Heart Interludes ... December 2014

  • 2014

1. Precious, when does the Mind act? When does the Heart intervene? When do both participate?

You have tried and practiced a lot already, at times you exhorted your Mind, at other times you urged your Heart.

And ... how did everything go? When it was the Mind who took action on the matter, the cold took hold of you and you were empty; when he measured the Heart, the instinct alone was taken away by emotions.

The above was a good essay My Life, now in attention, think, feel, determine, that Mind-Heart or Heart-Mind, no matter how you place them to name them, will go hand in hand.

Upon arriving at this balance, My Well Beloved, not Mind or Heart, but being Mind and Heart; fused are, in your Being and in your environment.

In this way you record your Starprint, which is My Own Footprint, Child of the One.

Nothing will ever be able to bend you, the weapons that were raised at another time will be surrendered before you, moving in Light and Love, revere the Work of the Creator, aligning itself to its ranks.

My Warriors the triumph was always within reach, now they see it, they shine uninterruptedly, raising everything in their path; the sun and the stars bless you.


2.Distiende My Love, no more absences will occur, by understanding the meaning of this action, you know that you are absent when you are not in the now; when your physical body withdraws from somewhere you are still present.

Being aware of the Divine Presence that you are there are no absences for you My Child.

You have interacted enough with each and every absence, in each and every one of your incarnations.

You have cried and suffered until you were tired of the absences, assuming you were alone and terribly isolated from all your physical / material attachments.

By recognizing each hobby, daring to live this eternal Existence by taking and releasing with Love, you became more and more solid in the present Presence, recognizing it also in your brothers and in everything that Is.

You really live the present, the now, when everything in you happens without painful absences, or unfortunate losses; no longer say goodbye, you have understood that this reunion has been with your being and is forever.

Beautiful Being, lucid and daring, you walk for your Majestic Immortality.


3. My Beloved, while you are where you are unless you separate yourself from the rest of the beings, you must interact with everyone and in different situations.

The costumes of duality are numerous and you already know it, there "nothing is what it seems", we have spoken it many times, because that is where you must be instructed to find the Truth in everyone and everything.

The triumph of the shadows is felt when they are bent with the cold contraptions of the intellect, sucking both their minds and their hearts, causing them to fall and believe helpless.

They do to and in you, until they allow it; You must recognize My Dear Ones, that even having chosen to transcend duality, you. They are bearers of light and shadow.

Recognize that among those who were ordained in the ranks of darkness, there are very good strategists, therefore become yours. in skilled drivers of your Divine Energy.

Stay tuned to the invaders, do not allow them to embed themselves in their Hearts and spread their germs turning them into inharmonious and harmful emotions.

Understand well the difference between accepting and allowing, accepting how things happen, how you act, how each being acts, everything in its environment and in the world; This does not mean that they allow others to overpower them repeatedly.

You My Beloved are the Power, the Strength, the Light and the Love, invested by the Divine Grace, that everything can, that everything achieves, that everything sees it. Use both your physical gaze and your inner gaze at its best.

The Darkness surrenders before the flashes of the Light of Knowledge, of which it knows who It Is and shows the faculty of its Divine Spirit.

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4. When incarnating most beings lose the true nature of Giving and Receiving.

Observe first what is your behavior? Do you give without reservations? Do you think what to give? How to give it Why give it? Who to give? Or do you allow giving to be an act that reflects the precise moment?

Do you measure the gift, thinking about the retribution of it?

Really Beloved, do you give? How do your mind and heart intervene in this act of giving?

Do not provoke a divorce between the Mind and the Heart, that the Mind knows that you are giving and to whom you are giving it, nothing else, the other is secondary and that the Heart shows you the joy of giving.

My dear, let us now observe the act of receiving, how do you receive? Do you think you deserve what you receive? Do you receive with satisfaction? Are you willing to receive? Immediately think in one way or another, return what you received?

If something that causes well-being to your existence, comes to you Precious, it is because the Universe believes that it must be so by its own merits, then take it without regard.

Receive with joy and thank the Cosmos and the environment or being that brought it to you, since it is something that belongs to you; perhaps he had to wait a long time, many lives, to arrive at his destination, then, acknowledge it whatever it is and in the way it reaches you, material, physical, emotional or as Divine Grace.

