Energy structure of love

  • 2015

You swore!

At some point in our lives, many of us have found it difficult to integrate concepts of love, certainty, light or energy and put them into practice when we are in full chaos or confusion; We have been told that everything we let go opens up space for the new, that loving us is the beginning to have healthy relationships, that forgiving frees us, that starting to take care of ourselves and respecting ourselves is teaching others to do the same, to invest in you It is the best way to take care of yourself. But what we don't know is that all that data or information is already in our vibratory field and we just need to find out.

Some time ago I did not sit down to write because of the lack of time and a little because of the lack of inspiration - momentary - because to talk about something you have to understand and experience or somehow experience the subject; And as if that were not enough, many times to be an example of what is being said, and of course when it comes to the world of energy, it is something that undoubtedly fascinates me and how I could write about this if I did not know what it is to hit bottom and at the same time leave of the. Experiencing ups and downs is the raw material for our consciousness to receive. Nothing remains static, everything changes and it is in us to transform ourselves into this process.

To speak of energy in its highest vibration is to speak of love but it is not only love towards the couple, the family, the pet or friends, it is to speak of the manifestation of an overflowing presence and energy state, not the projection of a lack. For some time I have been talking about understanding that energy is the materialization of what you think of yourself. So knowing our subtle body is revealing light.

So here I am linking the enigma of the energy of love because working with our emotional body is working with the perception that we have accumulated of what love is and all its consequences but before explaining this I want you to take a few minutes and think what you think of this state and how you have lived it ...

If you are already familiar with the concepts of energy, frequency and vibration you will understand that everything that lives, beats energy, and all that energy contains information, without it we could not vibrate or attract all that we want, that is, we cannot demarcate the body mental, emotional and spiritual physical body; we are interconnected with it and if any of these fail everything else is affected. But to understand love from a purely chemical point of view; Finding happiness is much closer than we think and although it sounds strange and ironic it is much higher than our heart.

So when talking about love, the lowest frequency is pain, and this is nothing more than a mechanism to remember that we have left the energy balance and recover our center. And how do we get out of balance? I will not give you a list but it could be an infinite number of factors and decisions that I will call bad energy habits. Resentment and the whole range of red energy in its low vibration such as anger, anger, irritability, gray energy such as betrayal, losing someone important, a disharmonious lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor food choices, surround yourself with a toxic environment etc.

But despite our advances, technology, strategies and inventions it seems that in love we are toys in the hands of destiny…. Have you ever wondered how long love lasts? What is the spell indicated for the attraction? Why do we look at certain people and not others? Do we attract chemistry or lack? And to understand these and other aspects of human behavior it is necessary to begin by recognizing that it is a great energy package and a high degree of mystery.

Note: I want to make a parenthesis regarding this energy package that also configures it at spiritual levels, at the lake of the article I will focus indiscriminately on the physical, and spiritual at the level of kabbalah as the receiving woman and the man as the giver of that energy. So if you want to read the entire article I recommend you click here.


And speaking of vibrations, did you know that being in love or crazy about someone is a chemical characteristic of the brain? and that some manage to remain happy and faithful for years with the same partner, or have a lasting relationship, is the fault of a hormone? Even if you don't believe it, the chemical cocktail of the organism can make us lose our mind.

I had already talked a little about this topic in other articles but it is worth remembering. The hormone Oxytocin among others; They help forge permanent bonds between lovers, making the couple feel more linked and emotionally close. But chemically the true crush occurs in the brain with high amounts of phenylethylamine, a compound similar to the amphetamine that has the ability to increase physical energy, joy and mental clarity.

Well, with all this emotional torrent where there are neuronal discharges, chemical substances in which dopamine, phenylethylamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, testosterone, estrogens, copulins, pheromones, in addition to acids and smells that we can call the chemistry of love; they blend together creating an internal energy revolution where rational acts become irrational emanating loads of passion.

It is so that through this chemical interaction the body does its best to join our partner, that can make it a great addiction. That is why the so-called destructive relationships or addictive relationships its main component is this hormone pump causing a loving passion to uncontrol our lives; making a person biochemically compatible but in reality they have nothing in common. Does it sound familiar? On the other hand, when these magical components lower their levels in the brain, the couple begins to see defects that they had not even taken into account before or if the couple's relationship is broken, the body experiences a kind of s withdrawal syndrome causing damage to the entire energy system.

But before a person notices another, since childhood, he has built a whole mental map for experiences, learning, experiences; a complete mold of brain circuits that determine what will make you fall in love with one person and not another. Creating patterns where everyone looks for the partner they think they deserve.

But well, here you will ask yourself and where is everything else? The magic of romance, that energy of attraction, crossed destinies and the encounter with soulmates? Well, everything is related to this energy package, because it is the fuel to activate all the channels that will inform the universe and all that surround you with your energy. Remembering that: As you think you feel; as you feel, you vibrate; as you vibrate, you attract .

