I wrap in love, by Bertha Alicia

  • 2011

What do you think if today we wrap everyone in love?

We need to give in order to receive, and what better giving the love of God that shines in our hearts.
Let the light of God come out to turn this world into a world of love.
Close your eyes my life, listen to the music and wrap the whole universe in love.
Hopefully you can download this song, it is with which I wrap all of you in love.
karunesh- Ancient Secret

You start keeping the rhythm of the music, you don't have to follow my words to the letter, you wrap in love your way, here I only give you an example of how I do it.
Feel the music, feel the vibration, FEEL THE LOVE OF GOD!

I open my heart and let out the love of God.

I wrap myself, I wrap myself, I wrap myself in the love of God.

I am the light of God, I am the love of God, I am God in expression.

I wrap myself, I wrap, I wrap

I wrap myself, I wrap, I wrap

I wrap myself, I wrap, I wrap

I wrap myself, I wrap, I wrap

I wrap myself, I wrap, I wrap in the love of God

I wrap, I wrap, I wrap my whole house in love.

I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, in love to all the children

I wrap, I wrap, I wrap men in love

I wrap, I wrap, I wrap all of humanity

I am, I am, I am, the love of God

I am, I am, I am the love of God

I am, I am, I am the love of God.

I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap the sick

I wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap those who suffer
I wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap those who hate
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap the prisoners
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap the soldiers
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap all of humanity

I am, I am, I am, the love of God

I am, I am, I am the love of God

I am, I am, I am the love of God.

I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap my country in love
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap my continent in love
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap in love to Africa, China, Paris, Spain, Argentina, Peru,
I wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap in love to all continents
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap the whole universe in loveoooooooooooo
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap in love
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap in love
I wrap, I wrap, I wrap, I wrap in love

so be it, so continue and so remain forever. Amen.

You will see my heaven that your heart will beat all that it gives, the energy that will be generated will be immense and the best of all is that this Divine love of God will reach all mankind.

I love you so much

Always in the light

Bertha Alicia

ALWAYS IN THE LIGHT http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/siempreenlaluz/

ANGELES IN THE HEART http://angeles-en-el-corazon.blogspot.com/

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