Kryon - The externalization of God. Part 1

  • 2016

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Undoubtedly, the voice you hear represents the energy of the Creative Source; for some it is God, for others the Spirit; Call it what you want. We have already talked about what the Creative Source is and what it is not; It is a benevolent source that knows you. For some it is incredible that the Human Being is known individually for the only ... Or the many? ... For the soup of Creation that set the Universe in motion. And the reason for this personal touch, you could say, is that in you there is a part of the Creator; We have told you before: The system is complete because you are part of God. It is important, especially in this new energy, that you recognize and feel this.

Let's go back to the old ones to see what they would say; For example: What was the first organized belief system on the Planet, millennia ago? ... What was your first intuition about what Humanity was? And the answer is: God inside. On the Planet there are still many cultures, millions of individuals who greet you with 'Namaste', the recognition that God in my Interior greets God in your Interior; God in the Interior is not a strange concept. Do you realize the connection that is possible here? Dear ones, with the DNA functioning in the degree where it is, with all its superficiality; as you progress and acquire the elegance of the Divine evolution that is within your reach, the first thing that will happen is that this connection will improve; and God inside will become outer and inner God.

But for now, I want you to really recognize, really, that you come to this Planet with the Creator inside you. This is logical and reasonable for the test of the Souls that have to come to the Planet and solve the problem; in each one of you there must be Creation. If this is the case, I am going to ask the big question of the night: Why when you sit down to meditate, to pray, to worship, do you raise your hands to do it to someone different from the Inner God? ... Humanity is going to have To begin to understand that in this new energy the path to the future is not an exteriority but an interiority. Look what has happened, what has been reached: The Inner God of the ancients has become the outer God ; in this society you not only removed God from your body, you did it so that Humans were useless and unworthy; and that you were born dirty and that you had to drag yourself and humiliate yourself even to be noticed by that Creator ... That is unworthy, that is dysfunctional for the whole body because God is in the Interior!

The evolution of the Human Spirit will have a great catalyst ; and it will be to believe in the beginning of the activation of the Internal Compass. Until now your consciousness has always had a lack of self-esteem; the Inner God is a beautiful concept to which you did not adhere; and now we begin to ask you to believe something that you are going to understand, but that is not practical for you; a concept that says: You are the living Divinity because you were born magnificent!… And so it is: When with your first breath the Soul enters the body, all planning to bring you creates a magnificence and a beauty that are seen by the Spirit and Oh my God; and yet you do not see them; and this is the time to start revaluing what is there. The 'inner compass' is more than mere intuition, it is God within each individual Human Being who asks to be activated.

Are you still not guilty of the prejudice that even when you meditate you are looking at an external Source? ... “Dear Spirit: I want this, help me with this. Dear Spirit, I love you ”… What if you internalize it and name it as it is? In an older energy we teach you that the best question you could ask God was: “Tell me: What should I know?” And now we are saying that the question is the same, but now you are going to start asking God inside you . The internalization of this means that when you sit down to meditate, you first honor your body because it is where God is, in each part of the DNA, in hundreds of billions of parts ... God is in all! A small part of you is quantum, it has been proven that a very small part of the DNA molecule has a quantum attribute; This is only part of what we are saying, there is more there than you think.

If God is within you, you can sit and meditate and start going to what you need your Internal Compass to be; because you are turning to the Source that has always been there; not the Source that is in the Heavens, but the Source that is in the interior; and to facilitate it you can rethink your way of thinking or speaking; and you could start like this: “Dear Inner Spirit (Kryon's smile): Tell me what I need to know, activate my Inner Compass so that I can feel the direction and not worry. Dear Inner Spirit calms my fear of ... Anything ... Dear Inner Spirit show me the peace that surpasses any understanding, because I am worried ... Dear Inner Spirit: I am afraid, activate what I know is inside so that each of my cells can can feel I am eternal, give me peace, tranquility ... And do it now! ”Did it ever occur to you that your consciousness can speak to the Creator inside your body?

Look at this path that all of you have ignored while searching elsewhere. We have already said that on the stage of today you have somehow reached a situation in which you have eliminated Gaia, you have made God dysfunctional: A God who He loves you so much that he will burn you in hell if you say something wrong! se is not God! Do you do that to your children? God is not like that! Inside you is the complete engine Everything is there! And now it's time for you to take it and turn it on and see that. Is it possible that each of your body cells knows what I am talking about? We have talked about the Field, we have given you two important channels about the benevolence of the Field that some have called drag ; that there is a Field of Physics that wants harmony, that brings things together in a synchronized way; We have even called it Physics with Attitude, because it is not fair, it is not neutral: It is benevolent! And in this new energy you will see that it manifests itself every time that you ask for it; This is the wind in your favor.