When our energy system has just gone through a relationship, the first thing it will do is to feel with a withdrawal syndrome, an emotional and even physical fatigue, therefore it is time to regain balance. The energy body is constantly adjusting the available energies to balance and feel good. That is, clearing stagnant energy by enhancing those that are weak and dispersing or reassuring those that are left over or exalted.

But before continuing I would like to explain briefly that the physical body is surrounded by an electromagnetic field; a kind of energetic halo, which surrounds our bodies and covers all the space that occupies the extended arms and the entire length of the body, this being a constant field of information and communication with everything that surrounds us: We perceive, feel, intuit; messages that come and go, and that finally contain and reflect the energy of each person; from their tastes, beliefs, experiences and emotions; even what you feel or believe deserve. That fluid, or subtle essence that surrounds us, manifests itself in colors, and sensations. In a few words, a wrapping without defined limits, from which sparkles emanate, and stripes of color that will attract everything that resonates.

And this is where all this magic comes together to find love. The answer lies in the fact that the real impression we make in the spirits of those who relate to us, is all this chemical, mental and emotional environment that we emanate with our thoughts, emotions and physical state . If our aura and those of our side are compatible in energy or have similar vibration, it is when we will feel comfortable, relaxed and in many cases attracted to that person. In a nutshell the level of consciousness of the other resonates in yours.

In this case we can deduce that thanks to this circuit system, the aura may or may not be an attractive Aura but what makes it so? Think for a moment. What do you generate? How do you manifest? What you think? What are your attitudes? What do you emanate to the universe? ... But above all, what do you think of yourself? Simply put, what is your energy Anatomy of Love? The meeting with the indicated person can only be given if we are balanced and in tune with what you want. Being at the same level of evolution what you will do is attract similar situations, but beware! There are times that we unwittingly seek the love of people who are unable to love, who are not available because of the simple fact that we vibrate in a state of lack, we want our lives to be resolved, or our beliefs and traces of karma have been activated, and have more of the same.

As the universe only responds to our vibrations and not to our words it is important that our signal is clear and concise, for this we must eliminate all contradictory energy. By keeping your levels clean, what you will do is "repel" what you are not in tune with, attracting people who are consistent with what you are broadcasting. Desperately looking for a partner when you feel aimlessly, without knowing what you want or sad is to attract something similar and sometimes much worse (believe it). Instead vibrate: Romance, passion, fidelity, love, understanding, in a few words LIFE, this type of frequencies will make others who are looking for the same as you, feel attracted.

"The inner structure, the support you have in your spiritual life, how you live your life, not needing to be rescued by anyone, the order and energy that emanates from you that is attraction"

Do not force the rhythm, do not hurry, do not want someone to fill a void that you cannot fill yourself. Be realistic, forget and forgive the relationships of the past, amend your mistakes with yourself, know well what you want, make what you seek in others you also have. If you are looking for someone who is fit, exercise, be faithful, hardworking, fun, cultured, be generous, intelligent etc. You are also willing to give the same, because by law of resonance you will have what you vibrate with yourself, your ideal partner will appear and perhaps in the moment and through the medium you least expect. If you do not recognize the greatness of yourself how to expect others to recognize it?

All nature tends to balance therefore it is natural in us to want to be healthy and reflect that we are in order, so I leave you this simple exercise without so much roll to release and that your thoughts calm down and give your heart time to Start to heal

Well, as I have already mentioned, we all have a system of elimination of residual and toxic energies that consists in sending all the negative energy accumulated during the day to the earth where it is purified through the soles of the feet. And what it will do is undo those emotions or attacks on our energy system through visualization to bring down a clean and pure energy through the central channel and the chakra system.

Standing and barefoot you place your arms at your sides and semi-flex your knees something very natural without forcing. With your eyes closed, you inhale deeply through your nose and loose through your mouth in one breath; and you imagine that a pink ray enters your crown and slowly you feel how your being embraces collecting all discordant thoughts or in imbalance everything that confuses and disorients you. All words of hate and abuse, criticism of you or others. That ray descends into your throat taking all the communication that hurts, all the meaningless words.

And slowly it descends to the heart allowing to feel and collect all the wounds done by you or others, the traces of abandonment or betrayal. Go through every part of your body imagining that everything that blocks your heart to become loved takes off. Feel each of the energies being picked up by this ray and finally when you have passed through each part of your body you direct the pink ray towards your knees, ankles to be discharged by the soles of your feet and direct it towards the earth.

Feel how this purifying ray eliminates the excess load and all that stagnant. It's so simple that all you have to do is visualize and feel the action. Do it every day to start with the habit of visualizing and getting rid of all the energy that has accumulated over so many years, so many relationships or disappointments.

Well, in my way of seeing things, knowing that a relationship is based in turn on this energetic anatomy of love, and all this energetic conglomerate; it gives me great relief because attracting and loving is not a gift given to certain privileged people but a skill that is based on self-esteem, on what you are and will be; and when this is understood we would put at our disposal all this energy package firmly believing that true love attracts its equal.

Have a wonderful day!

AUTHOR: Sofia Randall


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