The golden boy / The legend of the ayahuaska by Abjini Shamanik

  • 2015

All plants have a deva, or a spirit that animates the plant, because everything has spirit.

Some plants have devas that are dedicated to the creation of beauty, they are masters of a beauty program that runs at all scales of the universe, for example there are expert devas in creating the shape of a flower based on geometry, following the great creation program esthetic.

And there the thing does not end, they are so sensitive that they precipitate the nectar, the divine amrita, and make it the food of the most subtle beings such as butterflies and hummingbirds.

And as if that were not enough, some also handle the subtlety of the aroma, turn the harmony into the fragrance related to that harmony, a rose is a rose and the aroma of a rose has a signature, a fingerprint, a stamp.

Other devas have specialized in the medicine of consciousness, thus transforming the geometry into transcendent vision, thus the deva of the jungle vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) from which part of the ayahuaska wine is extracted, clearly based on the pattern of the Flower of Life that grows inside that coiled snake-like vine that rises upwards.

But for the magic to happen, and the vibrational frequency of the geometric form of the ayahuaska calf is activated, another ingredient is needed, a small shrub called chacruna (Psychotria viridis), whose intense green leaves contain a high percentage of dymethyltryptamine, the alkaloid necessary to wake up to other dimensions of consciousness.

This plant, the chacruna that can go unnoticed by its modesty, keeps the power of consciousness inside and by joining the ayahuaska dye it promotes the visionary journey.

The deva of the ayahuaska and that of the chacruna have a millenary agreement, a legend lost in memory tells us that after the flood when the waters dried up and began to sprout the large trees to re-weave the biological network of life, so they let Everything would grow according to the original geometric programs.

A reset had happened on Earth, Gaia was starting a cycle, it was a great opportunity to start over, from scratch.

The large trees through their communication networks made an agreement to preserve the variety of life, in that agreement the protection of these two plants for a future awakening of humans was also established.

The devas of both plants knew that their destiny was collaboration, their complementary spirits needed each other to activate the light of the heart, from that love they joined together keeping the recipe for when there was a race that would be so much connected with the Jungle and he loved her like them, a race that could recognize and reveal her.

Many eons passed and that red race appeared on the earth, they came from the stars to protect the diversity that was emerging in Gaia. The legend says that they went down in a golden canoe that came from the Sun, while they lived they reminded themselves that the Sun had promised them a magical drink that would reconnect them with the celestial ancestors.

On one occasion of the golden canoe under a woman who gave birth in the jungle, a child who radiated golden light, when giving birth her umbilical cord became the ayahuaska plant, when cleaning it she did it with chacruna leaves, bringing the memory, the devas were recognized, the formula had materialized and this was recognized by the men who were in a circle seeing the fulfillment of the promise of the Sun.

That child of light broken by the Great Mother is the love between the ayahuaska and the chacruna, the ancestral formula for healing the collective heart.

A respect for these two sacred plants is necessary for the light to be truly activated and that channel of communication between humans and the celestial ancestors is opened.

If for some reason the experience catches your attention, take care that it is with someone of your entire trust, who knows how to guide you on the path of the stars at a very high level.

Abjini Shamanik


Abjini Arráiz

The golden boy / The legend of the ayahuaska by Abjini Shamanik

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