Interview with Grandma Andrea Herrera Atekokolli: Female Wisdom for these Times

  • 2012

During his visit to Venezuela, we had the pleasant opportunity to meet, ceremony and interview Andrea Herrera Atekokolli, a beautiful young woman and grandmother who, with her strong and loving character, teaches us the relationship with female blood to both men and women. Spiritual leader and woman medicine who has been responsible for rescuing, studying and disseminating the relationship of the woman's blood with Mother Earth and the power stored in the wombs. Custody of the Luna LikanRay del Ilaló Temple in Ecuador.

For thousands of years our family has taken care of the ancestral ceremonies that have been the source of knowledge, worldview, health and cleanliness of our people. This new time in which humanity walks towards the opening of consciousness, has allowed Native American ancestral knowledge, previously hidden, today to be available to anyone who wants to approach and know.

Video Recorded by Vladimir de Chelminski

Audio Vanessa Henr quez

Robert Cots production

[youtube] [/ youtube]

Sophie Style and Atekokolli

This entry will serve to thank Sophie Style: wise woman, mother, comadre and friend who has helped me a lot in recent times.

Sophie teaches women to connect with our menstrual cycle from listening, celebrating and respecting our nature. Faced with the industry determined to make us think that when we menstruate we smell bad, and that he speaks of menstruation as something dirty, Sophie and others like Miranda Gray are telling the importance of listening to our bodies and their rhythms in each phase, to understand our rhythmic nature and somehow from that understanding take full advantage of it.

Today Sophie has sent me this talk of an indigenous woman: Andrea Herrera Atekokolli. Ecuadorian, grandmother and wise woman, speaks of the role of women today, of our wombs, of our menstrual blood and gifts, and of all the changes that are happening right now, of the transformation n of pain, of the help of the elements

Atekokolli says that the wombs of women are an epicenter of the energy of the universe. He proposes that we stop throwing our blood in the trash and instead return it to the ground (quite simple to do if we use the menstrual cup) and encourages us to practice the inner withdrawal in time of menstruation. The interview is worth it, full of wisdom, I leave it below. Thanks Sophie and thanks Atekokolli, my little tribute is to see your names united in this post: I admire you.

Interview with Grandma Andrea Herrera Atekokolli: Female Wisdom for these Times

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