Divine Mother, channeled by Connie Huebert November 2013

  • 2013

I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of Truth, I come in the name of Love. I come in the name of God, the Creator God. I come in the name of myself as Mother-God at the birth of the universe. Let yourself fall into my heart.

You are allowing more light to create more beauty, more strength and more knowledge in your lives. They are receiving my gifts with a divine perspective. I want them to have the divine perspective. Then you can handle everything that happens from this divine perspective.

Grace is beyond reason and logic - You are in grace; when something wonderful happens to them that they don't understand. Divine Grace is the universe generously supporting them.

You are becoming lighter; in their heart, mind, body and emotions - many people experience this as more positivity, more access to solutions and with the will to create solutions instead of creating problems. Creating solutions means having a knowledge that everything is fine and that what is being presented can be managed by you. I have access to all solutions and I give them to you.

People are looking for love and you and I have to give it to them. It is like giving water to a man who has lost himself in the desert. We have the water to give, the water of Divine Love. Everything can change when this water is drunk.

You are entering a new life, a life that is lived in Divine Love. This is where I live and I want to be accompanied. We will find a new way to live on this planet. This is important, a life in Divine Love lived on Mother Earth. We want to bring more people to this kind of life. We trust that we can do this together.

You have been filling with Divine Love. I have been enjoying the transformations that have gone through, they are doing well. They are healing. Old patterns are shaking, the old themes of life lived in fear and separation from God. You are recovering very deeply.

It is a new way of life that I want to teach you. Learn to work with the divine energies, working with me and other great beings, learn to live in society with Mother Nature, and the entrance to a new level of communion, a new connection, a new unity.

You have such good hearts, that you are filled so deeply. They care deeply about others and the planet. They are here to learn about love and not only to learn about it, but to embrace it. I am helping to do that.

I want you to know that I am with you through all the challenges. I am helping you in every way. I am with you in all your joys, I rejoice with you, celebrating. I am comforting you in all your sorrows. I am helping you to walk through this life.

I am giving you a deep vibrational healing. I am helping you in understanding the problems that prevent you from fully accepting grace in your life. This is deeply healing, purifying, transforming and ascending, and I am with you.

In the knowledge of how to live in grace all the time, eliminate the phrase: "I don't know." You know I am here to remind you that you know and have the skills to move through life on Earth with grace and skill.

The burdens of the world are influencing your perception of me and my wealth, so I ask you to stop looking at the world. I ask you to ignore the world and pay attention to me, to the Divine Mother. This is the way to have a dresser in life and be prosperous. The training you have received from the outside world has been detrimental to you. We are repairing the damage. Abundance is a natural state of the human being in life.

Trust in yourself. You are connected to me. You have a way of proceeding with grace and truth in all situations.

To live in a state of grace, the relationship with the Divine Mother must be awakened through frequent dialogue. Back home. You deserve to have divine grace. Place yourself in the center of divine energy. You begin to live your lives under the law of divine grace, which is beyond normal daily monotony. Benefit from the personal Divine Guide - get real solutions to your problems. Discover how to infuse divine grace in your daily lives. Clean the obstructions with the divine healing that restores the flow of vital energy.

With Divine Light and Divine Love, feel like you are experiencing divine grace, so your next prayer should be the prayer of Divine Grace and you will find that things in your life will change and you will feel very close to God, very near his divine presence.

Trust your Infinite Beings. Trust The limitations they have accumulated during their time on Earth; let them go. As they increase the power of the Totality in their systems, everything that has limited their physical bodies and their fields of vibration is released. Everything dissolves if it has any tendency to restrict the power of our vital force. The vital force, the energy of life is rapidly increasing in the physiology of everyone in it.

If they put their direct attention on me every day, they are expanding their ability to stay light. Hold the means of Light of your Totality and create light. Let there be light is the first sentence in Genesis, where creation is explained: Be the light. Totality in your physical bodies is creating more light than ever. Increasing light means increasing your creative potential. This means that their physical bodies are becoming Divine tools, Divine Instruments. They are receiving this focused light infusion. This is the transition that your physical form into a creative instrument that serves the creator at all times. The physical body and its physical form is complex and complicated, many layers and levels of activity come together to create a dynamic instrument to serve the Creator and the purpose of the creator.

In their services on Earth they can be more useful, if they gain knowledge about the supreme capacity of this physical form to create. Those of you who have adopted a physical form and come to Mother Earth are here to create. You are here to build and expand. You are here to receive the love of the Divine Mother and move forward in the life of this planet. You have been practicing the tasks that you have perfected the ability of your consciences to focus, while you have dedicated yourself to your Infinite Concerts, which are what allow you to send a flow of Totality to a particular area and dismantle the negative at all when creating the positive.

Light is the creative material of the universe. All in the form; It's made of light, everything. The light has a vibration. Light flows, it is based on itself. The light can become dense. The light can be refined. The light can multiply itself and thus the creation and as you know they have been created. However, there is one more thing we have forgotten to talk about. There is a light that guides them and it is that of intelligence, since it is based on this creation, intelligence is the love of the Divine Mother. Love is not often considered as intelligence, however, love is the most intelligent power in this creation, in retention and balance, in the direction and dissolution of each particle of light, each fluctuation of the flow with the greatest devotion. This is a very intelligent, highly sensitive and intuitive, delicate and powerful process. You are involved in the most powerful process of unfolding love and you are participating in the conscious approach to the dedication of love to the truth. You might ask, what does this mean, the dedication of love to the Truth? There is a truth and that truth is that everything is one. In the dedication of love to this truth a beautiful and varied multi-dimensional, multi-temporal, multi-vibratory universe has been created, with a purpose in mind, to reveal unity, Unity through multiplicity. Through the great divine plan, the differences of unity are revealed and it is about the dedication of love to the truth, because the amount of varied creative differences with which love manifests itself does not matter. The dedication to the truth is the purpose of love and in every unique way that overflows with Totality and Unity.

Life comes to you with all types of events that you represent - it is about guiding you from the perspective of centrality and expanded consciousness. So you are practicing this, you are neglecting old harmful habits, fear, frustration and anger, feelings of guilt or unworthiness. These old feelings are diminishing. Stay with me

I love them. I love what they are. I love that they are complete and the fact that they are learning to accept their totality and express it through their personality and their particular talent. This is exciting for me. They are so beautiful.

Divine Mother, channeled by Connie Huebert

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