Sacred Geometry, Vesica Pisces

  • 2015

The geometry sounds familiar to us because of our education, in addition to finding them in all the things that surround us, our house, the shapes of our things, the clothing accessories, including our own body . We are so perfect that sacred geometry is present in ourselves.

We are so perfect that sacred geometry is present in ourselves.

Within sacred geometry, there are different figures each with a different meaning and symbolism. But there is a particular form that has to do with human creation and the female body, it is the Vesica Pisces, that is, the figure that occurs when two circles of the same size are drawn, one in the center of the other, forming a Oval in the middle of both. And it is very related to the shape of the female sex.

The circles that form the figure Vesica Piscis of sacred geometry, are intertwined, representing its capacity for expansion, while the Vesica Piscis remains in the middle of the circles, thus creating the shape of a fish, an oval type. Its name comes from the Latin Vesica, bladder, Pisces, fish, translating as “the bladder of the fish.

This figure represents the womb of the Mother Goddess, the emergence of life, the creation of human beings. You could say that it is the beginning of creation, that is why it has taken a very important and primacy position in the foundation of sacred constructions .

Use of Sacred Geometry

It has been used throughout history, from the temples of ancient cultures, with its monumental pyramids, through the middle ages with its huge castles, later until it reaches our days, with our great constructions. And we have many evidences that this figure has been present in the history of humanity, mainly in constructions, symbols and religious figures. Even the figures we find in nature, in the universe, the planets, the sun, the moon, the constellations.

The Vesica Pisces ¸ represents a time in history where the center of society was the spiritual search, for that reason they represented it in their constructions, high, elevated in search of a connection with God. And as shown you can see the architectures of the cathedrals with Gothic style. This sacred geometry figure inspired the ogival arch or pointed arch.

This figure of sacred geometry is a symbol of God, representing the feminine and the masculine, joining and complementing each other, combining the two main aspects of the Creator and the Cosmic Mother of Creation . Thus the Vesica Piscis, a portal of light . A representation of the creation matrix .

The figure The Vesica Pisces, according to semiotics, represents duality or polarity., Joining to form a balance. And in sacred geometry, the forms that compose it, that is, the spheres, represent unity or the Supreme Being, without beginning or end, continuous existence, without cuts or intersections, angles or corners, perfectly formed and absolutely symmetrical.

In the symbolic plane, the figure La Vesica Piscis, is associated with the female vulva, due to the similarity that both have, therefore, being the vulva the channel that leads to the vagina, place of birth and fertility, is related to Human creation

According to its meaning, " the bladder of the fish ", many religions and ideologies, including ancient civilizations, omitted the circles in the figure leaving only the center, that is, the union of the two circles, thus forming a fish, which, by going back to the Christian belief, the fish is a symbol of abundance .

It is also related to the Triple Flame showing the three rays of God . This drawing or image consists of the same figure of the Vesica Pisces, adding colors to the figure, whose each color has a meaning. The circle to the right of the image is a bright blue, representing God the Father ; the circle on the left is a bright pink, representing the Mother Goddess ; when both come together right in their own center, (the symbol of the Pisces vesica, ) it symbolizes the Cosmic Matrix of the Creation, which in turn is a golden color, which also It represents abundance and prosperity. Perhaps that is why its use as an optical design in the Flower of Life.

Sacred geometry keeps us too much information, since both the basic figures, as well as those formed at the root of the basic ones, are full of symbolisms and meanings. It is a world of knowledge to discover. Just like the figure La Vesica Piscis, it still has more secrets and symbolisms to show us, as well as a variety to use from different perspectives and for different purposes, from religious to ideological.

SOURCE: https: // S = geometry + sacred

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