The Mystery of Vesica Pisces ", by Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

  • 2012
Table of contents hide 1 God the Father and Goddess Mother of the Universe 2 The Vesica Pisces, the Triple Flame and the Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray 3 The Archangel Michael and the Cosmic Council of Light 4 The Three Divine Rays and their function within our experience Sub-universal 5 ARCANGEL MIGUEL:

The image of Vesica Pisces (*) is a symbol of our Father God and our Mother Goddess unified as the two main aspects of the Supreme Creator, with the Cosmic Matrix of Creation, Vesica Pisces, in the center. The Vesica Piscis is a portal of light. It is the matrix of Creation and the source of unity consciousness. Creation consists of intertwined circles, always expanding, larger, with the Vesica Pisces portal in the middle, which creates the symbol of the Flower of Life. The symbol of Vesica Pisces creates a path between the spiritual and material worlds.

(* Vesica Piscis means fish bladder in Latin)

God the Father and Goddess Mother of the Universe

In the previous image, the white portion is “the Vesica Pisces”. The Cosmic Matrix for the "suns" of the Creator: the co-creator sons and daughters. It is also the Cosmic Collision from which the Adamantine Particles of the Creator's Light flow into the universe through the great Cosmic Rays.

Vesica Pisces, the Triple Flame and the Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray

The Age of the Seventh Ray and the Violet Flame acted as a trigger point for the initiation of our evolutionary ascension process, through which the triple flame of Divine Consciousness accelerates dramatically. Ethically its direct influence on Earth and humanity. As it accelerates, it spirals, rising in frequency, creating the fusion in the Blue and Pink Flames around the central Golden Flame. This spiral action results in a mixture of the Pink and Blue Flames, creating the Sacred Violet Fire: a divine alchemy through which all discordant and unharmonious energies can be transmuted or transformed into a substance of force vital positive. This purification is necessary so that we, the solar sons and daughters or so soles of light, can once again attract the Adamantine Particles of the Creator Light through us The radiance of our God the Father and our Goddess Mother.

The two intertwined circles create the symbol of our God the Father and our Mother Goddess unified as the two primary aspects of the Supreme Creator, with the Cosmic Matrix of Creation, the Vesica Pisces, in center. This symbol is encoded deep within our Divine Diamantine Core Cell, and when activated with the Adamantine Particles of the Creator's Light, it becomes a glowing Flame Triple.

Archangel Michael tells us that the ancient drawing of the Triple Flame was appropriate for its moment; however, it was not a true representation of what the symbol really represents, nor was the drawing accurate. Humanity was not prepared for the full explanation; however, it helped those who were on the path to realize that there is an etheric shield printed across the area of ​​the upper part of our chest that contains the energies of the three Rays of God.

The circle on the right is iridescent blue (or bright blue) for our God the Father; the circle on the left is an iridescent pink (or bright pink) for our Mother Goddess, and the third section of the center (which is the symbol of Vesica Pisces), the Cosmic Matrix of Creation, is a golden color.

Archangel Michael and the Cosmic Council of Light

Ronna Herman - Holy Scribe

Dear friends, it is interesting how Archangel Michael has protected my consciousness from several other revelations, and also from information about Vesica Pisces, until he was ready to incorporate the information into his messages or drawings about the Sub-Universes . I had heard the term "Vesica Piscis" for years; However, I didn't understand it, and I wasn't curious enough to go deeper into it. I find it very interesting how the information that Archangel Michael offers us is presented in small pieces so that it can seep into our consciousness and develop gradually. This was the process with the Pyramids of Light, the Breathing of the Infinite, the World Pyramid, the Pyramid of the World Servants, the Adamantine Particles of the Creator's Light, and more recently, the Amethyst Pyramid of Rejuvenation and Healing. The information and illustrations of the Sub-Universes were downloaded to my mind for a period of about six months. It took a long time for me to clarify the concepts in my mind and accurately draw the illustrations. Now, during these crucial times of great changes, the beloved Archangel Michael has told me that it is time to share this amazing new information with all of you.

He has always made me share the most recent information first in my seminars and with my students, and then, later, we would present it to the masses. He tells me that the reason for this is so that seed thoughts can be stored in the Pyramids of Light in the fifth dimension, where they could be accessed more easily by those whose frequencies are high enough to be able to access the cosmic store of wisdom. However, the process of ascension and evolution is accelerating dramatically, and he has instructed me to share more of this new information with all of you during the coming months.

