Koguis, the children of the jaguar, the heart of the world, the sacred mountain of Colombia and the prophecy of the Elder Brothers

  • 2012

Parcero, if you don't know what the Kogui have to do with quantum physics you are trunk e'man mud.

Older brothers have known that it is matter and reality forever. The Kogui say "Nothing exists without thought, " that is pure and hard quantum physics. But there isn't a single textbook in schools that talks about that.

Aluna is the name that the Koguis give to the mystical world, what is between our reality and the reality of the spirits of nature, every Colombian should know that it is Aluna. I find it paradoxical that what should be an institutional film that every Colombian child should watch at school is a video produced by Englishmen.

Aluna The Movie trailer (currently only available in English).

[vimeo] https://vimeo.com/20795062 [/ vimeo]

Continuing with the revelation of our true identity and sacred history, and in order to replace the bazofia that have put us in the head for decades, I try to make known the very high spiritual level and consciousness of the native peoples of Colombia, a legacy For over fourteen thousand years (to give a figure) our native peoples are heirs of the knowledge that survived after the great catastrophe where a wise and advanced global culture succumbed.

Unholy, hypocritical and daring clown, his family has been manipulating the country for 130 years, and like now, fucking the indigenous population. (see article)

If you still believe that throughout the Americas, from Canada to Argentina, the native peoples killed each other in terrible wars, and were bloodthirsty that killed right and left, then you have to reset your hard drive, format and return to install the program America was an immense network of peoples (the peoples or nations of the rainbow) that related almost in perfect harmony. Of course there were sacrifices and altercations, but the motives and the way in which they were carried out are far from what they have taught us.

It is important to understand that the native peoples of all of America, since time immemorial, have always been in contact, and that such contact is also given in our days through the Encounter of Indigenous Peoples Africans of the Americas and the Council of Indigenous Elders of America. The native peoples of America have not suffered the deep fragmentation of which we have been victims (through the manipulation of the ego. To save you from manipulation, open this link). Even now there is contact and meetings, not only among the peoples of America, but also among the elders of all the world's native peoples, Africans, Europeans (Finland, Lapland and Russia), as well Ethics (Russia, China, Mongolia, etc.) and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand). The meetings and the dissemination of what they are dealing with has become more important since the time in which the prophecies of all peoples are fulfilled is already here. It is important to understand the magnitude of what they want to communicate to us, as well as to understand the seriousness of what is happening. That the prophecies of all the indigenous peoples of the planet coincide in the future that awaits us, is a message more than clear and difficult to ignore. In America for example, from the Hopi in the north, through the Mayas and Aztecs in the center and to the Kogui, Incas and Mapuche in the south, they share essentially the same prophecy of change for the world and they are called The prophecies of rainbow warriors .

There was once an old woman named Ojos de Fuego, born Indian of the Cree tribe of North America. This woman launched a prophecy that echoes to this day; the prophecy says so:

`` The day will come when the greed of the white man, of the Yo-ne-gi, will cause the fish to die in the streams of the rivers, that the birds will fall from the heavens, that the waters blacken and the trees can no longer stand. And humanity as I know it will cease to exist.

Look here, open this link, any resemblance to reality IS NOT A COINCIDENCE

The last massive fish death has been millions and it was yesterday !!

The time will come when we will need those who preserve the traditions, legends, rituals, myths and all the old customs of the people ”so that they show us how to restore health, harmony and respect to Our fellow men They will be the key to the survival of humanity, and will be known as "The Warriors of the Rainbow."

“When the darkness becomes more dense, when the Earth cries out of despair, when plants and animals are despised and trampled by man, they will come from the West… they will be seen arriving. The Warriors of the Iris Arches. That they will bring Light, Knowledge and Love to the rest of their fellow men. Flying the symbol of Connection and Anchoring with True Love. ” (Read more)

“Then, seeing how they sincerely want that and how they deeply desire it, the Great Spirit will listen to the cries of their hearts and have mercy on them. It is then as the prophecies say, that the new world will be born in the middle of the old. This new world will be very small at the beginning, like a newborn child. "-Manitonquat or" Medicine Story ", spiritual leader (powwah), guardian of the tradition (minatou) of the Wampanoag nation, and co-founder of the Rainbow Family of Living Light."

“There is truth in the prophecies of the Rainbow. Peoples of all America will join with peoples of other nations and they will know that we are all family, brothers and sisters. This is not my personal vision, but cosmic presented to all the elders, the vision we share. "-Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, president of the Council of the Mayan Elders in Guatemala, guard of the calendar and the prophecies."

