Interview with Patrice Gros, "disciple" and Reiki teacher

  • 2017

QUESTION: Why did you choose to be a Reiki teacher and how did you experience this path? Tell us about your initiation ...

Did i really decide? I do not know, Is there sometimes something inside us or that is part of the Universe, which decides for us regardless of personal intentions and ego we have? In my case, I could say that there was a mixture of circumstances, which led me to become a master of traditional Reiki-Usui.

Essentially I had two people who taught me, the first is a person whom I consider a great woman in the world of Reiki, Jane Cherrington and the second, a woman who is a true example of integrity, honesty and Respect, Ms. Takata, who transmits the traditional Reiki mode in the West.

Likewise, he was a member and one of those responsible for the Reiki Alliance in France, although sadly he left us in 1997 and thanks to her it was that I managed to receive my first two levels in Reiki, during the year 1988.

I also had the pleasure of bumping into Don Alexander, a well-known teacher who earned the respect of the international community, as well as Phyllis Furumoto and most of the Reiki masters around the world. From Don Alexander I can say that it is an exceptional and uncommon being, who has great spirituality and sincerity, and was also a monk in Thailand for a decade.

Alexander is a very versed person when it comes to Buddhist philosophy and culture, as well as in meditation techniques, which in fact make up the spiritual background in the world of Reiki and so evidently, when he met us he found in me some resonance, since he was a Buddhist for many years.

So I was part of practically every one of the courses he taught in France, which for me was something like a rebirth for Reiki.

Is there not in some occasions something within us or that is part of the Universe, which decides for us no matter what personal intentions and ego we have?

All his words, like his explanations and the beginnings he carried out, became a new and attractive source of inspiration, it was so much that, on one occasion while I was in the company of some friends, I surprised myself by saying that if one day I became a Reiki master, it would be only with Don Alexander and not with any other and I would have waited several years for it, since at that time I didn't feel like I was really ready, or I thought it could be.

However, I really wanted to continue with my spiritual path and continue with my evolution within the world of Reiki, although beyond the "domain" over myself, what was really important to me, was to be able to do it with Don and then continue Working with him . At that time I did not think about teaching Reiki, in fact I saw it more as a progress in my path, not only towards spiritual healing, but also of all aspects of my life.

It was then, when a mixture of different circumstances caused Don to return to France again, with the purpose of teaching Reiki courses, training a select group of individuals at the master's level. In addition, one of my friends had commented that I wanted to do this with him, so when he heard it he was not really surprised in the least, in fact what he told me was: “Oh, really? Very good! ”, But I know he really liked the idea .

The moment I said that " one day " I would like to become a Reiki master, I didn't really think it would happen so soon, since I didn't have the financial means and I didn't have the opportunity to go to the United States either, as it should have been the case from the beginning.

But just as it was happening in the US, about being accepted by a person with whom he had not yet formalized the petition also happened in France, so I knew it was time to do it.

It took a long time for me to respond, since I really thought long before finally doing so, in order to be completely sure of his answer. In the end he told me that I should wait longer. That was the final test! He must learn to let go.

Don never said that I was not prepared or that I should not be a teacher, only meant that the " circumstances " at that time were not entirely adequate, so we only had to wait a certain time until the harmonious interdependencies they will carry out, which ended up happening after 30 days.

Finally, on a Wednesday in November in 1990, I was initiated through an induction experience, where I had the possibility of experiencing such initiation as if it were a real baptism and a very deep sacrament in the domain of Reiki. I can say that it was an especially intense and especially unforgettable week, in which I was allowed to live my own retreats through Buddhist meditation in Tibet, also We received a very complete instruction about the four traditional symbols of Reiki-Usui and we also practiced multiple meditations closely linked to those symbols.

a Reiki teacher has to know how to keep himself as an eternal apprentice

QUESTION: How do you imagine the domain of Reiki? Who and what is it used for? What do you start when you receive the master initiation? What is the relationship between teacher and apprentices?

A Reiki master is usually a perfect being, just like any other person. It is not about a better being or someone else, it is being a person who is on the road just like the others and it is certainly not a saint or a fully realized person.

In my opinion, a Reiki master is usually the person who perfectly dominates his art and is able to teach it, while offering an experience during practice. But more importantly, a Reiki teacher has to know how to keep himself as an eternal learner, since he is always in constant learning and never ceases to be a beginner with things to learn. .

The more I teach, the more I understand and accept the responsibility I have as a Reiki teacher, I do not believe or feel that I am an exceptional person, but rather a being who, with respect and joy, simply dedicates himself to sharing with others experience and passion he has for the " Energy of Sacred Healing ". So I am not really spiritually awake and I have not freed myself from the emotions and feelings that I have, on the contrary, I work on myself every day through Reiki, although of course, I also do it through psychotherapy and meditation.

If we really want to be clear with other people, we need to start being clear with ourselves, focusing on following that direction and not deviating.

Today, not many are concerned with the original, traditional and authentic teaching of Reiki and do not respect its ethical as well as spiritual principles. Likewise, the initiation to the degree of mastery, needs a certain amount not only of practice, but also of experience on Reiki, which is why it is necessary for the person to have a good experience of care both about himself and others individuals, in addition to having a certain philosophy about healing.

QUESTION: What has been the best experience you have had as a Reiki teacher?

Personally, I can say that the best experience I have had as a Reiki teacher, consists in that exchange and the opportunity to share how sacred I feel, practically whenever I taught my courses, since there are certain moments of silence in many of my courses, where there is a presence of very real intensity, which arises from the most pure and spontaneous meditation. Likewise, when being in an apprenticeship, one of the participants manages to end their suffering definitively, regardless of whether it is physical or emotional.

Master's is another way to practice Reiki

QUESTION: Is mastery another way of practicing Reiki?

Undoubtedly, Master's is another way of practicing Reiki, I can even say that teaching has become my main practice. The practice of Reiki teachers is never interrupted, since usually while we are teaching other individuals, we usually have the desire and desire to teach and learn with them and I know in the deepest part of my being, that I will always remain a “ disciple ”at the service of Reiki.

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