Yeshua ~ The seeds of Christ Consciousness

  • 2012

Channeled through Pamela Kribbe

June 2012

(This is the slightly edited transcript of the live channel)

Dear friends,

Yeshua speaks. I greet you with great affection in my heart. I know everyone. I can see and feel your souls, and I have even known some of you from the life that I lived on Earth more than 2000 years ago. I was a human being like you. I had access to my soul, to the energy of my soul, but I also struggled with the doubts, fear and anger of the human. Therefore I feel so close to you now. I know what they are going through. They are angels, that's true, but they also have to deal with the fear and darkness of the human. They can cloud your access to the voice of your soul. At this moment I am greeting everyone, tearing the veil of illusion. I am with you from my heart and I tell you that a new era is about to begin, a new era in which human beings will have greater capacity to channel their soul energy to Earth.

You all have a deep desire to connect with your soul. Unfortunately, in society they are not taught how to do this. There is still a lot of fear and negativity in society and during your education, so in many of you consciousness becomes cloudy as you grow. Often, as children, they can connect even with the joy and inspiration of your soul. Feel this little boy around you, he is still alive. Invite him to your arms. It is a part of your soul. He wants to come back to you. But also be aware of the cloud of fear and illusion that they carry. You can visualize it as a dark gray energy. Don't be afraid to look at her. It is your presence and your courage that will make it go away.

Often, people try to escape from their inner darkness. They try to find the solutions outside them. They seek power and recognition in the outside world. But that will never give you what you are looking for. They have to address your inner emptiness, your fear. They do not fear him; see yourself holding a torch of light, and now stand in the middle of this cloud of darkness. If they stop inside it, they can hear voices screaming. These voices belong to them; They are parts of you that feel lonely, desolate. Do not see your inner darkness or your pain as your enemies. See them as a child or children who have been lost and are scared. Turn to them and enclose them. Hold your torch of light. If they do this, they will instantly feel an increase in your own power, in your strength.

This is what it means to take responsibility for themselves. If they want to connect with your soul and hear their messages, they have to face this inner darkness as well. Often, if people do not want to face their inner darkness, things - situations - occur in their life that are perceived as crisis. An accident, a disease, losing a loved one. In reality, life is inviting you to look at the inner darkness. Life on Earth always means bringing them back home to your soul. But that does not have to be through suffering or crisis. If they have the courage to look directly at your darkness, they will not have to attract external crises to do so. This is what it means to follow the spiritual path, that you are prepared to look internally, to listen to the guidance of your soul and that you are ready to face everything that prevents you from hearing your soul.

All of you present here are on this path, on this spiritual path. I recognize you as brothers and sisters and admire your courage. Don't be so hard on yourself. This is a path of ups and downs. Even if the inner path can be very steep and narrow, there are supposed to be moments of joy and relief as well. When you cross your inner darkness, at some point you will perceive the light of your soul. This can raise them above the density of the Earth's own environment. They are supposed to receive joy and happiness in your lives.

Now go for a moment to the level of your soul. Remember who they really are and where they come from. A place of union, of unconditional love. Feel your presence, here and now. Breathe it, it's yours. By feeling it in your heart, they are bringing it to Earth. I really appreciate the internal work they are doing. They are creating the portal to a new reality on Earth. You all have a dream, a vision of what the New Earth is like.

Now, travel with me for a brief moment to the future, to the New Earth. They are already there. At the soul level, time is nothing more than an illusion. Feel the energy of the New Earth that is being born right now. Now, take another step. See there, living in a place, a house. See your surroundings and the community in which they live. Just let your imagination flow freely. Feel your energy. The details do not matter so much. Take a look at your house. How does it feel to be in it? See how she reflects your energy. And now ask this future you of yours: What are you doing in this place? What do you like to do during the day? Is there any kind of work or creativity that appeals to you? Feel what gives you the greatest joy. Feel how the energy of joy and inspiration flow through you easily. And also recognize how in this place you can learn through joy instead of suffering. They are still learning and growing in this place, but it happens in a much more harmonious and loving way.

Now, invite this New Earth energy to join you here in the present. They are bringing you closer to you. They believe that this is possible. It is possible to live happily and with inspiration and peace. It is required, yes, that you are willing to face your deepest darkness, but see where it leads, observe the beauty of your vision.

When I was on Earth, I also had a vision. You, in the way you are sitting here now, are part of the future I envisioned. I was here to bring the seeds of Christ Consciousness to Earth. And you are those seeds and they are beginning to germinate. I thank you for that and I want to remind you that we are one in our mission. Each of you has your own contribution to make. All of you are very necessary and valuable. So I ask you to embrace joy in your greatness. They are really beautiful beings of light. They know the extremes of love and fear and still hold your torch of light. That is why they are here, that is why they have incarnated once more on Earth. Imagine that together we are holding this torch of light in this room. Feel how it enlightens us all. Let her shine in the darkness that is here too. And always remember that darkness wants the light to shine in it. He wants to be part of the whole, to be part of the unit. This is the essence of Christ Consciousness, which does not reject darkness but embrace it with your light.

© Pamela Kribbe 2012

Original title: The seeds of Christ consciousness

Translation, editing and publication: ~ OjS ~

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