“As Native Americans we believe that the Rainbow. It is a sign of the Spirit that is in all things. It is a sign of union of all peoples as a Great Family. The union of humanity, of many tribes and peoples, is essential. "-Thomas Banyacya, spokesman for the elders of the Hopi tradition of Hotevilla."

“This difficult time saw the beginning of a new nation of multicolored beings born. The seeds of the four directions were mixed to create the first children of the Rainbow. It is written in time and in the memory of the indigenous peoples that our sun will rise again, that we will be able to restore our culture: its arts, sciences, mathematics and religion. Mayan wisdom will resurface. It is for this reason that we, the Amerindian communities, come together again to restore our entire culture. "-Hunbatz Men, heir guardian of the Mayan tradition."

"The native prophecies say that mestizos and whites who let their long hair grow and wear necklaces, will come to the indigenous healers and ask for guidance ... The prophecies say that they will return as the people of the Rainbow in bodies of different colors: red, White, yellow and black. The elders said they will return and join together to help restore balance on Earth. The history of these Rainbow Warriors is told by several peoples in different ways. We feel that we are now at that time where the Rainbow Warriors arrive. It is then a time where we must recognize that we are all human beings on the same planet and that is what the Rainbow Warriors consist of. "-Sun Bear, remembered Ojibway teacher of the medicine wheel and founder of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society."

Do not you believe it? Check out these two trailers of the Colombian documentary Jipi-Kogui, currently in the post-production process. I don't know when it will be ready.

Jipy-Kogui tells the story of Jairo and Hernan, city men whose will is to assume the ancestral culture of the Kogui community, affected today, by displacement and Western interference.

[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmoO0N1wSbM [/ youtube]

[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwJaNRYpBqA [/ youtube]

“In this prophecy, they are people who will wear feathers and necklaces and communicate with flowers. The flowers will guide and support them in their pilgrimages on the routes of their lives ... It will also be a time where all the esoteric teachings of the world's traditions will be revealed, where there will be no more secrets, no reason to fear each other. or to enter into conflict. It is true that this is happening now. Everyone does not have the strength or disposition to be a Warrior. Many are the pilgrims of the Rainbow walking across the Rainbow bridge into a new era. "-Oh Shinnah, woman of medicine of Tineh origin (Apache), Mohawk and Scottish."

“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge towards the golden age. To do that, we must do them together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples of the world. We who are living on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who will face the challenge of building that bridge. "-Broke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, woman medicine of Crow and Lakota origins."

“North and South America were at the site of the first world. Now that we are at the beginning of the fifth world, there are obviously many vestiges of the fourth world around us ... It will take longer before we can fully see the influence of the illumination of the fifth world. He is here and you can see it now, but you must look for it. "- Grandmother Twylah Nitsh, from the Seneca nation, founder of the Wolf Teaching Clan."

“The elders asked, and this is great advice from the elders of the peoples of Central and North America, that in the morning after each full moon, at approximately ten o'clock in the morning, we would pick flowers and go outside to observe the sun, the flowers and the heart of the Earth. By doing so, we provide more solar energy and more floral wisdom on Earth. Because the new era is the era of flowers. "-Dhyani Ywahoo, teacher of the Etowa Cheroquiy tradition teacher in Tibetan Buddhism."

“The Rainbow is a form of enlightenment for humanity. One of the signs that the elders were looking for in ancient times was a perfect Rainbow ... Some of our elders can call the Rainbow, in the way that Native American medical people bring rain. At the moment the Rainbow appears, our elders examine it closely, carefully, to see its minimal defects. Are all colors perfect? Does the Rainbow curve from one point on Earth to the other or is it incomplete? In this way, they can see if Boamie, the Rainbow Serpent, needs something; if it was damaged or incomplete in any way ... The Rainbow will be perfect again as soon as the sacred circle is closed again, then the golden circle of the new world will be complete. The Rainbow will again surround the Earth perfectly as it was in the beginning. "-Lorraine Mafi-Williams or Alinta, spokeswoman for the Wollombin Australian aboriginal council."