My Life, keep in mind in all circumstances and places, you are with whom you are, that Giving and Receiving from your heart promotes your freedom and that of your fellow man.

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5.We are going to induce labor, doctors incarnate say when the Baby does not achieve the natural exit.

Very beautiful tourist of the Earth, if the birth does not occur naturally, it is up to you to cause the childbirth, to receive the expected Son of the Spirit.

I can assure you that by this time there are many natural births and also induced, We are witnessing them with great joy; and we welcome them in our Maternal Divine bosom.

These Babies born from you, come to stay the necessary time, giving testimony of the Truth; and then continue Ascending for the Eternal journey.

You Children of the One, Glorious Beings, who have walked through all the lands without settling in any, have swum through all the waters, without belonging to any, flew through all the winds without staying in any; they are the Beings that carry and spread the Diamond Light of the Creative Source, shining in everyone and in everything without time or space.

Behind, the illusory gaze remains, from the outside, accessing the internal gaze, which asserts the authenticity of the Blessed Grace of One.

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6.If you are among your brothers, Beloved, you continue to observe the fiction, which surrounds you trying to catch your energy, do not fall into the hypnosis that leads you to get involved, do not participate and more than any trick, stay in your sobriety since if this is what you are seeing it is so that from your knowledge you hold and collaborate in the awakening of your neighbor.

It is not necessary to tell him, or even warn him, what you manage to see, since he / she will not listen to you and even if he did he would not understand.

Allow My Life, that the fluidity of events show you the paths, so that you choose from your simple perspective; you will choose from your Mind / Heart, from the Wisdom with which you count, so in this Consecration Serving the Universe, You cooperate for the return to the House of all.

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7. Child / Me, the Essence of the Source is in you, it is in you, the Love of the Father / Mother / God / Goddess is what you were, what you are and what you will be .

In your exodus, you fell into the depth of the dense and dark amalgam of separation, causing the deactivation of the Primordial Energy, thus allowing you, the range of experiences that provided you with the Internal Growth that led you to the Awakening of Consciousness.

Loving, it is certain that on the way there will be many losses that the ego will consider fundamental, calm this great character who knew how to do his job well, tell him that it is already well, let him now rest, thank his work, you already You are fit to take charge My Life.

The strength you have acquired urges you to continue with greater impetus towards any unknown region that will give you other perspectives, other knowledge, more Wisdom, overflowing in that Pure Love of Grace.

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8. Did you notice My Love? Once you went from the known to the known, seeking security; Now you go from the known, to the unknown with the emotion of the child who wants to learn more, you travel more comfortable and you are sure without looking for it.

Beautiful, old fears no longer haunt you, you have become an expert explorer, who knows how to savor the arrival without staying and addresses the game without distress.

There are no heavy loads in your journey, since you transport what is necessary and you are leaving with pleasure, which at the time gave you its benefits and today you no longer need.

You learn, you inform yourself, you acquire techniques, but above all you understand and palpitate in yourself and in everything that is the Life of the Eternal.

You know well that what stopped you already unveiled by opening its wings at each sunrise.

No more daydreams, no fantasies, no continuous agonies, all limitation and conflict in your path dissolves, because you carry together the Loving Will and Vast Fortress of One.

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9. Between the hidden and the visible Beloved Son, you are solving every puzzle that is presented to you with increasing skill, revealing secret knowledge, kept for so many lives.

Do not run in a meaningless search, you know well that you do not have to go anywhere, that all roads are opening and you enter them without opposing anything, since everything is dilated before you.

You see yourself appear and you are discovered as the Manifestation of the Great Presence.

It has been a great job and in that you were arduously trained, you have acquired enough knowledge, wisdom and allowed the Love of the Source to emerge with greater Power; Even so, My Beloved, you also know that everything does not end here, that there is still a long way to go, to do, that the truth is the path of the Eternal.

And ... surely they are a little tired, as they travel in a dense vehicle, which does its best adapting where it travels.

Observe, they are not the vehicle, they are the Divine Being that is inside, give them their respects and thanks, since he has the strength to move them through all the paths, the flowery and the stony and in spite of this they are found unharmed My Good .