When Archangel Michael told me that our God the Father and our Mother Goddess were not two separate Beings, but a unified BEING with two sets of qualities, virtues and individualized aspects, I was surprised and rejoiced. On the universal level of consciousness there is no division or opposition.

He informed me that within our Diamond Core Divine Cell we have an Atomino Seed Crystalline, which contains the Mandala of the Vesica Pisces. Our God the Father and our Mother Goddess reside in the Great Central Sun of this universe, and one aspect of their Essence also resides within our Sacred Heart. As often happens, I was presented with further validation through a YouTube video of Spirit Science Seventeen that Randy Monk sent me. About three minutes from the video, a fertilized human egg was shown. Within twenty-four hours after fertilization, the ovum divides, creating the Vesica Pisces symbol. He continues to divide, creating the Flower of Life mandala. The text read: "WE ARE THE GENESIS OF CREATION." This was such a wonderful epiphany for me, and brought such wonderful clarity and understanding, along with great joy and an outpouring of loving energy from the center of my Sacred Heart. OUR BELOVED DIVINE PARENTS ARE NOT “THERE OUTSIDE”. THEY ARE ALWAYS WITH US, HIDDEN IN OUR SACRED HEART.

The Three Divine Rays and their function within our sub-universal experience

Ronna Herman - Holy Scribe

In the drawings of the Universe and the Sub-Universe that the Archangel transmitted to me, he placed the circle of the Sons and Daughters of Paradise below and slightly superimposed on the bottom of the Vesica Pisces drawing. It also made me draw a wavy line through the center - similar to a drawing of Yin and Yang -. This symbol represents the division into duality - the positive and negative aspects of Creation -. The male and female Sparks of Divinity carry the positive and negative aspects of the Supreme Creator in the realms of materiality. This means that the masculine energy incorporates the positive or electrical quality, while the feminine the magnetic, receptive or negative quality. Both qualities or forces are required for creative action to occur. There is no implication of good or bad in the true meaning of these qualities. In this case, the word "negative" is used as an electrical application - in itself, the negative is not the active force; However, it has power. This Sub-Universe is built on the fusion of male and female energies.

We can only address the qualities, virtues and attributes of the THREE RAYS OF GOD in the way they are radiated to the Great Central Sun of our Sub-Universe. At this point, we have little knowledge of the Plans, Designs, Divine Schemes for the many other Sub-Universes within this Universe. All that has been told to me is that they are of various amplitudes (like the pieces of a cake), with multiple levels of frequency of Creation, which consist of a vast and complex variety. Our Sub-Universe is young compared to most other Sub-Universes within our Universe. However, due to our unique Original Divine Design and our mission we are in the preparatory phases of merging with a smaller Sub-Universe near us. As this merger progresses, the new Golden Galaxy that AA Miguel has talked about for many years will be in place as the Great Supralumine Central Sun for our new expanded Sub-Universe.

The First Ray of Divine Will and Divine Power is primarily a mental ray, which is incorporated into God the Father on a universal level. This Ray also carries the energies and attributes of truth, value, dynamic power, clarity of purpose and clear vision. It is a Ray focused outward and the most powerful of the three Rays of the God of our Universe when they are irradiated to our Sub-Universe.

The Divine Mother on a universal level carries the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom. It is primarily an emotional ray, which generates the loving energy to ignite the Seed Thoughts of the Divine Father's mind so that the Divine Plan is manifested in the material planes of Creation. The main focus of this Ray, when projected into the Great Central Sun of our Sub-Universe, is to convert knowledge into wisdom and moderate that wisdom with love and compassion.

Third Ray - the Ray of the Son and the Daughter contains equal proportions of Mental and Emotional attributes. It is the Ray of active intelligence, which includes, among other attributes, the desire to use the Will of our Father God and the Love and Wisdom of our Mother Goddess to become efficient co-creators in the material planes of existence. There are also Memory Code Cells within the Pattern of the Third Ray Souls, which instill a deep internal desire to become peacemakers and strive to achieve balance and harmony within the experiences of the lower dimensions.