“It is the time of the seventh fire, a new people will emerge. They will resume their steps to rediscover the wisdom that was left behind along the way times ago. Their steps will take them to the elders, whom they will ask to guide them on their journey. If the new people remain strong in their search, the sacred drum will make their voice heard again. There will be an awakening of the people and the sacred fire will be lit again. In those times, the light-skinned race will have to choose between two paths. One of the paths is the avidity and technology path without wisdom, without respect for life. This road represents a road to destruction. The other path is spirituality, a slower path, implying respect for all living beings. If we choose the spiritual path we could still light another fire, the eighth fire, and begin a long period of Peace and healthy growth. “- Excerpt from the prophecy of the seven fires of the Anishnabes, written in the old wampum belt preserved under the grandfather William Commanda, appointed chief of the Indians of America in 1957, founder of the Circle of All Nations and society of Sunbow medicine. ”

“The time has come to light the eighth fire. "-Grandpa William Commanda, in August 2002 ?.

“When the Eagle of the North meets with the Condor of the South, it will be time for all the rainbow tribes of the world to come together and bring peace to this world. "-Kogui-Hopi Prophecy."

Look also at the prophecy of the Inca shamans, it is equal to the prophecy of the Kogui and Hopi.

In the particular case of Colombia, there is "The People's Congress." An alternative little known even to Colombians themselves that would be worth examining as an alternative to the failure of the state and the absolute unfeasibility of considering groups of mamarrachos as the FARC as an alternative proposal. The congress of the peoples is not only made up of the native peoples of Colombia, but also includes all the ethnic groups that currently inhabit the country.

The attempt of our older brothers to send us the information is not something new, however, lately their effort has become stronger. Here I leave a couple of links with messages and advice for the next change.

[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoP2ruhmtOc [/ youtube]

In this article you will find a small but detailed description of who the Koguis are, their philosophies and knowledge. You will also find here the full documentary From the heart of the world: A message from the older brothers to humanity published in the year 1992 by the BBC where the Koguis they decide to send a message to the whole world and a part of the documentary next to come out this year Aunauna, that twenty years later, it would become the continuation n from the previous one.

The Kogui people, the older brothers.

Kogui means jaguar

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the cradle of the Tayrona, the most pure and unique monumental civilization of the country. There live around 30, 000 people of the Kogui, Arhuaco, Kankuamo and Wiwa (Arsarios) ethnic groups. It is the mountain and natural pyramid (another pyramid in Colombia) highest in the world by the sea (5, 650) and has the two highest mountains in Colombia, the Col n and Bol var peaks.

For each of the ethnic groups that inhabit the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the snowy peaks are considered the center of the world, they believe that the mountain is the heart of the world and that in fact it works as such. The first men on earth come from these groups and, therefore, are the `` older brothers '', while all who arrived later are considered as the `` younger brothers '' (we ). The difference between the two is the knowledge that nature has about the elder brothers. From that perspective, the older brothers are the ones in charge of caring for and preserving the world, trying to ensure that the cosmic cycle has a good development; so that diseases do not destroy the lives of men; so that the crops are good.

The Kogui are a pre-Columbian tribe that lives an isolated existence. They are one of the few who escaped the destruction of the European Mason plan and still live their lives according to their ancient spiritual heritage. The Koguis show a total indifference to the material conditions of life and although for example, their economic situation may improve, as their crops can yield better crops and there is the possibility of producing items for sale, that has never been their choice. Simply the material aspects of existence do not interest them and therefore, living in poverty does not cause them a great impact. Their traditions are completely stately, but completely anti-materialistic.

The world is conceived as two pyramids held on the same basis. Internally, it is made up of nine worlds, each with its own land and its own inhabitants. The land is located on the fifth floor. Upwards the worlds are related to the light and downward they are related to the dark.

Conception of the world as an octahedron.

The Sierra is considered a human body, where the snowy peaks represent the head; the lagoons of the páramos the heart; the rivers and the creeks the veins; the earth layers the muscles; and the grassy hair. With that base, the entire geography of the Sierra is a sacred space.


The highest authority of the koguis is the mamo. He is the central character within the representation system of the Kogui. He is the intermediary between heavenly forces and men. His wisdom and knowledge allows the balance between forces. They are chosen from His birth and trained by other moms to fulfill important tasks of communication with their mystical world called "Aluna." Through very deep meditations, fasting for several days and offerings, the moms help create the balance and harmony necessary for the world. They say to communicate with the plants, animals and other living beings of the world, to receive advice that allows them to take care of the planet. Likewise, the mamos receive news of great changes in the world, as seen in some prophecies. Faithfully the mamo teaches that everything we get from the earth must be returned to it. Seeds, for example, are blessed before being planted, and every time an animal is hunted there must be some kind of reward for the land.

