Towards Universal Consciousness by Abbadel

  • 2010

Many messages from the Masters tell us about Light and Love, these two elements are what are needed to achieve Universal Consciousness.

First there is the Light, which Buddha knew how to develop and who governs this element, achieving enlightenment and it is within your reach to achieve it with much imagination, because everything is born when you imagine, someone first imagined this computer and now it's on your table.

But how to reach the light?

It is simple when you have always looked for it, she comes to you because you have always felt it, feeling is more important than thinking, do not forget it.

As the first exercise that helps you with this task, you should meditate calmly, imagine a white light that enters your body when you breathe and everything bad in you comes out when you breathe in the air, once you have accomplished that, you must imagine that you are of the size of the solar system, giant, then you must get worse, that is to say you must become an atom, visualize that atom surrounded by a white light, at that exact moment you have achieved the illumination, so simple you do not need more than that, because this is accompanied by your wisdom, of all the studies that you have done previously, of all the texts that you have read, try it until you do it, you can do it only once, after having illuminated your atom, you will not be able to enlighten yourself again, because you already are, you have reached nirvana. So in your daily life you will feel huge changes and enlighten others with your presence alone. For this reason, you should not feel superior to the other, you should enlighten him, help him to wake up. For that you must start trying to wake up your family, your friends, all those who seek to wake up, transmit your experience, because it is of no use an experience but transmit it, do not look for followers, the other is equal to you, the The only difference is that he is not awake and your mission is to wake him up.

But now let's see Love, whose ruler is Christ and thanks to him we have the critical consciousness that dwells in all hearts.

An exercise as simple as the previous one is to meditate calmly, to imagine a pink ray that enters your body, fully fills it, overflows into you, completely envelops you, that pink light begins to grow, flood your room, continues to grow and floods your city, your country, other countries, the entire planet earth is wrapped in that pink light of love, and it continues to expand, the solar system is wrapped in that pink light, the galaxy is wrapped is that pink light, other galaxies are wrapped in that pink light, you must expand it to where your imagination arrives, then you must imagine that pink light begins to dwarf until it reaches your heart and there it stays.

These two exercises will help you to enter the Universal Consciousness of Light and Love, once you enter you will not be able to leave, you are within the Universal Consciousness and without realizing it you will work for it.

Finally, here are some verses of mine:

Deep Energy

Inhabits each Being of the Universe

And who discovers his Light,

What is your infinite love,

He will never perish.

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