Angelic Reiki Course. Level 1 and 2 together May 22, 23 and 24 in Barcelona & Workshop: Mom I'm not You, May 30, 2015

  • 2015


Angelic Reiki Course. Level 1 and 2 together

May 22, 23 and 24 in Barcelona

Short video:

What is Anglic Reiki?

Angelic Reiki is the result of channeling of the Arc ngel Metatr n through Christine and Kevin Core, who founded it in 2003. It is a healing system He who works with angels, archangels, ascended masters and other beings of pure light.

What can this course give me?

The course can be another step in your evolution of consciousness since energy is light and light is information, open your heart, release emotions and blockages, wake up capacities and / or sleeping gifts, to feel that you are a human and divine being, to experience the loving energy of the angels.

You will learn different healing techniques : Self healing with angels, Healing with Ascended Masters, Healing past lives, etc.

There are three initiations during the course: two initiations made by the angels, anchoring the symbols in the person's energy body and one to the Angelic Kingdom through the Arc Angel Metatr n. The Teacher is a simple guide.

It is not necessary to memorize symbols: in angelic reiki it is not necessary to memorize the symbols, the angels will do it for you.

Both those who have no experience in reiki and those who want to experience another type of healing are welcome.

The following material will be provided to you: Course Manual and Official Certificate endorsed by Christine Core.

SCHEDULE : Friday: from 3.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 to 15

REQUIREMENT : Bring a quartz type generator of average height of 6-7 cm


(email only for information and registration of angelic reiki courses)

or by phone: 675092555

WORKSHOP: Mom, I'm not you

The relationship you have with your mother and the perception you have about your life will mark the relationship with yourself and your own life


  • Origin of our wound: The conflict with the mother
  • Honor our female lineage
  • Group healing with the Universal Divine Mother
  • Connection with our place of power: the uterus
  • The archetype of the mother and the good girl
  • Love Orders

As daughters, the relationship with our mother is one of the most important of our lives. If our mother felt sadness and anger we lived life from that same anger and sadness, although unconsciously.

All of us have been nourished by information at the cellular level and that is a weight with which we are carrying.

This workshop was born from my own story as a woman, as a daughter and as a mother. I always told my friends that I had a certain tension with my mother and when I discovered that it was related to many problems that attracted my life I could not believe it (especially related to lack of self-esteem and confidence).

Aimed at women who want to grow personally:

This workshop invites you to take a courageous look at your feminine essence, your origin, your uterus, your roots. Only by realizing your own shadow can you accept and love who you are. You are light and shadow at the same time.

If you feel you want to meet with other "mirrors" you are welcome. With the strength and energy of the group we will join our eyes and our hearts with a common purpose: to take responsibility for one's own life without blaming something or someone external and to give encouragement to our wounds in order to live life with more love, confidence and joy.

We will work with:

Active meditations, energy healing, breathing and conscious movement, art therapy and different proposals.

Day and hour:

This workshop will be held in Barcelona on Saturday, May 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and has a special reduced price if you sign up before May 21.

Conduct the workshop:

Montse García Ariath. Angelic Reiki Teacher Healing Codes and Archetypes. Integrative Body Work. Ovarian Breathing Therapist Currently in formation of Family Constellations and Psychological Astrology. Diploma in Occupational Therapy specialized in Neuropsychology.

More information in:


Angelic Reiki Course. Level 1 and 2 together May 22, 23 and 24 in Barcelona & Workshop: Mom I'm not You on May 30

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