The Third Ray radiates the power that helps humanity to perfect and use their mental and emotional bodies, as well as a desire to improve their recreational skills. This Ray also carries the qualities of tolerance, patience, unity and culture. It is the Ray of the SUNS (the sons and daughters of our Father God and our Mother Goddess), through which the dynamic mental energy of our Father God sends the Seed Thoughts of the new Creation. This dynamic energy that moves forward is combined with the vibrations of the second ray of our Divine Mother. The Goddess, who personifies the Cosmic Belly of Creation, receives these wonderful Seed Thoughts, so that they are incorporated into the Sons and Daughters of the Star Seed along with a layer of their attributes of Love and wisdom.


Beloved teachers, integrating ever-increasing amounts of the Creator's Light is a wonderful gift, but it is also a great challenge. For the aspirant to the accelerated path of ascension, what is now emerging from the inside are old vibratory patterns from the astral body and the chakra system. These residual, dense vibrations are not based on reality but are distorted concepts of your animal / human consciousness, which is often a battlefield for supremacy between your lower and upper mental and emotional faculties. .

They must learn to see beyond the personality and ego of those with whom they interact and try to feel the Essence of Love of their Soul. Self-consciousness (self-consciousness) must pass from the consciousness of the personality to the Consciousness of the Soul. They must develop the DIVINE INDIFFERENCE TO NEGATIVITY, so that they can remain centered in your Sacred Heart, which gives them access to your reservoir of Divine Power.

The most certain indication that they have gained access to your Sacred Heart and to the Atom Seed of God Consciousness internally is a constant state of SUCH and an overwhelming feeling of LOVE. This high frequency radiation from the center of your Sacred Heart, through your Solar Power Center, will affect everyone and everything around you. In the same way that the blessed Essence of Love, Light and Life is radiated from the higher dimensions of the Light, you must radiate a portion of the Living Light into humanity and the world in general.

The Path of Light that you are creating, beloved ones, will lead you back to the kingdoms of Light, where Sacred Love, bliss, peace and harmony prevail. Know that we are always close to you to guide, direct, inspire and protect you.

I am always your faithful companion.

I AM the Arc Miguel Angel.


Miguel Angel through Ronna Herman (*)

The Mystery of Vesica Pisces October 2012

Transmitted through Ronna Herman on August 30, 2012.

(*) As the transmitter of this article, I, Ronna Herman, claim universal copyright in the name of the Arc Miguel Angel. Publication on network sites is allowed as long as it does not alter, extract or add information and include my author's credit and my email addresses and website. . It can be published in newspapers, magazines or other print media with the permission of:

** The following article was downloaded from the Wikipedia Dictionary

The Vesica Pisces is easily one of the deepest geometric images of ancient and modern times. Essentially the intersection of two overlapping spheres, the Vesica Pisces (including the inner portion of it and / or the most common two-dimensional versions) represents, among other things:

1.- The union of God and Goddess to create an offspring,

2.- A symbol for Jesus Christ, the Fish,

3.- In art, an oval oval used as an aura in medieval sculpture and painting,

4.- The vagina of the female goddess,

5.- The basic design in the Flower of Life,

6.- A layer of the Tree of Life,

7.- The forming power of the polygons,

8.- A geometric description of square roots and harmonic proportions.

9.- A source of immense power and energy.

1) In the oldest traditions, the Supreme Being was represented by a sphere, the symbol of the BEING without beginning or end, continuously existing, perfectly formed and deeply symmetrical. The addition of a second sphere represented the expansion of unity to the duality of masculine and feminine, God and Goddess. By overlapping the two spheres, the God and the Goddess, they created a Divine offspring. The design of Vesica Piscis (and its derivatives, the Flower of Life, the Tree of Life and the foundations of geometry) has a history of thousands of years and easily precedes virtually all major religions of the current era.

2) The son or daughter of God and the Goddess is associated with the superposition of the spheres - the resulting three-dimensional figure somewhat similar to the football ball. In the case of Jesus Christ, the two-dimensional figure has also served as a symbol for the miracle of fish. (The "tail" also served to more easily identify the source of the flat figure). There, the power from inside this symbol is also transmitted.

3) The Vesica Pisces is a figure created by the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies in the circumference of the other. The name literally means the "bladder of a fish."

4) Yin and Yang are not opposite forces (dualities), but complementary opposites, invisible (hidden, feminine) and visible (manifest, masculine), that interact within a larger totality, as parts of a dynamic system. Everything has both aspects, yin and yang, since the Light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa, but any of these aspects can manifest itself more strongly in particular objects, and can flow and reflux over time.


Original title: The Mystery of the Vesica Piscis - Translation and publication: ~ OjS ~


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