We have followed each function, each act, we know that it is not the same to see the work from the stage as a spectator, than to be the one who interprets it; Beautiful, we greatly appreciate its value and delivery.

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10. Beloved, if you have already discovered what your mission is within the Divine Plan of Creation and in it you want to share your learning so that other brothers go to the One, do it, it will be well received by the Hearts that resonate in unison.

Share, don't urge others to be and do what you do, since everyone has their own mission; neither show yourself vain, recognize the ego that once was the Lord of your creations; and tell him that now only Is and Will be the Great Presence working in you, which will carry out what continues to be your mission.

If your brother doesn't know and he asks, show him; He does not understand certain aspects yet, but he brings others that are for you to cultivate and learn from them.

You My Heaven, with your firm attention now go beyond what your physical gaze shows you, go up a little more and find the real meaning to what comes before you.

The time of submission is over, neither do you submit or submit to others; the path is clear and what offers barriers are illusory vestiges that you should take away, nothing more than that, move aside to continue moving forward.

My dear, for the goodness of your discernment and Unconditional Love, the march becomes safe originating the changes gestated within you and manifested towards your surroundings, continuing its expansion throughout the World.


11.Reconciliate yourself with Life My Good, when I speak of Life, I do not mean that considered by you. who live it with a beginning and an end, which is ephemeral, aimed at Eternal Life.

This is the issue, when you wake up My Love, that makes Cosmos happy, not so much for you, isn't it? Well, it's not about waking up and that's it, it's over, not My Beloved, that's where the great show begins.

It is that all the functions are opening in you and you can see with your internal look that it shows you more than you expected, everything that happened, everything you did, what you did and what they did to you, deep joys and intense pains .

Your memory opens and at times you feel its weight and its torment, that the damage caused to you, was nothing more than the one you have caused in yourself and in others.

It is that Dear Son, you have to see everything, so that healing occurs in your being and then reaches those around you and around you; the wounds do not heal by covering them, they heal thoroughly and allow them to oxygenate, that is what you should do.

In this situation, stand up and look, look, look until there is no space you have not watched, look as if the film was not yours, without getting involved, only there will your understanding, your compassion, your empathy begin.

Take your time and I tell you My Dear while you do not understand that your experience had to be that and not another, probably having entered the deep dream of fantasy you lost too much, if now you can see it is that you have woken up, do not stay there and you remember pain for what you did not go, since you could not have been otherwise.

Ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself, it is not necessary for you to look for those whom you hurt in one way or another, or who hurt you, they are probably no longer on this plane; They may also be here but do not understand what you say or not even forgive them, or accept your forgiveness, it is their way, it is their choice, you ask for forgiveness and forgive them, from your Heart to theirs and envelop with the Light de la Fuente past situations and all participants.

When the memory of pain is presented to you, it is for this My Beloved, to be healed with the Light of the Divine Essence that you are.


12. In other times you crossed the storm and then embraced the calm, today My Love, you can be in the middle of the storm being the calm, you are that Peace that appeases the torrential waters of your brothers.

In the midst of the storms your foundations move, nothing more than a slight movement, but you emanate the purest harmony that you had never imagined before.

You are strong, solid, without pretending to be because you already are, you enter at any moment in the active connection that unites all the Worlds and makes them One.

You communicate more from the silence, that is the most powerful Universal language that everyone has, they should only activate it from the Mind and the Heart and she will be put into action bringing to each one the gifts that are inherited from them.

You know that you are the Divine Presence in Action, that is why you are passing by annihilating, dissolving and transmuting all human discord in the Living Truth of the Creator.

Precious Being you now in Consciousness you carry the Seal of Eternal Life, Unconditional Love and Power of the Source to everyone and everything, in all circumstances and places.


13.Loved of my Heart, if you are in mindfulness there will be no event that will take you by surprise.

Being aware of where you are, implies recognizing that whatever happens has its cause and goes for the result.

If you know how to read between the lines, each and every event, you will not be able to overcome obstacles, since this means that you are looking to avoid them, you will go through each difficulty with an unsurpassed skill.

