GAIA "twin flames, soulmates"

  • 2015

Mother Earth Gaia speaks of the twin flames and the soulmates. Channeled by Abjini.

Question Dear Gaia, can you explain where the soulmates and the twin flames come from?

Souls have many ways of grouping, before polarity they are grouped by affinity in their vibrational frequency, they are like the stars that together form galaxies in the material universe.

Each group of souls has one or several particular characteristics, that is, it has a particular brand that distinguishes them from other groups, for example there are groups of compassionate souls, others with innocence, others with servers and so on infinitely.

These soul groups are in dimensions where polarity has not yet been divided, so they are integrated and can be formed by countless petals like a Flower of Life without limits.

It is a form of unity unknown on earth, because souls are interdependent and independent at the same time, they act in a coordinated way without losing their individuality.

They are groups of light formed by many particles or small divine sparks. When one of these sparks decides to experience new densities, he participates in his group to begin his descent to denser dimensions until he reaches materiality.

What is experienced by this divine spark as it descends to the dimensions of matter is also experienced and shared by the group in the dimension where it is located.

What unites these groups is basically a single energy of love, love and light are the glue that holds them together. Each group has a predominant frequency that feeds on the experiences of the souls that belong to it. It is difficult to define this because the frequency is something more subtle than an action, but we can say that these frequencies can be of peace, love, compassion, service and many more that in the matter are not known.

Once the soul decides to incarnate and the group defines how it will do it, the densification process begins, this is not immediate but the soul goes through different stages and dimensions until it reaches the densest, where we are now.

To reach a planet like this, the divine soul needs to pass through the different portals of the galactic neighborhood until it reaches the great portal of the Sun and enters the planetary system. Once the spark is within the planetary system, live different experiences of the dimensions of this system and when it is ready, choose the right time to embody, in this case in me, in Gaia.

Choose father and mother, geographical location, sex, culture and timeline, the frequency of your soul group remains underlying while losing memory through the electromagnetic field, it is what is called the Essence, for example if it comes from a group of souls with a tendency to serve, will feel the inner desire to serve.

Today there are simultaneously souls who have returned many times, who have experienced almost everything in the material dimension and that if they have lost their way they have gone to darkness, with young souls that are like stars that come to deliver their brightness and rescue to those others with their vibration. There are also souls that are ending their evolution on the planet, whose purification process is ending come to expand peace, on earth there is a great variety of possibilities and combinations in this regard.

Many times at the moment when the spark of the divine soul enters the earth density it is divided into two and that is what is called the twin flame, imagine a shooting star that enters the Earth's atmosphere and opens in two sparks.

Almost all humans in ancient times incarnated as twins, so there was an era on earth where the twins were gods, the era of Enlil and Enki, where the divided divine sparks that reached a single belly were still conserved as two identical beings .

With the polarization, these sparks began to incarnate in separate bellies and that is now the norm, of one baby at a time and of different sex.

Twin flames

The twin flames are beings that share the same group of souls and also the same divine spark when incarnating, their function is to awaken the body Da by consciously coming together, using sacred sex for the creation of reality, for spiritual awakening. They are not necessarily of different genders, many times you can find twin flames of the same genus.

For the purposes of you humans, these flames when they meet produce a very strong impact on your life, you generally recognize yourself with what is called a crush, it has to do with the recognition of the same frequency, you feel an immediate love for the another and a desire to be together that goes beyond the usual, those who have experienced it know that it is so intense that people become capable of doing extraordinary things by being with the Love and attraction lead to desire to merge.

The relations of twin flames are not always lasting, because that intensity is difficult to sustain, so that they last a high level of consciousness and a common purpose are needed, but what is definitive is that they serve to awaken the bodies of light or Da of the couple.


There are also the twin souls that would be another form of combination, they are the souls that are obtained many times along the way and that keep related experiences even if they do not come from a group of souls.

Twin souls also produce a great impact when discovered, because the frequency recognizes the other, but they do not necessarily have to be in the combination of a tantric couple, which is if they are souls where there is a particular love of surrender and solidarity, can be children with mothers, fathers with children friendly friends who remain in time, solidarity people who help them unconditionally. Much unconditional love and love that has been cultivated over time can unite them.

In the case of soulmates who are even, are also those who remain together for longer in the relationship, usually until leaving the physical body.

Conscious twin souls can creatively project light, do services in common, even relate to raise awareness to others.

Uncarnate Souls

There are souls who are not incarnated and who remain in other less dense dimensions, also doing their work to help the earth, these souls are also related by frequency.

So many times it can be given that the soulmate or the twin flame of one of you is in that other dimension, since not all souls incarnate simultaneously, then they become angel guardians and The communication with them is through dreams, synchronicities , and miracles.

All these possibilities and many more are those of souls that in general are called cosmic twins, this is a broad and beautiful topic that could be talked about a lot, for now I leave you with this.


GAIA Twin Flames, Twin Souls

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