In the Kogu villages there are no prisons or places of punishment, and an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and spirituality always prevails. From the first years of coexistence between the family, collective manifestations of spiritual work are common, which consist of meetings where people sing, meditate and pray around the stove in days that include children and adults and usually last until the wee hours of the early morning.

After an interview given by a Mamo in the city of London, the author of the website "School of awakening" says about the Kogui: "I must begin by saying that I believe that the Kogui of Colombia are the most refined, intelligent, sensitive civilization and advanced on this planet today. I have been researching for the past 20 years, since the first time I saw the impressive BBC documentary, "The Heart of the World" by Alan Ereira. Later, I read his book, as well as two books by Eric Julien, a French geographer, who was "saved" by the Koguis and who lived with them for months and wrote about their experiences. "

The prophecy.

The Kogui had survived by staying isolated from the rest of the world, but alarmed by the excessive exploitation of mining and deforestation, one could see that something was wrong with their mountain, with the heart of the world. The snow had stopped falling and the rivers were not so full. If his mountain was sick, then the whole world was in trouble. In 1992 they decided that they should talk to the rest of the world. In the documentary 'From the Heart of the World: A Message from the Big Brothers to Humanity' filmed by the BBC produced by director Alan Ereira. The Mamos deliver a marked prophetic warning to the world about the vandalism actions of the younger brothers (modern Westerners) towards the Great Mother.

The Kogui say that without thought, nothing could exist (this is the structure and basis of modern quantum physics, where an atom has gone from being a tangible particle, to being rather a possibility that manifests itself at the physical level once we choose or make a decision, in a nutshell, we create matter and reality with thought). And this is where the problem is, because not only are we looting the planet, we are destroying it, we are also destroying its physical structure and the thought that underpins its existence.

If you want to know more about matter and thought from quantum physics, quickly watch this pair of videos. They explain it to you with plasticine.

The Kogui leader, Jacinto Zarabata, from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northwestern Colombia, arrived in the United Kingdom to warn the world community of the destruction of the planet.

Zarabata explains that it is time for the people of the Western world to change course and attitude, because “here the privilege is given to the use of things instead of their source. That is the intellectual error. In the end, everything is nature. ”

The Kogui leader clarifies that "everything that surrounds us is a construction of natural resources and what the Kogui see is the source of those resources and not the thing."

Jacinto Zarabata regrets that the Western world revolves around “the ambition to have more”.

“What everyone has, I also have to have it, otherwise others have power over me. The consequences are obvious, but they don't seem obvious to you, ”he says.

“You can go live in outer space, that's fine, but you don't seem able to return to the understanding of how to live in harmony with the earth. That is something they forgot. When you understand that, you begin to understand yourself better. ”

"Aluna", the movie.

Almost twenty years after trying to spread their message in a first documentary, and seeing that the attempt was of little use, the Kogui have contacted director Alan Ereira again to try to teach us their world, their beliefs, their rituals and how They communicate with nature and the spiritual world. This seems to be a documentary where for the first time we will be taught things never seen before about the world.

The documentary was made by the kogui themselves with the support of Film Aluna and director Alan Ereira. Currently, they still do not find sponsorship for the dissemination of the documentary, but you can find more information on the following website: http://www.alunathemovie.com/es/

[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i81Et6tGrM [/ youtube]

[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV6W7Ot4ZcQ [/ youtube]

From the heart of the world: A message from the elder brothers to humanity. BBC 1992.

Search the following six videos on YouTube.

Click here to see the English version.

I also leave here a short and interesting documentary that I found by chance about the Kogui on a trip along European geography.

Documentary “The song of the origin”.


The prophecies of all the native or indigenous peoples of the world basically tell us that one cycle ends and that another begins, that if we do not change, the earth will simply leave without us leading Join the few who have a state of consciousness in keeping with the change.

Or we begin to wake up and change now, or we go to hell, only a few will be privileged to move to a higher state of consciousness and to live in a place consistent with that level of consciousness (the fourth density) or we do it all together as a planet.

Analyze the true love of the native peoples of the world, although they have been victims of a post-planned and planned extermination for millennia (the mass extermination of the sham tribes, the inquisition was the same but with magicians and alchemists) with the aim of eliminating and controlling deep knowledge of being and the universe. They have been trying to send us their message of love for years, and now more than ever they are trying, where are you? Are you listening to them or are you watching the football game, the soap opera, listening to Lady Caca or Pedorra Aguilera?

Not only do the prophecies of the indigenous peoples of the planet tell us the same story, research and you will know what I am talking about.

The information is there, you just have to look for it, it took me a couple of days to find everything I wanted to make this article.

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