The true love of Our Creator

When someone encloses in himself all the love, he becomes ill and when someone becomes ill, he limits his freedom to life and therefore each soul has the opportunity to expand or limit himself, the free will that was given to them gives them that great freedom .

All souls have the ability to rise as far as they wish, when you discover your talents and approach the right place to develop them, you will discover that God speaks through your abilities, we all have the ability to touch the sky with the talents that God gave us .

The fastest way to know your talents will be by connecting with our Creator through prayer, prayer as many already know, is not repeating 20 times the Our Father or any other, prayer is a talk between us and God, when we understand this and realize that God is more than a Father to us, he can be our friend, our accomplice, our celestial, our coach, in short, any relationship we want to have, He will have it with us.

For all those who have formed a humanized figure of the Creator, they must understand that God is in nature, in ourselves, in the universe, in every living being. His power, his unconditional love, is practically everywhere.

This is God, what can I tell you, but if this were not enough, we also have different protections, such as angels, superior guides and archangels who are close to us, helping us to get closer to each other. He goes to heaven all the time.

Many times we think that we are alone in this life, but the truth is that we are never, in the near future, we may be living difficult times, many of us have been prepared for this moment, we must help and to support those less evolved souls who will not understand why things are happening, so all ascended masters must release God's glory and become an oasis of peace for their brothers, nobody will live anything that does not have to live, so do not hesitate, because your protection is assured.

Remember that everything we are about to live, is part of a plan perfectly orchestrated by our Creator, so that each soul incarnate on earth obtains the learning that will help him or to wake up or raise his conscience in a conscious way to through service to his brothers.

We must understand that we are living in the grace of God literally, since the prophecies of the Sumerians on planet X or Nibiru, which announced the end of

world, it was already fulfilled, erring for a few days only, nothing bad for a prophecy of 10, 000 years, but thanks to the love that our Father has for us, on February 17, 2003, we were saved from this monster that was about to collide with the sun, astrophysicists also do not understand as an object of such size, did not modify the orbits of the planets, including the earth.

This information is not in order to alarm anyone, quite the contrary, it is for us to recognize the protection and love of Our Creator, and although there are prophecies that have truly happened, our Father who loves us immensely, will always seek to give us many opportunities, for the love he has for us. But it is essential that we do our work, and help our brothers and ourselves to the best of our ability during the next events.

Channeled by: Miguel DM

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