The enrichment of your Being is inevitable, your Power, Knowledge, Wisdom and your Inner Passion will overflow promoting the Footprints of the Creator in everyone and everything.

When the Source manifests in you, everything you see, what you touch, what you feel, what you conceive, what you offer, comes from Her.

Deliver the Creator Magic, without offering any resistance; fluctuating Love, from emanation to emanation, projecting and expressing the intense Truth of the I Am.


14.Beautiful, at a high vibrational frequency your Light elevates and elevates your surroundings, your visual field opens before you showing you what you did not see before, your understanding is enlarged, your growth expands in all the terrains of all your bodies, acquiring greater absorption capacity over knowledge.

All your channels open and align with each being and thing of the Cosmos that are heading in the same direction.

You start many stations, new marches and stops.

In Eternity you are moving beginnings and endings, always in Ascent towards the fertile Promised Land; It is the Earth that you Higher Self promised you and that you are accessing in Peace and Harmony.

Child of the One, we did not predict you a sure triumph, because you have already triumphed, you managed to separate the straw from the wheat, you drew the veils that you bravely imposed yourself, you were a brave warrior and you you transformed into a great strategist, of battles without war weapons with abundant weapons of Divine Love.

Beloved Magic Presence that you step on density and disarmament from the Loving Power of the Source, you are annihilating, dissolving and raising all discord and negative energy, to the Great Central Sun for its transmutation.

You are Sacred Love declaring yourself free and perpetual, linking and purifying to solidify the Consciousness of One.


15. Blessed Child, the Universe sounds its bells when you operate in it in a harmonic way, following its rhythm, which adjusts to a unique sound, impacting on everyone and everything that is.

Thus in and from the Absolute Beloved of My Heart, you deliver your best work.

You are already out of time, gathering past and future, in an Eternal present, breaking down the Glory of the Father with its tunes and chords, granting rhythm, to the Consciousness sustained by the passing of Power, Wisdom and Love of the only one.

You are My most precious sculpture, My admiration and My bliss, your delivery has been the greatest offering received by the high Spheres of Light, you are intensely Beloved and recognized.


16.Beautiful Child of One, your movements are gaining greater security, as you progress, you gain knowledge, understanding, expanding your Heart and your whole Being in Love.

You have become a tillage specialist, the most experienced sower and the most skilled harvester.

You are a learned engineer of the Being, you pass from one condition to another without changing state, always preserving the goodness and joy, emanating My Essence, reinforcing faith in those who are close or who come to you.

By your giving offerings the conditions are met, I have taken you and I have been dancing to you for all the dimensions, You have transported me by the greatest density and we are both victorious.

You are unique and unparalleled even among your brothers, you are the One existing in diversity, spreading its wings and flying; spilling on its flight the enduring Essence of the Absolute.


17. Wealth is in Peace, keep abundance and you will overflow harmony.

My child, wherever you are and in any circumstance allow your Peace to work, that it be your maximum expression.

All the paths open before your Angel of Peace, she brings you the best fruits, everything that circulates around you is polluted by the airs of Peace that are your breath, you dismiss the harmony of Divine Grace and Magnifies and expands your self.

There is no opposing force that resists him, when you walk in peace, you release all pernicious ties that kept you a slave in the past.

Transmuting the life you circulate, inhaling and exhaling the virtue of the Creator, releasing the discords of the past, discovering the astonishment of the future in each present moment.


18. When your Heart and your Beloved Mind are opened, all the Light is penetrating them, your capacity to receive and assimilate knowledge is given according to your openness.

You My Good are Great and Powerful, you can do everything and you corroborate it at all times, circumstances and places where you are; according to your Will and your Creations everything is happening.

You are already a prepared observer, who from your expanded vibrational field contemplates your internal movement and external movement, of your environment and beyond.

When from your Center you begin to co-create, for, for and from Love, all the Forces of Grace gather to collaborate, shape and capture the Wonders in the Cosmos.

You can find yourself in the middle of a great confusion, knowing that it is not yours, from your loving delivery and recognizing the I Am the one that I am in you, you allow me to work cleaning and healing, flowing to your compass, regenerating and restoring the Balance., Peace and Universal Harmony.


