four parties with different opinions have their champions, their captains and their generals; and fight with words to win a battle; everything consists of winning or losing, it's about survival; and the winner takes it all (Kryon's giggle); although you have the balances of power of the parliament chambers. But it is literally a battle of the old energy; Win and lose, black and white. Do you realize where I'm going with this?

This is old! When the system was first introduced, it was really channeled; the constitution, the bill of rights, all these things of his society that Americans love today, was channeled Dear. And now I'm going to talk to you about another, so far I'm going to tell you something: Changing the government in this system is almost impossible; it will be necessary for another to begin showing everyone how it should be, showing the world what is being lost. Another form of government very similar to democracy, only that it takes it one step further. I am going to tell you how the system is going to be potentially, because that is already going; You have to start over, you can't change this one, there are too many people involved, the only thing that will change is to find another one that works better.

It will start from scratch on a continent that is not yet united; I will deceive you because of what is going to happen there, it can take 70 years or more; and my partner will participate in it. Let me tell you about a new democracy. Human Beings will always have different ideas; That is the beauty, the wealth of Free Will. There will be those who believe that the economy should work this way or that way; it will be tested for years and its viability will be proven, whatever fails will not be used, whatever is successful will be used; It is an old story. There will be some on one side of the fence and others on the other side, it is an old story. Some will fight for the roots of the Earth and others will fight for industry on Earth. There will always be dissension, always!

But what is new Dear ones is the way you will handle it: This new democracy will not elect a president or prime minister who is from one party or another; instead he will choose a compromiser; and the very office of the prime minister, or compromiser, or president, will not be to have a strong partisan affiliation; the President will be chosen for his ability to make compromises, agreements with others to get things done, to achieve what they share with each other; a centrist, if you want to use the word. One who is proud of the center, who is known for reaching agreements, one who is wiser than others. It is a completely new way of choosing. Someone who takes everything into account and convinces the public that he is the best to get things done in the middle of 2 opposite positions.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, that is wisdom; and you will see her on the planet; it may not be in the country to which you belong, it may not begin in your country or in the south; It can start in another and can be seen as very wise and then be adopted. How do you think? How do you feel when they speak to you in a better way, a wise way? And you will say: Will it be possible? Oh, more than possible! The public is asking for it! They don't want a winner, they want a compromiser! They want someone who is able to bring things together. Not someone who destroys them, who hits his chest boasting that he is winning or that he won; Whatever happens in the next 4 years, or 6 years, or 10, whatever he wants. But someone who says: I 'm here to make things work in the middle of these opposite systems; I will join them together so that they work.

Is it too wise for you? You will see it. And when you see it, I want you to remember these words that will be recorded so that they last as long as you want, you will hear them or read them and you will know that this channel today was real.

Only one more: Within an old energy system, the consciousness that on this planet is really changing does not have the facilities to serve refugees. I want to review something with you. A few months ago photographs of a dead child on the beach moved the Planet; and for a moment, for a moment, the leaders gathered and cried collectively for the stupidity of all that; and for a moment they said: "Let them in." Now let's pause and review: This is not the first time there have been dead children on the beach; I want to tell you that in fact this has been common for decades; dead children on the beach who have tried to escape from boats of tyranny, stupidity, evil and terror. This is not the first time ... And yet it is the first time there has been a compassionate reaction! And that should tell you that Humanity is changing only because of the change of consciousness.

These photographs made the difference ... For a moment you could see it. And after opening the doors to the crowd the problems began; you know them, I don't have to list them. But there was the crowd and there were inappropriate things, there were those who mixed with the others only to cause problems, there were thieves who came with the children; the needy arrived, those who really needed to arrive; and nobody could investigate them, nobody could make a difference; And they arrived. Do you know what is missing here? ... The Department of Compassion, a government department that I tell you is going to arrive. What do you spend the money on? How much do weapons cost?… How much would it cost to have a Department of Compassion established to accommodate any number of people who are escaping or who say they are escaping; and retain them in a comfortable way while investigating them with a system in which everyone cooperates to take out the intruders.

Many people will be required, a lot of money will be required; and the effort will be worth ; and there will be governments that say: "It is time to spend money on this kind of thing"; so that will make sense; and entry permits will make sense; and it will make sense to give back to some. A system of Compassion in such a way that you don't have to simply say that it is a mess and close the door; nor that you have to say that it is a disorder and let them in anyway; one way, a compassionate and wise system. You are going to have to spend money on it. For whoever is listening in the United States of America I will tell you: Produce one less submarine and finance this. You can do it. You can do it! ... And you will!

This is the kind of thing that makes sense in a New World, in an energy that changes governments; that changes the very basis of the factuality; because wisdom will begin to prevail. And there is more! What I just told you are prophecies; prophecies that are even developing in the minds of Human Beings as we speak; a long way for them to move towards pressuring the establishment that seems to continue to care nothing. And I will tell you that someone is going to do it and consequently you will see it; and you may be surprised who will.

This is enough for now. There is a great hope that wisdom will change this planet . The new systems are imminent; new inventions come; wisdom is coming; peace will come to the Middle East ; the things that according to your mind will always be disorganized, will not always be disorganized. This is a new time, a new day; Dear Lightworker, you are at the very threshold of all this change; and the few who are here and those who are listening are those who will internalize this kind of messages and be part of the growing global wisdom; You will see it every day on your TVs.

I AM Kryon and I am in love with Humanity. I have said it before: Colors are coming to a World in black and white. The colors are coming!

And so it is.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


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