Interview with Dr. Jorge Carvajal: Authenticity makes us Happy Beings

  • 2012
Interview by María Campos.

Synergism is above all a method to serve, to unleash the best of our potential, to find that inner physician - that healer is in each of us - to find and reveal the best of human potential and put it into action.

Surgeon of souls, spiritual healer, authentic doctor who listens to his patients with the heart and who heals not only the body, but also the Self. Jorge Carvajal has 20 years of medical research, which complements his profound philosophy of life, to Help us to find our true identity and recover our health, which is the health of humanity.

What is the disease?

He is a teacher, an opportunity to organize a superior harmony in our own life, on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

What goes sick first, the body or the soul?

The soul cannot get sick, because it is what is perfect in you, the soul evolves, learns. In reality, a good part of illnesses are the opposite: they are the resistance of the emotional and mental body to the soul. When our personality resists the design of the soul is when we get sick.

Health and Emotions

Are there negative emotions for health? Which are the ones that hurt us the most ?

70 percent of human illnesses come from the field of emotional awareness. Diseases often come from unprocessed, unexpressed, repressed emotions. Fear, which is the absence of love, is the great disease, the common denominator of many of the diseases we have today. When fear stays frozen it affects the kidney, adrenal glands, bones, vital energy, and can become panic.

do we act like strong ones and do not take care of our health?

Cemeteries are full of heroes. You have to take care of yourself.

You have your limits, do not go further. You have to recognize what your limits are and overcome them because if you don't recognize them, you will destroy your body.

how does anger affect us?

Anger is holy, it is sacred, it is a positive emotion because it leads you to self-affirmation, to the search for your territory, to defend what is yours, what is fair. But when anger becomes irritability, aggressiveness, resentment, hatred, it turns against you, and affects the liver, digestion, immune system ...

Does joy on the contrary help us to be healthy?

Joy is the most beautiful of emotions because it is the emotion of innocence, of the heart, and it is the most healing of all, because it is not contrary to any other. A little bit of sadness with joy writes poems. Joy with fear leads us to contextualize fear and not give it so much importance.

Does joy soften the mood?

Yes, joy softens all other emotions because it allows us to process them from innocence. Joy puts the rest of the emotions in contact with the heart and gives them an ascending sense. Channel them to reach the world of mind.

And the sadness?

Sadness is a feeling that can lead to depression when you get involved in it and don't express it, but it can also help you. Sadness leads you to contact yourself and restore internal control.

All negative emotions have their own positive aspect, we make them negative when we repress them.

Is it better to accept those emotions that we consider negative as part of oneself?

As part to transform them, that is, when they are accepted they flow, and they no longer stagnate, and can be transmuted. We have to channel them so that they reach from the heart to the head.

How difficult!

Yes, it is very hard. The basic emotions really are love and fear (which is absence of love), so all that exists is love, by excess or defect.

Constructive or destructive. Because there is also the love that clings, the love that overprotects, the toxic, destructive love.

How to prevent the disease?

We are creators, so I believe that the best way is to create health. And if we create health we will not have to prevent the disease or attack it, because we will be health.

What if the disease appears?

Well, we will have to accept it because we are human. Krishnamurti also got sick from pancreatic cancer and was no one to lead a messy life. Many spiritually very valuable people have become ill.

We must explain it to those who believe that getting sick is failing. Failure and success are two teachers, but nothing more.

And when you are the apprentice, you have to accept and incorporate the lesson of disease into your life.

More and more people suffer from anxiety…

Anxiety is a feeling of emptiness, which sometimes becomes a hole in the stomach, a feeling of lack of air ... It is an existential void that arises when we look outside instead of looking inside. It arises when we look at external events, when we look for crutches, external supports, when we don't have the solidity of the inner search. If we do not accept loneliness and do not become our own company, we will experience that emptiness and we will try to fill it with things and possessions. But since it cannot be filled with things, every time the void increases.

What can we do to free ourselves from this anguish?

Anguish can not be spent eating chocolate, or with more heat, or looking for a blue prince outside. The anguish is passed when you enter inside, you accept yourself as you are and you reconcile with yourself. The anguish comes from the fact that we are not what we want to be, but neither are we, so we are in the should be, and we are neither one nor the other.

Stress is another of the evils of our time

The stress comes from competitiveness, that I want to be perfect, I want to be better, that I want to give a note that is not mine, that I want to imitate.