19. Loved that your attention is always in your energy field, according to your vibrational state the frequency around you is transformed.

You are not exactly shown what you are from the outside, sometimes discordant energies come to you and they are not exactly what you are emanating from, they come so that your Being heals them helping them to orient themselves towards their evolution and elevation.

By accepting that you have no limits and openly expand by joining with all the Centers Created by the Source, you recognize who dwells in you, in each one and in everything.

When you give the Power to the Great Presence, she works without restrictions, transforming and building without hesitation in the Cosmos the work of the Father that was entrusted to her and that she agreed to perform.


20. Now, you know Precious, that all that you request from the purity of your Heart and your Mind will be granted to you.

If when you ask you do it for your greater good and the good of all humanity; provided that it is not felt or thought from the egoic fueros, which once transported you along the paths of desolation and bewilderment; Then we tell you Son, go ahead !!! Ask, everything will be granted.

You now understand the intention of the Creator, recognizing that you are the very revelation of Creation.

You build out of time, crystallizing Power, Wisdom, Knowledge and Unconditional Love in every dimension where you find yourself putting in this way the Divine Plan, offering your Consecration to the Glory of the Source.


21. You have the Knowledge, you have the tools, you have the techniques, you understand everything and you have the Love of the Source My Life.

You are traveling one more route, you have broken the ties of darkness that kept you locked in the cell of suffering, pain and discord.

You walk without the burden of separation, with the deep certainty of the Golden Thread that unites you to everyone and everything.

From the Source that you are, permanently dispensing its fruits and goods, pilgrims shedding the elixir of the Divine Presence.

My dear, your brightness expands and surrounds the Cosmos, Blessed Son of the One, Our gifts are the Gratitude, Love and Blessings that come to you in all its forms, accompanying you in this transit through the crossing that was driving you home.


22. Loved of My Heart, you have not denied me, therefore I recognize you, you are My Son, here you are conducting yourself as I was and I am indicating you.

You have been humble even in your heaviest transits, therefore the reward of a simple Mind and a vast Heart, are for you My Life the gifts that accompany you Eternally in your consciousness.

You have understood that all that you are I am in you and in all that is.

Arduous your task, but no less joyful, you have entered and were accommodating and cleaning each room, placing in each one your touch of distinction, which was granted before your departure.

Now you distinguish each dwelling in the Father's House, you can park in everything you feel.

You were fired in your game with a Until Forever and upon arrival you are greeted with an Intense and Loving Welcome.


23. Being eternal, being infinite, nothing freezes or blocks; and you go according to this way forward.

Where you used to exert yourself, today you flow to the beat of colors, sounds and shapes.

Nothing is unknown to you, you recognize and understand many states and vibrational frequencies, in you, in everyone and in everything that is.

You interact, you accept, but your vibration no longer decays, it stays and rises according to the sequences.

You My Love, according to your training and the state of your memories, you ignite your maximum vibrational frequency, thus marching with the unlimited concession of Divinity.

You My Good, you understand that you do not master everything, more with everything you know, you access the greater internal joy of your Higher Self, recognizing in Him the maximum expression of the Father in you.


24. You, my Beautiful, passenger of Eternity, put on your belt knowing that you will travel all the Dimensions, as a Multidimensional Being that you are.

Prepare yourself for each trip, with full attention and intention, receive Universal knowledge and return it to the restored and established Cosmos as the Sublime Truth of the Creator.

By your Will, keep your bodies clean and pure, consolidating yourself in the Love of the Source, to welcome every Being and event that comes to you My Beloved, since everything will come from the hand of Universal Knowledge.

You are the fused Apprentice and Master, shining, piercing and projecting the flame of the Higher Self that dwells in you and in everything that Is.


25. Beautiful, you will walk, you will sail, you will fly, you will penetrate all the layers and your Being in its maximum expression, it will leave where it goes, the sign of the Creative Source.

You link with the whole, since you recognize yourself in each one, you understand each act of your brothers, seeing each one in the vibrational level in which they are.

My Good, you no longer descend, stay, or ascend, pouring out the Essence of the Father, benefiting each and every one, recomposing situations, transmuting, creating, evolving and elevating.

