The Tarot, The Seven of Wands

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 What does the seven of clubs have? 2 Knowing destiny does not mean that you have changed it. 3 When the seven of Tarot clubs come backwards. 4 He who works through his destiny will reap what he sows. 5 When the seven of clubs is accompanied.

The seven of clubs, in the Tarot is a positive character card although it is considered with long-term results. The seven of clubs represented by an image of a man with a rod in his hands on the top of a hill, is above all but is fighting, there are six remaining rods attacking very close to take the hill, you have to keep fighting . Observing his position one can think that he is resisting the attack of the enemies and struggles to maintain his position of supremacy on the hill. The appearance of his face is pleasure, he likes the challenge, the fight and with intelligence. Is demonstrating that you can fight with the six remaining rods or other enemies because you have the resources to continue fighting for as long as you need, you will not give up what you have achieved with your effort.

The seven of clubs in the Tarot

Does the seven of clubs have meaning?

In the Tarot reading, the seven of clubs is a minor arcane that tells you that you are in full fight or you are going to battle the rod in the hands in attack position implies courage, self-confidence is the emblem of this card, you go with determination to defend what is yours, but do not think that it will make easy the seven of Tarot's clubs symbolizes resistance, they are many enemies or it can be one but attacking on many fronts, the important thing is that you have the strength card, in the Tarot, this minor arcane expresses that life is a continuous challenge but if you have the will to resist you have the guaranteed victory.

Knowing fate does not mean that you have changed it .

When the seven of clubs of the Tarot comes backwards.

The vast seven comes from the head, fear and insecurity are dominating the person, encounters obstacles that are insurmountable, but the tenacity and will you want to resist taking a step back, you have to stop and think, it is It is preferable that you give up and look for another way, when the seven breasts have been invested, you are announcing problems without solution, when it comes to love or friendship, you have to be prepared, you are announcing disloyalty, betrayal, the presence of doubts that can trigger very strong discussions .

In the labor field, the Tarot is warning of possible threats of jealousy competition, due to these pressures shows incompetence in projects that are under your supervision, all these confrontations can become a crisis that affects health and the economic part. The fears that assail you can lead you to a psychological imbalance due to so much pressure and exhaustion.

The clubs in the Tarot

He who works through his destiny will reap what he sowed.

When the seven of clubs is accompanied .

When the seven of clubs is accompanied by the temperance card, it is indicating that you must think before acting, do not act impulsively and you will succeed. The seven of clubs indicates intellect, you must use it.

If you are accompanying the hanged man, it reminds you that giving up does not mean losing, sometimes it is necessary to give something to get, do not assume a stubborn position.

Seven (7) of Bastos or Palos

The seven of clubs in the Tarot is placed next to the priestess, represents overcoming obstacles but with passivity, risks must be taken but with caution, with the stick in hand to make your way but slowly, safely and measuring the actions taken, the triumph is sure. Destiny holds positive surprises in reward for his patience and perseverance.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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