And really you can only compete when you decide to be your own competition, that is, when you want to be unique, original, authentic, not a photocopy of anyone. The destructive stress impairs the immune system.

But a good stress is a wonder, because it allows you to be alert and awake in crises, and be able to take advantage of them as an opportunity to emerge to a new level of consciousness.

What would you recommend us to feel better about ourselves?

Loneliness. Being with yourself every day is wonderful. Being 20 minutes with yourself is the beginning of meditation; it is to build a bridge to true health; is to access the inner altar, to the inner being. My recommendation is that people set their alarm 20 minutes before not to steal time from their occupations. If you dedicate, not the time you have left over, but those first minutes of the morning, when you are fresh and rested, to meditate, that pause will recharge you, because in the pause the soul's potential inhabits.

What is happiness for you?

It is the essence of life. It is the very meaning of life, we incarnate to be happy, not for anything else. But happiness is not pleasure, is integrity. When all the senses consecrate themselves to being, we can be happy. We are happy when we believe in us, when we trust in ourselves, when we commit ourselves transpersonally to a level that transcends the small self or the small ego. We are happy when we have a meaning that goes beyond everyday life, when we do not postpone life, when we do not move ourselves, when we are at peace and safe with life and with our conscience.

Live the present

Is it important to live in the present? How to achieve it?

We let go of the past and do not mortgage life to the expectations of the future when we turn to being and not to having. I tell myself that happiness has to do with realization, and this with the ability to inhabit reality. And to live in reality is to leave the world of confusion.

How confused are we, in your opinion?

We have three huge illusions that confuse us. First we believe that we are a body and not a soul, when the body is the instrument of life and ends with death. Second, we believe that the meaning of life is pleasure; but to more pleasure there is no more happiness, but more dependence. Pleasure and happiness are not the same. You have to devote pleasure to life and not life to pleasure. The third illusion is power; We believe we have the infinite power to live.

And what do we really need to live? Does love?

Love, so brought and taken, and so slandered, is a renewal force. Love is magnificent because it creates cohesion. In love, everything is alive, like a river that renews itself. In love you can always renew yourself, because everything is ordered.

In love there is no usurpation, there is no displacement, there is no fear, there is no resentment, because when you order yourself because you live in love, everything takes its place, and then harmony is restored. Now, from a human perspective, we assimilate it with weakness, but love is not weak.

It weakens us when we understand that someone we love does not love us ...

There is great confusion in our culture. We believe that we suffer for love, that our catastrophes are for love ... but it is not for love, it is for love, which is a variety of attachment. What we usually call love is a drug. Just as it depends on cocaine, marijuana or morphine, it also depends on falling in love. It's a crutch to lean on, instead of carrying someone in my heart to free and free me. True love has a fundamental essence that is freedom, and always leads to freedom.

But sometimes we feel tied to a love ...

If love leads to dependence it is eros. Eros is a match, and when you turn it on it consumes you quickly, in two minutes you already burn your finger. There are a lot of loves that way, pure spark. Although that spark can serve to ignite the log of true love. When the log is lit it produces fire. That is impersonal love, which produces light and heat.

Can you give some advice to pursue true love?

Only the truth. Trust the truth; You don't have to be like the princess of each other's dreams, you don't have to be neither more nor less than you are. You have a sacred right, which is the right to be wrong; You have another, which is the right to forgive, because the error is your teacher. Love yourself, feel yourself and consider yourself. If you don't love yourself, you won't find anyone who can love you. Love produces love. If you love yourself, you will find love. If not, empty. But never look for a crumb; That is unworthy of you.

The key then is to love yourself.

And your neighbor as yourself. If you do not love yourself, you do not love God, nor your son, because you are becoming attached, you are conditioning the other. Accept yourself as you are; what we do not accept cannot be transformed, and life is a current of permanent transformation.

Jorge Carvajal, is a doctor at the University of Antioquia, pioneer of Bioenergetic Medicine in Latin America and creator of Sintergética. He is the creator of ViaVida, a society dedicated to research, assistance and teaching, which constitutes the platform for the worldwide expansion of this new way of seeing medicine. Among his publications, highlights Contexts of Sintergética and Laser y Sintergética, aimed at doctors; On the paths of Bioenergetics, On the Paths of the Soul and its compilations of poems The fire of Love and Water and Heaven on the Path.


Interview originally appeared in Practical Psychology, 118.

Interviewer: María Campos.


Contributed by: Eduardo Borello and El Viraje towards la Luz

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