In your path nothing will be the same, you can without speaking, without movements, only with the feeling that was conferred on you by the Divine Grace, turn in an instant the breakdown and pain flowing through Peace and well-being.

Dear Child, the reunion will be both with your brothers with whom you have the same levels of consciousness, with those who are at a higher level, and with those who still sleep in unconsciousness.

My life, this meeting with your peers, in your awareness, gives you the possibility of climbing other steps and with you your brothers the opportunity to progress.


26. You can prove My Good, that you are free, and never again, nothing, nor will anyone bind you to their rebellions, you have already passed the revolution of the Soul, obtaining victory.

My dear, you go down the path and between breath and breath, you recreate yourself in the Consciousness of the One, discovering the noble virtue of who you are; and you cooperate in the bliss project of the Holy Source.

You are auscultating, spreading and expanding around you, the Wonders at their best.

Precious / a, all the glasses rise and toast for you and your brothers, before this conception of the Being, that is reborn at every moment, sovereign of the knowledge, Wisdom and the maximum declaration of Love that flows from your Center, from the Center of your Similar and Cosmos.


27. Now all the passages you manage to penetrate, you are ready to come and go, you shine in the Light and you see in the darkness.

You are the Eternal Presence, which unfolds the Knowledge and in the influx of your Understanding, the Creator's Love thrives in you and in your environment.

Headband of the Center, Heart of Infinite Grace, you display the Abundance of the Source with each beat, in each breath.

Alchemy is happening in the thoughts and feelings of Unity, Peace, Harmony and Liberation of the Divine Essence in you.

Your ability to annihilate, dissolve and transmute all discord has the inherent sovereign potential of the Primordial Source, your Son, you are Me, I, I am, so, United in your brothers, We are One.


28. Pay your attention Beloved, observe every situation that comes your way, since you fully understand that absolutely nothing is accidental.

When you find yourself in the discernment of some cause, act as the lightning that is fast and powerful, sending the Light and Love appropriate for each circumstance.

You know My Life, that your capacity and power, are to elevate and elevate everything that is around you.

Every storm brings with it the sun that you spill both by the sky and by the earth; You are My Blessing and My Truth in full Manifestation.

The perennial shoots of your Being, reach the confines of the Creation, dear Beloved, you do not pretend since nothing and no one confirms who you are, since the wonderful fluidity of the Great I Am Presence, it runs between the hands and fingers of the Creator, wherever you are.


29.Recuerda Mi Bien, el dominio de la Divina Providencia en ti, se origina por la sencillez de las ense anzas yt cnicas que utilizas, revel ndose a trav s de esa amorosa yf rrea Voluntad.

Precioso/a Hijo/a del Uno, como en una carrera de obst culos has resistido y cruzado todas las adversidades, que accediste atravesar, antes de colocarte el velo del olvido.

Ahora con tu viva memoria, reflejas el Conocimiento, el Entendimiento y el Amor del Absoluto en todos y todo lo que te rodea, expandiendo sin l mites la Magnificencia Creadora.

Ahora t juegas y apuestas, reconociendo el dominio seguro del triunfo en todos los eventos de tu existencia.


30.Hijo/a M o/a, t hoy, ya ves con la mirada interna, observas sin par metro alguno a tus hermanos/as y todo a tu alrededor; comprendes cada acto, cada circunstancia y procedes acorde a ellos.

Ahora reconoces en cada suceso la causa, la raz ny hasta puedes ver con anticipaci n, en ciertas ocasiones los resultados.

El miedo que fuera en otro tiempo un seguro indicador para adquirir sufrimiento y discordia, ha sido aniquilado, disuelto y transmutado en una invaluable valent a; concediendo bienestar, gozo, placer, paz y armon aa tu ser ya todo lo que se encuentra en tu entorno.

Nada logra interponerse ante ti Amado/a, reconociendo a qui n portas en tu interior eres Rey/Reina de tu destino.

Aventurero/a de Mi Coraz n, triunfante llegas por cada puerto levando anclas y al continuar tu viaje vas propagando el Éter de Mi Esencia perfumada.


Interludios del Corazón … Diciembre 2014

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