The Power of the soul and the power of the mind - Returning to balance

  • 2015

Beloved Family of Light:

In the last period of your Ascension Journey you have experienced an intense time of change, with transformations of the Eclipses and the Equinox creating much tumult in your lives. Perhaps many of you feel that you are adrift in your life; and without being sure where to turn. You may very well be awake and making your spiritual journey consciously and enlightened; and yet you still don't really understand why there is so much chaos on Earth; and why things can't be easier.

Undoubtedly, beloved family, the times of major changes and transitions on your Earth are never easy, but especially now. Never before has the Earth gone through such a great change with so many embodied Souls that are co-creating this change all together. Yes, without a doubt, that is the nature of the 5th Dimension, that you all co-create and make choices together to create another Reality. Some are awake and consciously doing so, but many are still "asleep" and are making their choices without awareness; and based on old energies and patterns. This is why there is so much chaos and so much confusion . Those who are still making the same unconscious choices are finding that these choices do not lead them to the places where they want to be; and they are getting anxious and furious. They try to make new choices and discover the New Reality, but they are still searching.

You, on the other hand, are aware and can see that the necessary change in each incarnated Being is to pass from the ego / mind to the Heart / Soul as the center of its Being and its life on Earth.

This sounds pretty easy, but: But why is it so difficult for so many? Well, this is because during the recent period of our evolution the mind has become the strongest part of most Humans and their World. The mind controls perception and creates continuity so that life must be experienced as a continuous "story" in a rational way that "makes sense" to the mind. When things happen that do not seem to make sense or that do not fit the story, the mind can always soften things and create a story that explains why things happen, based on ideas of cause and effect in a continuous timeline. However, when you wake up you begin to see that there are many timelines and many stories, which are told and developed all simultaneously in your reality, as Souls create and co-create.

This leads to confusion, because the mind seeks to untangle the chaos and find the "truth . " The truth is, Beloved, that the mind can never find the truth, because the truth belongs to the Heart and the Soul. It is only there where each Being will find what it seeks as its truth.

What is happening in this transition period is that your mind seeks to cling to the dominance of the story line and the truth of its history; And he doesn't want to let her go. There is a deep fear that when the mind releases its property over "truth, " everything will collapse. This is the premise of your field of "psychology." However, we would say that when the mind "releases" and allows the Soul to enter, there is another perspective of Time, Space and Reality, which liberates each Being to experience life on a higher level of consciousness and harmony With the Heart and the Soul. A New Dream and a New Reality has been born. You begin to see and experience the things you didn't see or feel before because they were hidden by the filters of the mind. The veils have been removed and you truly see what is before you!

In this new way of being, the mind continues to be a part of the History of the Creation of Reality, but it does not dominate or control it. She becomes the "narrator" who weaves the stories of the Heart and the Soul into manifestation, without needing to dominate, control or be important.

Integrating the 4th Dimension: Adventures in Time / Space

In the world and in reality, old and three-dimensional, it was easy for the mind to create narratives and linear stories that had satisfactory beginnings and endings for this linear continuum. The egoic mind was always happy with the way things developed and could be explained in a linear development.

But Beloved Family, with the passage of the Earth to the Penta-Dimensional Grids of Light and with the change of consciousness, you began to awaken to the reality of that fluid and flowing Dimension of Time / Space that we call 4th Dimension. That is where the concept of “time” is created in spirals and Timelines; and where time is not linear and continuous, but spiral and circular, discontinuous and magical, depending on the skills and guidelines of those who create.

This perception of time as something created autonomously and that transcends the linear demands of daily life at this point, is something that the mind feels it must oppose. Why? Because if the mind accepts this perception of reality, all its careful structures and stories would collapse. Yes, definitely. But instead, the mind will enter into a magical and miraculous perception of reality that allows you to co-create a New Reality and a New Space in your Timelines, without judgment, guilt, Karma, or any of the other negative side effects of The old creation of reality.

When you go to the Penta-Dimensional Reticles and the Higher Consciousness, you open the way for your Soul to show you the nature of a New Reality, in which the Soul sees life from a Galactic or Cu nal perspective. Unique. Life is not linear or finite! In the realms of the Soul, life is infinite and continues in very different arcs or spirals, some simultaneous, in different or parallel Time Lines and Universes.

From this heart-centered soul perspective, you understand that Creation manifests itself from Divine Love. You understand that all things flow in and out of the manifestation, according to a Divine Plan or Act of Creation; and that change and transformation constitute the very nature of life. You can go through equanimity through times of discontinuity and completion, because you perceive that the endings are always followed by new beginnings. You don't feel the need to blame anyone or anything, you simply accept the end for what it is and look forward to the next Creation of Light.

From your Soul and your Heart, Beloved Ones, you will have a deep sense of acceptance and peace while allowing the flow of Divine Creative Intelligence to pass through you as a Creative Force, granting you the joy of making choices and turning the Creation towards a higher and new level of experience.

The Multidimensional Narrations of the Soul

Beloved, when you move away from the idea of ​​a history and and from a personal narrative, you began to perceive that the Soul is multidimensional and exists on many levels. His narratives are in the past and in the future and in the present moment, which is the point of origin.

The Soul is the Galactic Traveler and the Diamantine Narrator. Spins the Diamond Light of Creation in a multitude of colors, lights, experiences and stories. Beloved, it is a delight for you to work with the Soul and turn these stories and songs towards the manifestation in your New Penta-Dimensional Earth.

The month of May will give you many opportunities to loosen the clinging of the Ego / Mind and align with the creative impulses of the Soul and the Heart; and express yourself in a new way.

When you harmonize your Heart and Light Body with the Diamond Codes or Creation Codes contained in the Solar and Galactic Light Transmissions from the Divine Heart and the Councils of Light, you will feel inspired to start creating your life as a work of Divine Inspiration. You will seek to harmonize yourself with the music of your Soul and the Spirit; and live in this light.

While making this transition, you may feel some discomfort and pain in the Solar Plexus area. This is the part of the body that represents the Ego / Mind; and when the mind releases its dominion over your reality and lets go, many old patterns that cause pain are released. This release can be experienced as physical pain in the digestive system, where the experience itself is "digested"; or as anxiety, insomnia and nightmares. The best way to work with this is to just breathe deeply and allow the Diamond Light to dissolve all the old patterns of reality and all the stress you no longer need in your life. Open space for more Joy and Love and Abundance. Open space for Dreams and Creativity!

The Soul has many songs to sing and stories to tell; and he is waiting for that moment in which you become a Galactic Narrator, a Star Dancer, a Singer of Heavenly Music; and the moment in which you root these creations in your life on Earth. When you embrace this Higher Consciousness, you will be filled with the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness and the Bright White Light of the Diamond Codes. As you approach your Soul, you begin to experience the Glowing Heart Center of All That Is, which is the Home of the Soul. Here, in the Diamond Light, you experience Silence and Non-Time, you experience Cosmic Love and Divine Light of multiple patterns, you experience Deep Peace. And then, you bring them back to your heart and sing them, dance and write them to the manifestation, in the "narration" that is your life!

Then, Beloved, while you meditate or simply remain silent, ask that your mind gently release its dominion over the creation of your reality and allow the Higher Soul / Self to be a partner that directs the Creation of your reality. Inhale the Diamond Light and the diamond codes and fill your Being with the Essence of Divine Light and peace ... ... And create your Life as an Adventure of Love and Creativity!

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

By Celia Fenn

The Power of the soul and the power of the mind - Returning to balance

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