This Universe is a Bubble in a Soup of Universes

  • 2010

Michio Kaku was born in California and lives in Manhattan. He is Professor of Theoretical Physics and collaborates with the Geneva particle accelerator. Married and with two twenty-year-old daughters, he is today one of the most prestigious and popular theoretical physicists in the world for his effectiveness in spreading the latest knowledge of the f Physical, from its cosmic scale to its quantum scale.

Kaku delves into string theory - it is all vibration -, the most plausible today to encompass all the phenomena of the Cosmos, and seeks confirmation of the Omniverse or Multiverse (universes parallel) in the particle collider.

The following interview was conducted by Víctor M. Amela for the newspaper La Vanguardia.

The interview

What is the last thing we know about the universe?

That is not universe: it is multiverse.

What does that mean?

That there is not a single universe: there are many universes at once, simultaneous, parallel ...!

Where are they? I don't see them

In very distant places and times. Imagine a bubble soup ...

Ok, I already have it

One of those bubbles is this universe of ours: we and all the galaxies are on their expanding surface. But there are other similar bubbles in the soup born at every moment, growing, melting with each other, bursting ...

How do you know?

Our theoretical models indicate this, and today physicists are dedicated to tracking the evidence of these universes parallel to ours, which are born at every moment. There wasn't a single big bang: there are continuously!

While you and I talk, is there a big bang somewhere?

Yes. That of our universe was 13.7 billion years ago, perhaps by fusion or collision of other universes, other bubbles.

And how and when will ours end?

It will continue to expand indefinitely, until a “great cold”. Maybe by then we learned to jump to another universe!

Is there also some kind of consciousness in the other universes?

We don't know ... But maybe, in another parallel universe, another you are doing another interview like this to another me ...

I will try to make mine the best here.

On a quantum scale we can already make the same particle be in two places at once, and also teleport an atom: it is like copying it in another place and the original disappears. It will be difficult to achieve this with people to travel in space ...

And travel in time?

It is theoretically possible ... but it would demand an enormous energy. I think technology will allow us to obtain that energy in the future. So if today someone knocks on your door and says: "Hi, I'm your ta-ta-ra-ta-ta-ranieta" ... don't slam the door! It may be a descendant that comes from the future ...

Good trick to flirt

A visit from the future is feasible: generating two time lines would not affect the lineage of the visitor who leads the visitor.

Did someone visit you, to start getting interested in these things?

Ha ha… A teacher at the Christian school aroused my interest at eight years old. My parents, Japanese, had soaked me with Buddhism: the universe does not begin or end. And that teacher explained to us Genesis ..!

Where GOD creates heaven and earth

That collided with what I knew, so I raised my finger and asked, "And where is the mother from whom God was born?" If the universe had an origin, I was going to know what it was!

And what did the teacher say?

What would you ask your spiritual director.

And what does science tell about these stories?

Science today describes scenarios already anticipated by mysticism: other planes, other dimensions ... The multiverse combines infinity and continuous creation. And now we look for the equation that encompasses all forces.

What will this formula say?

Everything is vibration and each elementary particle, a note: physics studies harmonies; Chemistry, melodies. The universe is symphony!

What would you like to discover to yourself?

I cooperate with the great Geneva particle accelerator: we look for the S particle, which will confirm what I have been explaining.

I hope we don't jump in the air ...

You can sleep peacefully. The most dangerous rays come to us from the universe right now ...

And what practical utility will we get out of all this knowledge?

In the short term, none. But each new scientific formula modifies the world ...

What new technological advances do we have now more ready?

Soon the chips will be cheaper than paper: you will have them integrated all around you, even in your body!

Give me an example:

Your glasses or contact lenses, connected online, will identify you to your interlocutor - name, studies, profile, ... - and if he speaks another language, they will automatically download subtitles.


You will enter your bathroom and it will be better than the best current analgesics hospital: I will analyze urine and feces every time, and the mirror will analyze your breath every day, and so you will know that some protein in your cells can generate a tumor ten years later! There will be no tumors.

Goodbye to cancer, then!

You will have a scanner the size of a mobile, you will have an instant test that will send you a screen: it will be your device dico!

And if I had to have surgery, what?

You will have replacement organs for your entire organism, developed from some of your cells. You will have skin, bones, arteries, coronary valves, truncate, nose, ears, noses, and also liver and pancreas: add cirrhosis already diabetes!

When will we have all this?

Before ten years.

Bravo! And then, what?

Change of civilization: by the end of this century we will know how to use planetary energy and we will not need hydrocarbons. Then, we will learn to use stellar energy. And then, the galactic energy


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