Finally! Finally, this is the help you have requested; and it does not come from the Heavens, but it comes absolutely from normal Physics, it can be measured; In your field there is a reality that wants to help you activate the Internal Compass. You woke up at 3 or 3:30 in the morning, I know who you are here; and some of you asked yourself: And now what worries me? (Kryon laugh) Because this is the pattern: Truth? For a You have already gathered worries and fears; and you have made a list that you then present to God What linear are you? What if when you wake up at 3 in the morning You say internally: “Spirit, thank you for waking me up. Dear Inner God, let me know why I am awake ... Ahh, I see: To take my hand and tell me that you love me! So you can go back to sleep more peacefully than ever.

Thank you, Inner God! ” There is nothing greater than Inner God; No matter what you feel, no matter how much anxiety you have, no matter what you consider permanent, no matter what you are going through, there is a bridge of communication with the Inner God that will eliminate it; and the peaceful river of Love will flow through you like never before. People will see that in you, those who are experiencing some of the things you have experienced, they will see that in you because you solved them: You discovered where God is! And the irony is that it is a return to the past, the ancients knew all the time; and now you are only reawakening one of the deepest knowledge of Humanity ; It hadn't even been hidden, it's just that you had to get to the situation of wanting to see it, of wanting to wake it up.

A part of the spiritual awakening in this new energy is that you are aware of things that are there and that you had not seen before; that you accept concepts that you had never considered before, that you think may belong to you, instead of belonging to a guru or a channeler; that in fact all the equipment for all the things we are talking about is already there ready; and that he has been sleeping for a long time ... sleeping ... The idea of ​​waking something that has been sleeping is not merely a metaphor, it is a reality; But it feels that way. You may not leave the room with a new consciousness, but with a new paradigm ... Stop looking for answers outside! ... Because they have always been within you. Meditate as you have always meditated, but what you are going to do now with what is manifested externally is to balance it internally through your actions, in your consciousness, in the way you treat others, in the way you greet God in the Interior of anyone who crosses your path.

Again and again we have talked about compassionate action, we have talked about a change of consciousness that makes your actions different; We said that this leads to healthy things, leads to a longer life. This is the evolution of a New Human Being! But a major obstacle is the way you meditate and pray. Every time you mention the Spirit, every time you mention God, add the word 'Inner': "Dear Inner God" ... "Dear Inner Spirit" ; and your body will get used to this, it will appropriate it; You will begin to understand that you recognize the Divine Creator within your cells. This is the first step towards many things that you have and thought you did not have . I know who you are in the classroom and I know who you are listening to.

What do you have right now that is very sad or that creates worry and fear? ... What does Humanity have that leads you to project the worst to something even worse? (Kryon's smile) So whatever you fear, then you turn her into a bigger monster; this is the paradigm of the old energy that will be completely and totally eliminated by the Dear Inner God; darkness cannot exist when Love rules ; hate cannot exist where joy governs; Sadness cannot exist where laughter reigns. And this is the teaching of the day, of the year, of the Century: You did it, Dear Inner God! And you joined the ancients who knew it from the beginning because it was intuitive. So when you have time and whenever you want, I want you to go outside where there are trees and dirt, not cement; where your feet make contact with the ground and you can say something that Gaia wanted to hear for centuries; I want you to say: "My Inner God says: Welcome Home."

You will begin to capture energy from the source of Gaia, because She is here your partner, without Her you cannot survive. When you are in a place where there are many farmers, ask them something they know ... Farmers have a tendency to walk barefoot where no one else would (Kryon smile). And you ask them: “Why do you do that?” And they will say: “Because I want the earth to be between my fingers, because Y or I can feel the energy of the earth, of the Divine; and that calms my soul. ” This is the step that follows God in the Interior; and you can do it no matter where you live, you can go where this exists and do it. And I will tell you that you will receive a revelation of energy when you start again to include Gaia. But Dear Ones: First there is God inside.

The key is to convert the exteriorization of where and how God works, in the internalization of the reality of how God works. Did you know that when you start doing it, your biology begins to change? ... Did you know that your chemistry begins to change? ... Did you know that the benevolence of the Field will have a greater impact on your health because suddenly you will have an alliance with things you never had had? ... If God were external: How could you ever internalize your health? ... If God were external: How could you ever have inner peace? ... If God were external: What would all this consist of? Why would you exist? ... The logic of this must be clear because God is not external. You are God! ... And collectively your consciousness will change to the Planet because you are God! ...

There is more, will continue at another time. Dear ones, while you are listening there I want you all to know that this message is completely filled with ... Of ... (Kryon sighs) ... It is a word that my partner cannot conceive, because it does not exist. There is no word to describe the extent to which the Creator is part of you ... It is a confluence of Love! … It flows from the other side of the veil directly to you when you recognize, understand and internalize the Creator!… While it is outside of you, it is simply there; when you internalize it ... When you internalize it you will live longer ... When you internalize it it begins to be complete.

And Kryon wouldn't tell you these things if they weren't so; The New Human is starting to arrive .

And so it is.


TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


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